Presenter: Nancy Geruntino, MA, SLP
– E.H., prior course participant
Participants will learn the concept of the Up, Down, & Slide Alphabet. This method is easy to teach, fun to learn, and most importantly, it reduces the number of contexts that need to be taught! It can be applied to any word with the 'R' sound, including all dialects, plus has application to language and literacy skills.
This methodology teaches students to analyze words for the sound that precedes the R, and identify that sound as an Up sound, a Down sound, or a Slide sound – regardless of spelling. Each sound category has a corresponding tongue position that students learn and use to successfully execute the production of R.
This approach, combined with sound discrimination training and motor planning instruction, will help students master 'R' pronunciation at the conversational level, plus address barriers related to spelling, pronunciation and dialect.
Offered for 0.3 ASHA CEUs – 3 contact hours.
Course Overview – Run Time: 3:00:57
– E.M., prior course participant
Stop and re-start the course at any point. Learners retain access to course content after completion for ongoing reference and review.
This presentation will focus on the "R Made Simple" Program for /r/ remediation. Other treatment approaches will receive limited or no coverage during this lecture. Presenter financial and non-financial disclosures may be found in the Presenter & Disclosures area.
Video PowerPoint presentation with author narration & downloadable handout. Stop and re-start the course at any point. Learners retain access to course content after completion for ongoing reference and review.
"The explanation of how to use the program to learn and master the /r/ sound and motor movements was beneficial. I liked the videos - they demonstrated so much progress in the students." L.M. (Mar. 2025)
"Demonstrations with the students were helpful. I liked the practical side as well as specific information." C.D. (Jan. 2025)
"The variations...up, down, slides were helpful. The in-depth knowledge for the variations in the production of r." M.S. (Jan. 2025)
"The tongue positioning instruction for /r/ as well as the simplified way of looking at the /r/ in the context of words was beneficial. The course went over things very thoroughly and created opportunities to try it out." L.S. (Jan. 2025)
"Beneficial techniques for describing how to make R sounds for children and teens who have had minimal success using traditional drills and other methods: eliciting R in isolation. I liked the examples of live therapy." C.L. (Jan. 2025)
"The thumb strategy was beneficial. I enjoyed the videos." J.U. (Dec. 2024)
"The simplification of /r/ therapy into 3 categories and the carryover information was beneficial. I liked the highlighting, analysis, color coding system." K.W. (Dec. 2024)
"The entire categorization of up, down, and slide sounds was helpful. I enjoyed the practice for the sound categories and some of the videos." D.R. (Dec. 2024)
"A novel approach that is easy for children to understand. Examples with children were helpful." L.S. (Dec. 2024)
"The course was so informative. Teaching children to listen to the preceding sound instead of focusing on the letter was very beneficial. Also for me, reviewing placement for up, down and slide was great. I liked the categories of up, down, slide." D.S. (Nov. 2024)
"I really found it interesting categorizing the different sounds into Up sounds, Down sounds, and Slides. I felt this course will be beneficial in my therapy sessions." S.H. (Nov. 2024)
"I thought the entire course was excellent. I have always taught /r/ breaking down the vowels and blends asking them to raise the back of their tongue and tense the tongue blade. This method seems much easier for the child to understand. I can't wait to try it on my clients that are struggling with /r/. The simplicity of it and how quickly the children began making correct /r/ sounds." L.S. (Nov. 2024)
"I liked the classification of sounds and student videos." R.L. (Nov. 2024)
"The demonstration of how to implement the therapy was helpful." R.H. (Nov. 2024)
"I thought this method was super interesting. I was not taught this in grad school. I will definitely be applying this method. I liked the fact you can go at your own pace and the videos you can watch." M.V. (Oct. 2024)
"Easily accessible information that I can immediately implement without much prep work. The information was thorough and took into consideration dialectical differences." M.L. (Oct. 2024)
"The classifications of R sounds were beneficial to discuss. I enjoyed the videos." J.W. (Oct. 2024)
"Using literature in combination with articulation goals was helpful. I enjoyed the therapy videos." J.W. (Sep. 2024)
"Breaking down motor planning was beneficial. I liked the method's ability to fit into any language or dialect." K.P. (Sep. 2024)
"I loved the course in its entirety. I loved the content and watching the videos." G.S. (Sep. 2024)
"How to analyze words to see if they are an up, down or slide sound was beneficial. I liked the videos showing therapy techniques." D.L. (Sep. 2024)
"Breaking down the sounds into the up, down and slide categories was beneficial. Very practical to apply immediately." T.P. (Aug. 2024)
"The applied methods for working with students were beneficial. I liked the specific word analysis." S.V. (Aug. 2024)
"The practice was helpful to be able to better understand the program. Great video examples!" S.W. (Aug. 2024)
"Specific examples of what a therapy session would look like were helpful compared to just reading the manual. I enjoyed the video examples and seeing the progress of the students." K.M. (Aug. 2024)
"The way the sounds were classified "up, down, slide" was beneficial. I liked the direct instruction on how to apply this therapy." G.R. (Jun. 2024)
"I enjoyed learning new elicitation techniques for R. Gave me something new to try in therapy with clients that are seemingly "stuck" or plateau in progress." A.S. (Jun. 2024)
"I now understand the "why" behind patterns of errors. Lots of examples." L.T. (Apr. 2024)
"A new way to teach r." B.I. (Apr. 2024)
"Loved how this course went right to treatment." J.F. (Mar. 2024)
"This methodology for supporting /r/ was beneficial to discuss. I liked the examples and videos." V.M. (Jan. 2024)
"Learning about the up, down, and slide alphabet was very interesting. Also, I liked the incorporation of language into this program, as a lot of my students have both language and articulation goals. I loved the different examples and how straightforward this program was." E.S. (Jan. 2024)
"New approach to 'r' with practice and lots of examples. I liked the opportunity to categorize the sounds/words and see if they were correct." M.L. (Jan. 2024)
"The entire concept of this program and its explanation was beneficial. Easy to follow and thorough instructions. I liked the SLP and student(s) working on a lesson." J.F. (Jan. 2024)
"I enjoyed the examples and hands-on approach." R.M. (Dec. 2023)
"Targeting /r/ using a different approach and allowing students more self-accountability. I liked the case studies." C.H. (Dec. 2023)
"The explanation of the anatomy and physiology of the mouth muscles was beneficial. I enjoyed the videos of the therapy sessions." R.K. (Dec. 2023)
"I found the beginning information and training sessions the most beneficial for my daily practice. Nancy was brilliant to figure this all out and I am so glad she shared! I liked the instruction and the new and different strategies to support /r/. I love the motor planning that is predictable and objective for both the therapist and the client. I started this with my one student who has the /r/ challenge, and progress is occurring along with happiness and confidence. When I was writing a few notes after production occurred the first time with the thumb support and early strategy, the eleven-year-old was practicing accurately aloud. Thank you for this effective program!" N.R. (Dec. 2023)
"Categorizing the /r/ sounds helped me to have more awareness with the students that I work with. I liked focus on generalization." A.L. (Nov. 2023)
"The up, down, slide and tactile cue to musculature was beneficial. I liked the video examples and therapy specific." S.S. (Nov. 2023)
"These new techniques for eliciting /r/ will be very helpful in therapy. Clear and concise; practicing was helpful." A.E. (Nov. 2023)
"I love this approach for /r/ therapy for my students. It seems to involve them in understanding tongue placement, analyzing the word and then figuring out where their tongue needs to go independently rather than me just telling them repeatedly! I really liked the practice part for the learner to figure out which is up, down, or slide. When I started the course, I was very intimidated and afraid that I wouldn't understand it, but when we practiced, I saw that I CAN do it." M.B. (Nov. 2023)
"I liked the videos of actual therapy. The review of the placement of the articulators and the up, down or slide labels that are used to explain placement were beneficial." K.R. (Nov. 2023)
"Practical application correlating with a hands-on program. Thorough and great sequence from theory to application." J.N. (Nov. 2023)
"I liked the strategies and the examples of implementation through videos with students." M.F. (Nov. 2023)
"Specific techniques to increase production of /r/." J.Y. (Nov. 2023)
"I'm excited to apply this overall methodology. I liked how well explained it was." L.S. (Nov. 2023)
"I really appreciated learning the elicitation technique for "r", e.g. thumb-up exercise, and addressing the coarticulation piece of "r" therapy. I liked the convenience of this course and the high quality of the educational content." L.V. (Oct. 2023)
"I loved the real-life videos. I really enjoyed seeing the application with literacy as this is an area of weakness for a lot of my clients." E.J. (Oct. 2023)
"This course was very helpful with teaching my students who struggle with /r/ production. It demonstrated how to use this program and had various therapy ideas." E.K. (Oct. 2023)
"Specific therapeutic procedures. I liked the examples." S.C. (Oct. 2023)
"Lots of good examples and videos demonstrating the information presented. I liked analyzing the /r/ to help motor planning." K.T. (Sep. 2023)
"I liked the depth of this program - not a narrow focus. Adding the literacy component into the program is beneficial." L.K. (Sep. 2023)
"Using the up/down/slide alphabet will help children improve their phonological awareness while building a strong motor plan. I liked that the presenter provided rationale behind these strategies." B.R. (Sep. 2023)
"I liked the video therapy presentations and discussions. Learning how to incorporate the R Made Simple program was beneficial." C.D. (Sep. 2023)
"Good explanation on how to use the R Made Simple program." S.Y. (Sep. 2023)
"I liked the video modeling and practical ways to incorporate techniques." S.G. (Sep. 2023)
"I will use this!" C.D. (Sep. 2023)
"Easy to apply immediately to my caseload. I liked simplifying the motor movements of /r/ into 3 categories (up, down, slide)." K.P. (Aug. 2023)
"Here's a way to work on /r/ that makes sense! It is more objective than other approaches seem to be. I loved the footage of students over time and being able to see the program in action." J.M. (Aug. 2023)
"I liked the teaching of the motor movement patterns of "up" "down" and "slide" as well as the use of language activities for generalization." J.V. (Aug. 2023)
"I really enjoyed all of the language and literacy-based practice ideas that were presented! This course was a very organized presentation with good, practical information. I always appreciate having copies of the slides to refer to and add notes to while the speaker is talking." M.P. (Aug. 2023)
"I liked all of it. Application of R therapy into academics and real life." J.L. (Aug. 2023)
"The entire course was extremely relevant. I enjoyed how detailed the presenter was in teaching this course. Her presentation style, teaching methods, and examples were excellent for learning. Placing sounds into categories is the basis of this program and the rest of the activities are grounded in this new way of presenting mastery of /r/." E.V. (Jul. 2023)
"Great techniques taught. I liked the step by step instructions for using this program." E.D. (Jul. 2023)
"A different approach to teaching the production of /r/. The instructions were specific and the videos really helped to show how the therapy session would address the techniques." G.J. (Jul. 2023)
"This is truly a new way to teach the /r/, and I am excited to get started! The method you use for teaching the students "vocalic r" with the DOWN category - this makes it easier for the students to understand. I love the emphasis on analyzing the speech sounds instead of constant speech drills. The videos of the students learning and practicing the /r/ method were valuable." C.H. (Jun. 2023)
"I loved focusing on the sounds that precede the R sound, as that is often the biggest hurdle for our students. I also enjoyed the validation of incorporating literacy and language into speech artic therapy. Great information, and I loved getting ample opportunities to practice analyzing the sounds... AND seeing the case studies." D.D. (Jun. 2023)
"I enjoyed the discussion about applications to literacy and language intervention. And I liked the videos of therapy sessions!" B.E. (Jun. 2023)
"The method of this program is genius!! I love how detailed the teaching of the method and the examples of this program were. I am able to take what I have learned and implement this with my clients immediately." L.L. (May 2023)
"I liked how the presenter incorporated language learning into this program. The presentation showed exactly what to do with this program. I could leave this training and immediately implement the program." C.M. (May 2023)
"I liked the structured, simple data collection. I liked the intensive therapy process involving repetition and client understanding of the process, movement of speech anatomy, and goal setting." D.P. (May 2023)
"I liked the references to language and academic topics. And seeing the videos of program in action." A.C. (May 2023)
"I liked the description of up, down, and slide and all the practice that was included." M.G. (May 2023)
"Instructional videos of how this program is used in therapy sessions with children in the school therapy setting were beneficial." J.L. (May 2023)
"I liked the up down slide concept and seeing how quickly these children picked up on the skill. The practice slides were beneficial." D.W. (May 2023)
"R is so difficult to teach - I appreciated this new perspective." N.H. (May 2023)
"I teach the /r/ using a program that looks at over 20 variations of /r/ productions! Teaching 3 types of productions (up, down, slide) looks to be a lot easier for children to understand. I liked the easy classification of the /r/ productions." D.C. (Apr. 2023)
"Separating the /r/ words into up, down, slides to determine where the tongue needed to be was beneficial. I liked the videos and hands-on practice with the words." M.C. (Apr. 2023)
"I liked simplifying the R to a motor planning process and organizing it by up/down/slide. I liked the examples and the videos of the process. It was nice to have a thorough explanation of this program and to actually see the steps in action." J.F. (Apr. 2023)
"I will invest in this program. Absolutely insightful way to provide therapy." M.K. (Mar. 2023)
"I liked seeing the SLP at practice with her students." M.G. (Apr. 2023)
"This worked great with two of my /r/ students who had not been able to produce vocalic /r/ before. The steps and examples were very clear. I found the description of how to produce the /r/ sound in isolation with the use of the thumb exercise the most beneficial." A.V. (Mar. 2023)
"Unique perspective and novel strategy. I liked incorporating language therapy into articulation therapy." C.W. (Mar. 2023)
"I liked the comprehensive explanation of the ups, downs, and slides and the approach we can use to help our students discriminate those /r/ sounds within the words. I appreciated the methodology that was shared with us. As a result, we as therapists can implement those strategies into our sessions right away." M.C. (Mar. 2023)
"A strategic way to teach /r/ to speech students. I knew /r/ was pronounced in different ways depending on what vowel or blend surrounded the /r/, but I never realized there was a certain way per sound that was consistent. I can't wait to use this with my students who have been working on /r/ for a long time and letting them analyze it to take responsibility and help them generalize and master the /r/. I loved speaker's enthusiasm and watching the progress of the conversational speech after the year of speech." A.P. (Mar. 2023)
"The instructional cues and methods made this course easy to understand and easy to implement. Clearly presented and thoroughly explained my questions before I could form them." T.F. (Mar. 2023)
"I liked the video demonstrations of methodologies with older students as well as young ones. The thumb exercise to assist in placement and production of the "cup" position of the tongue was helpful." S.A. (Mar. 2023)
"It’s a tangible program. Easy to understand." M.K. (Mar. 2023)
"This is a different approach to R therapy. I liked the practice materials." L.C. (Mar. 2023)
"I learned a new method and process for teaching /r/ sounds. Straightforward presentation, examples, handouts. Liked the child-friendly language of the approach." M.Y. (Jan. 2023)
"Course was easy to understand and with lots of examples." C.L. (Jan. 2023)
"I liked the video examples of how to teach this program to students." E.L. (Jan. 2023)
"I liked the videos of therapy sessions, practice time, and repetitions. And learning the 3 'r' positions." J.C. (Jan. 2023)
"Useful ways to get an R!!" J.H. (Jan. 2023)
"Thinking of the R productions as up, down, and slide. Using the thumb exercises to help get the correct production. Video examples to show it in action." M.B. (Jan. 2023)
"Carryover to other subjects. Liked all of the handouts." T.M. (Jan. 2023)
"A new and practical approach for my /r/ challenged middle schoolers. I love how many practical solutions and ideas were provided." D.J. (Dec. 2022)
"I liked the practicality of use for daily therapy. Tongue exercises were beneficial." A.K. (Dec. 2022)
"Using the 3 different categories to explain /r/ to children in a friendly, easy to understand way. The examples, videos, and real life therapy practices were helpful." M.K. (Dec. 2022)
"I loved the idea of dividing /r/ sounds into just 3 groups." M.P. (Dec. 2022)
"I learned a new methodology for treating /r/ and all articulation. This course was easy to listen to." K.M. (Dec. 2022)
"I loved the new approach to teaching tongue placement by using the sounds alphabet. I liked the recorded therapy examples which allowed me to see the students' progress over time." D.R. (Dec. 2022)
"The categories within the course were easily accessible. The therapy clips demonstrating the techniques were very informative." A.M. (Dec. 2022)
"I liked the video examples." C.T. (Dec. 2022)
"I think grouping the sounds in the Ups, Downs, and Slides is a very concrete way to help students realize/visualize the sounds as they make them. I will definitely be reviewing the course again as I continue therapy with my students. Liked the concrete examples by showing actual therapy sessions." M.M. (Dec. 2022)
"The categorization of sounds was helpful from a co-articulation perspective, and how to choose which words to practice. The specific examples were very helpful." D.W. (Dec. 2022)
"Incorporating language and articulation activities to improve the /r/ and increase language proficiency was beneficial - fun for the students." D.S. (Dec. 2022)
"I liked the therapy examples provided. And the emphasis on looking at the sounds that precede the 'r' to help in producing a correct /r/ in speech." C.H. (Dec. 2022)
"Many therapy activities presented. I liked the modeling with students." K.C. (Nov. 2022)
"I liked the systematic way of teaching the children to produce the R sound by reducing the complexity of motor planning." T.O. (Nov. 2022)
"I liked the instructional videos." S.R. (Nov. 2022)
"Learning the up/down/slide alphabet and thumb push under chin - the whole course was helpful." G.W. (Nov. 2022)
"This course is directly applicable to daily therapy." L.D. (Nov. 2022)
"I enjoyed learning the up, down, and slide tongue positions. Videos showing practice with students and the progress they made over various periods of time were nice. I liked the color coding of the different methods - up, down, and slide and having students analyze words." C.B. (Nov. 2022)
"I liked the therapy clips demonstrating the technique." A.M. (Nov. 2022)
"I liked the whole topic, as it is a novel approach to /r/ work. The video examples are always useful. Speaker has an easy-to-follow, linear approach to instruction." A.W. (Nov. 2022)
"Well organized and easy to follow. I liked learning Up/Down/Slide for how to produce /r/." S.S. (Nov. 2022)
"The videos were great! I could really identify with the children and the therapy sessions. I enjoyed learning the method. I found it very interesting that you did not have a drill on isolation, vowels, etc. I also liked the information on the "glue words!" L.S. (Oct. 2022)
"I'm retired, but I plan to try this approach with my grandson. When I was practicing, I used some of these same ideas, like the slide sounds and thumb position from the PROMPT program that I was trained in!" S.K. (Oct. 2022)
"I liked the video examples of therapy and practice analyzing words. And learning to group speech sounds into up, down, and slide categories." S.A. (Oct. 2022)
"Learning the Up, Down, Slide approach and how it impacts motor planning was beneficial." C.G. (Oct. 2022)
"A new approach to teaching /r/ for kids is helpful for those who have stalled in their treatment. The examples were great." B.O. (Oct. 2022)
"Great use of examples, demonstration, and practical application. Watching video examples was very helpful." K.K. (Oct. 2022)
"I liked the student videos. Good instruction and ideas for how to teach students to correctly produce the /r/ sound." J.B. (Oct. 2022)
"I loved all of it and I really liked learning about the thumb exercise. I really enjoyed the demonstrations and how to incorporate this methodology into therapy." V.B. (Oct. 2022)
"I liked learning the different categories of R productions. This course included excellent language activities for generalization and carryover of R sounds while stimulating or teaching language skills." B.S. (Oct. 2022)
"I liked learning how to implement the approach. Good examples - lots of practice." S.V. (Sept. 2022)
"I found most beneficial the examples of ways to implement the program. The videos provided clear examples of the therapy process to implement the program." S.S. (Sept. 2022)
"I liked the word analysis activities." J.H. (Sept. 2022)
"The course is easy to follow. I liked learning to categorize the /r/ sounds into the Up, Down and Slide groups." K.H. (Sept. 2022)
"The categorization of the /r/ sounds into up, down, and slide as well as the physical prompting with the thumb was most beneficial. The multiple video examples in categorizing /r/ sounds were the best part of this course." M.P. (Sept. 2022)
"Extremely functional, well organized and I liked the specific examples & videos provided. Thorough approach to teaching a completely different way of therapy for the /r/ sound." K.D. (Aug. 2022)
"I loved seeing Nancy implement the program and being able to witness the change in the students' speech. The /r/ sound is challenging to correct and using color coding for placement will be beneficial." C.C. (Aug. 2022)
"Rethinking current practice and considering factors of co-articulation, diversity in language dialects and spellings, and real examples will most benefit my practice. Immediate practicality and access to ready-made materials to reduce planning workload and streamline services within a programmed experience." M.K. (Aug. 2022)
"I could feel myself learning the content and saw the value of the highlighting, repetition of the rules, and frequent opportunities for practice. This was a very well thought out, systematic learning process with excellent results. I am happy to add this to my arsenal. I liked the use of sound rich language contexts to support both language and reinforcement of the artic goals. I thought it was excellent! I am always very pleased with the presenters at NSS." G.E. (Aug. 2022)
"I liked that I was able to break it up into shorter viewing sessions." B.M. (Aug. 2022)
"The flow and format of the course were good." J.W. (July 2022)
"Practical! It will help my students make faster progress with their /r/ sounds." G.B. (June 2022)
"I liked practicing determining if words were ups/downs/slides. That was very helpful. I also liked watching the clips of real therapy in action." G.B. (June 2022)
"Real life video examples of how to implement were very helpful!" I liked having a new approach for R." A.S. (June 2022)
"I liked seeing the kids progress. And highlighting different coarticulation patterns was beneficial." C.P. (June 2022)
"A new approach for /r/! I liked the concept of up, down, and slide sounds." L.C. (June 2022)
"I like how well the topic was covered and the videos that showed the implementation of the system." L.N. (June 2022)
"This is, by far, the best CEU course I've taken in several years. I liked the program itself along with the therapy sessions. Nothing can replace watching a good SLP in practice!" E.M. (May 2022)
"Showing the information being used by real-life students was helpful." K.D. (May 2022)
"It gave very useful information to carry back into my daily therapy sessions." S.B. (May 2022)
"This course was comprehensive. I liked the video examples and the specific strategies for eliciting /r/." L.M. (May 2022)
"Learning how to use coarticulation strategies via the up, down, slide method will be very beneficial to use in my therapy sessions. The video sessions were very informative." S.B. (May 2022)
"I liked the examples with children and task breakdown, and the emphasis on lingual movement and strength." T.K. (May 2022)
"Learning the color codes to analyze where the sound is produced and helping the child know how to move their tongue into position for the r sound was beneficial for my daily practice." S.B. (May 2022)
"The ease of course access was nice. Part One was most beneficial for me. I liked that she broke it down into specific categories." H.B. (May 2022)
"I liked that I was able to take the course at any time, and able to pause if necessary. And learning to break down the words into up, down, and slide categories." M.B. (May 2022)
"This course has really changed the way I work on the /r/ sound. I have found it very effective! I liked the examples of how to break down words for specific motor planning." E.H. (Apr. 2022)
"I like the practical application of the strategy – a new approach to remediating /r/." N.P. (Apr. 2022)
"I liked learning how to analyze words with the students! And learning about the up down and slide method!" J.H. (Apr. 2022)
"I liked that it's a different way to work on the r sound. Something new to try!" D.L. (Mar. 2022)
"The videos demonstrating teaching of program to actual students was most beneficial. I appreciated the case study type videos and the ideas for how to implement the strategies with students." C.K. (Mar. 2022)
"I liked the many examples given, the videos of real therapy sessions as well as the ideas to incorporate language into the therapy sessions." B.S. (Mar. 2022)
"I liked the video session examples – seeing how the program works using students who are using the program. Also seeing how they improved in therapy. " K.B. (Feb. 2022)
"It was very easy to understand and will be easy to implement in my therapy. I liked the use of Ups, Downs, and Slides to teach the r sound." D.P. (Jan. 2022)
"Supporting glottal or pharyngeal productions/tension with singing. I liked seeing real therapy with students who were not making perfect 'r' sounds." A.O. (Jan. 2022)
Nancy L. Geruntino, MA, SLP, has been a practicing speech-language pathologist for over 30 years providing services in private practice, clinics, and public school settings. For the past 12 years, Nancy has been developing and perfecting a new intervention technique for ‘R’ remediation. Years of observing children failing when traditional therapies were used to remediate ‘R’ provided the motivation for Nancy to develop an ‘R’ remediation program that addresses all ‘R’ sounds in all contexts.
Through the creation of the Up, Down, & Slide Alphabet, this program can help speech-language pathologists teach students and clients how to categorize ‘R’ sounds into one of these categories to improve tongue motor planning and the pronunciation of ‘R’ to overcome barriers related to pronunciation, spelling, and dialect. Nancy is the recipient of many school district awards including one for creating a speech improvement program for kindergarten students. She is also the author of 14 children's books. Nancy hopes that wide implementation of her program during the early school years will eliminate 'R' problems in middle school and high school.
Speaker Disclosures:
Financial — Nancy Geruntino is a presenter of online CE courses sponsored by Northern Speech Services; receives royalties.
Financial — Nancy Geruntino is the author of the "R Made Simple" program published by Northern Speech Services; receives royalties.
Nonfinancial — Nancy Geruntino has no relevant non-financial relationships to disclose.
This program is offered for 0.3 ASHA CEUs (Intermediate Level; Professional Area).
Northern Speech online courses are registered with ASHA and are offered for ASHA CEUs. The number of ASHA CEUs is noted above. Note that 0.1 ASHA CEU = 1 contact hour = equals 1 CEE.
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During the enrollment process, if you select to receive ASHA credit for this course and if you provide your ASHA number, Northern Speech will automatically submit your CEU information to the ASHA CE Registry after successful course completion (80% on post test). This submission happens once per month, during the first week of the month. For example, if you complete your course on November 7th, Northern Speech will submit all November online course CEUs to ASHA during the first week of December. When ASHA inputs the information into their database, they will mark the course as completed on the last day of the month in which it was completed, so November 30th using this example. The certificate of completion available for you to print immediately, however, will reflect the actual completion date, November 7th in this example. Due to ASHA processing procedures please allow 2-3 weeks, from the submission date, for the course to appear on your ASHA transcript.
Licensing Boards: Most state licensing boards DO accept CEUs earned online (usually classified as home-study credits). Some state boards do, however, place a limit to the number of credits that can be earned via home study/online courses. For the most current information, we suggest that you contact your licensing board or agency to verify acceptance policies and/or any credit limits related to home-study courses prior to registering for this course.
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Access to course materials and content does not expire, even after completing the post test. You may continue to review course material by logging into your NSS account, clicking the My Online Courses tab, and then viewing your desired course.
Certificate of Completion:
On successful completion of the post test (80%), a certificate will be immediately available for download and/or printing. This certificate will include your name, date of completion (based on Eastern Time Zone, USA/Canada), and number of contact hours (CEUs / CEEs). Please note that CEUs are awarded on the date of successful test completion, not the date of course enrollment. Please ensure that you successfully complete the post test prior to any licensure renewal dates.
ASHA CE Registry Submission:
During the enrollment process, if you select to receive ASHA credit for this course and if you provide your ASHA number, NSS will automatically submit your CEU information to the ASHA CE Registry after successful course completion (80% on post test). This submission happens once per month, during the first week of the month. For example, if you complete your course on November 7th, NSS will submit all November online course CEUs to ASHA during the first week of December. When ASHA inputs the information into their database, they will mark the course as completed on the last day of the month in which it was completed, so November 30th using this example. The certificate of completion available for you to print immediately, however, will reflect the actual completion date, November 7th in this example. Due to ASHA processing procedures please allow 2-3 weeks, from the submission date, for the course to appear on your ASHA transcript.
Purchase Orders:
Purchase orders are currently not accepted for online orders, if you wish to submit a purchase order please do so at or fax to 888-696-9655.
What is an Online Course?
Our Online Courses consist of video, audio, and/or text content and are offered for ASHA CEUs. Unlike a webinar, which requires participants to be logged on and at a computer at specific times, our Online Courses are available to you at any time, from any device, via your online account. You may work at your own pace and start and stop your course as you wish. Your course will conclude with a short post test. On successful completion of the post test (>80%), a printable certificate of completion is presented to you.
Receiving CEUs:
Northern Speech is an ASHA CE Provider and our online courses are registered with ASHA and offered for ASHA CEUs. Please note that successful completion of the online post test is required prior to the awarding of CEUs. Please contact your state licensing board for acceptance policies related to CEUs earned online. Please note that courses offered for university students are not applicable for CEUs.
Registering for an online course:
You may browse all online courses by clicking the Continuing Education tab above, then Online Courses. Once you find a course, click Enroll Now, and you will be asked to either log into your existing Northern Speech account or create a new online account. Once you’ve entered your account information and provided your credit card payment, your course will be immediately available to you.
Accessing your purchased course or returning to a purchased course:
You will be able to access your online course by logging into your Northern Speech account and then clicking the My Online Courses tab on your profile screen. Click the course you would like to start or to resume. From there, proceed through the course sections until you are ready to complete the post test. You do not have to complete your course all at once. You may log on and off as you wish.
Testing requirements:
Each online course concludes with a post test consisting of multiple choice or true & false questions. Scores of 80% or greater are required for successful course completion and awarding of CEUs. You may revisit course materials and retest as needed to achieve a passing score.
Number of CEUs offered:
We offer courses from 1 to 21 contact hours. Each course will note the number of CEUs offered. Please note that 0.1 CEU = 1 contact hour = 1 CEE.
State licensing boards and online CEUs:
NSS is an ASHA CE Provider and most state licensing boards DO accept ASHA CEUs earned online (usually classified as home-study credits). Some boards do, however, place a limit to the number of CEUs that can be earned via home study/online courses. For the most current information, we suggest that you contact your licensing board or agency to verify acceptance policies and/or any CEU limits related to home-study courses prior to enrolling in an online course.
Course formats:
Our course formats include: text, audio, video, and PowerPoint with author narration. Each course will note the format on the course description page. Most courses include closed captioning.
Course handouts:
Most of our online courses provide a link to download the accompanying handout as a PDF file.
Group discounts:
Groups of 3 or more are eligible for a 20% discount on each registration on most of our online courses. To receive this discount, registrations need to be processed together via the "Group Rates" tab on the Online Course of your choice.
Computer requirements:
For our online courses to function best, we recommend that you update your computer to include the newest version of your Internet browser (Safari, Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Internet Explorer, etc.) and newest version of your computer's operating system. Also a high-speed Internet connection is recommended (cable or DSL). Speakers or headphones will be required for many of our courses as many contain audio components.
Course Cancellation Policy:
A purchased online course can be exchanged, refunded, or transferred to another individual if contact is made with NSS (via phone or email) within 30 days of purchase and the course materials have not been viewed or downloaded.
Special Needs:
Please click here for any special needs requests, and we will do our best to accommodate them.
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