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Therapy Materials

Currently showing 68 products.
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Digital Product

Evaluative Artificial Speech Intelligence – EASI-AI

EASI-AI features cutting-edge machine-learning technology that will reliably screen for autism by identifying linguistic and non-linguistic features, extracted from recordings of children’s speech. The system uses familiar mobile devices to collect speech samples, which employ a user-friendly interface that SLPs can operate with minimal training.... more+

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Digital Product

Learning Style Profile© Autism Activity Book: 25 Naturalistic Social Plans For The Home & Community

Downloadable resource with 25 naturalistic social plans to help professionals and parents prepare autistic children for successful social experiences. The activities address birthday parties, play dates, cooperation, sharing, family dinners, playgrounds, car trips, and more. Materials are guided by the most up-to-date Naturalistic Developmental Behavioral Interventions (NDBI) literature in ASD and ASHA's ASD Practice Portal Guidelines.... more+

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Sale thru 3/31/25

'R' Made Simple

Are your students struggling to make progress using traditional ‘R’ remediation therapy? Simplify your approach! The "R Made Simple" method is easy to teach, fun for students to learn, and most importantly, it reduces the number of contexts that need to be taught! This approach addresses all ‘R’ sounds in any word no matter the context! Appropriate for students who are beginning therapy, and also for students with distortions persisting after expected development. ... more+

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Sale thru 3/31/25

Articulation Theatre Books

An easy and creative way to target multiple sounds simultaneously in a group setting and with success! Allows students to fully participate together in the SAME therapy activity, despite working on different speech sounds. Features playfully illustrated, no-preparation play scripts targeting R, S, L, Sh, Ch, Th.... more+

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Sale thru 3/31/25

Kaufman (K-SLP) Treatment Kit 1 – Basic Level

Use in therapy to shape and expand verbal expression and make communication easier for children with CAS and other speech sound disorders. The target words in Kaufman Treatment Kit 1 were selected specifically to teach the syllable shapes that are the building blocks of speech that children need to master to become effective vocal/verbal communicators.... more+

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Sale thru 3/31/25

Kaufman (K-SLP) Treatment Kit 2 – Advanced Level

Once a child has mastered the sounds in Kaufman Treatment Kit 1, use advanced Kit 2 to refine intelligibility by addressing more complicated speech motor movements and synthesis into initial and final word positions. Kit 2 targets /f, g, k, l, s, sh/ and blends of /s, r, l/. Also included are the pivot syllables of low, ber, ter, and ing.... more+

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Sale thru 3/31/25

Kaufman (K-SLP) Workout Book – 3rd Edition

Ideal follow up to Kaufman Treatment Kit 1. Use Workout Book to quickly expand single words into functional phrases and sentences. Includes 16 cueing and scripting workouts that build on the simple syllable shapes learned in Kaufman Kit 1. Features the familiar Mutt Family characters and includes downloadable, reproducible materials that are great for home programs!... more+

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Sale thru 3/31/25

Language Theatre Books

An easy and creative way to target a variety of language skills simultaneously in a mixed group! Allows students to fully participate together in the SAME therapy activity, despite working on different language skills. Features playfully illustrated, no-preparation play scripts targeting Synonyms, Antonyms, Context Clues, Idioms, Attributes, and Inferencing.... more+

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Sale thru 3/31/25

Pediatric Swallowing and Feeding: Assessment and Management, Third Edition

This updated 3rd Edition text provides practical information for clinicians seeing children with swallowing and feeding disorders. All chapters contain significant updated evidence-based research and clinical information. New chapters focus on the genetic testing and conditions associated with swallowing and feeding disorders, and the pulmonary manifestations and management of aspiration.... more+

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Sale thru 3/31/25

Tracheostomy and Ventilator Dependence In Adults and Children: Learning Through Case Studies

The first of its kind, this textbook provides clinicians, educators, and students with detailed descriptions of real-world interventions and treatment strategies. It integrates what is known about physiology and treatment methods into the context of actual patients and their lives.... more+

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Color My Conversation™ - 3rd Edition

CMC is an interactive, multisensory program designed to improve social communication skills in children. Features 14 ready-made lessons to teach the elements of conversation and guide children through the conversation flow. The holistic approach fosters the development of turn taking, eye contact, social awareness, self-regulation, executive function, nonverbal cues, and metacognitive and metalinguistic skills. Includes ample implementation support for the SLP, allowing for seamless implementation of each lesson with success. ... more+

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K&K Sign/Select To Talk

K&K Sign/Select to Talk shapes vocal language within the context of requesting. Designed specifically for learners and their treatment teams who use multimodal communication to teach requesting with aided or unaided AAC systems. Concurrent with AAC instruction, this approach uses Kaufman K-SLP successive word approximations to improve the precision and functional clarity of verbal vocal production. Includes over 200 vocabulary cards representing everyday foods, drinks, toys, and activities that learners frequently request and find motivating.... more+

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NSS Heart-Shaped Stress Balls 5-Pack

An easy and fun way to show some love during therapy with our heart-shaped stress balls!... more+

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OK Story Cards

OK Story Cards are crafted to enhance language learning. The cards employ 80 vivid images to teach the essential vocabulary needed for everyday communication, including nouns, adjectives, and verbs. Learners can work through the cards in stages. Initially, learners focus on naming and describing individual objects and actions. Subsequently, learners create stories and narrate dialogues for the characters.... more+

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Sound Tales: Lola Says L

Lola and her friends make learning fun while evidence based practices make learning effective!... more+

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Sound Tales: Ruby Says R

Ruby and her friends make learning fun, while evidence-based practices make learning effective!... more+

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Sound Tales: Sonny Says S

Sonny and his friends make learning fun, while evidence-based practices make learning effective!... more+

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Spark Butterfly Matching Cards

This matching game is designed to help children develop important skills such as memory, attention to detail, hand-eye coordination, and critical thinking.... more+

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Spark Junior Sequencing Cards - Set 2

These durable, high quality sequencing cards are an innovative way to target multiple language goals like predicting, problem solving, verbs, pronouns, sentence structure, inferencing, reasoning skills, and so much more. Spark Cards - Junior Edition Set 2 focuses on Building a Birdhouse, Going Fishing, Building a Snowman, Making a Pizza, Morning Routine, Making a Burger, Building a Sandcastle, and Planting a Flower. ... more+

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Spark Life Cycle Puzzles

Use these puzzle sets to expand children's knowledge on life cycles!... more+

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Spark On Your Spark Game

Enjoy two games in one, while improving your vocabulary and associations, labeling and describing skills, and concentration!... more+

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Spark Picture This 2! Flipbook

The ultimate guide to teaching social-emotional skills, problem-solving, cause and effect, and more!... more+

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Spark Snowman Matching Cards

This matching game is designed to help children develop important skills such as memory, attention to detail, hand-eye coordination, and critical thinking.... more+

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Spark Step-By-Step Sequence Lotto Game

This Sequence Game is a great addition to your speech therapy materials, homeschool supplies, or classroom.... more+

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Spark Things That Go Matching Cards

This matching game is designed to help children develop important skills such as memory, attention to detail, hand-eye coordination, and critical thinking.... more+

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'R' Made Simple & Articulation Theatre Books

SAVE $46 when you pair these 2 unique articulation focused programs! 'R' Made Simple is an entirely different approach to ‘R’ remediation. Articulation Theatre is an easy and creative way to target multiple sounds simultaneously in a group setting. ... more+

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CVES™ Beginner & Intermediate Combo

Everything you need to teach both picture exchange and core vocabulary!  CVES™ is a low-tech, durable, two-way AAC communication platform created to help students develop functional communication skills. Can be used as both an interactive communication board and a language teaching tool.... more+

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Kaufman (K-SLP) Treatment Kit 1 & Workout Book

Save $75 when you combine these two best-selling apraxia therapy resources. Use Kaufman Kit 1 to teach children the syllable shapes that are the building blocks of speech that they need to master to become effective vocal/verbal communicators. Then, use Workout Book's engaging activities to move children quickly forward from single words into functional phrases and sentences.... more+

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Kaufman (K-SLP) Treatment Kit 2 & Workout Book

Save $75 when you combine these two best-selling apraxia therapy resources. Use Kaufman Kit 2 to refine intelligibility by addressing more complicated speech motor movements and synthesis into initial and final word positions. Then, use Workout Book's engaging activities to move children quickly forward from single words into functional phrases and sentences. ... more+

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Kaufman (K-SLP) Treatment Kits – 1 & 2

Save $100 when you combine these two best-selling apraxia treatment resources. Kaufman Kit 1 will teach children to combine consonants and vowels to form words. Once a child has mastered the sounds in Kaufman Kit 1, Treatment Kit 2 helps to refine intelligibility by addressing more complicated speech motor movements and synthesis into initial and final word positions.... more+

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Language Theatre Books & Articulation Theatre Books

SAVE $45 with this combo offer! Do you have mixed articulation and language groups? Looking to eliminate prep? Great news! Combining Articulation Theatre with Language Theatre allows you to group your articulation students together with your language students seamlessly into the same group therapy activity!... more+

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Literacy Speaks!® – 3 Set Combo

Save 25% with the Literacy Speaks!® 3-Set Combo! Incorporate orthographic instruction into your therapy sessions to remediate speech errors while supporting literacy and language skill development. Each Set includes stimulus cards, printables, and supportive activities.... more+

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Sound Tales Series 3-Book Combo

The Sound Tales Series is a set of 3 books geared towards helping children learn how to articulate and read the most difficult consonant sounds.... more+

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Spark Sequencing Cards 5-Set Combo

SAVE $35 for a limited time when you combine these 5 great Spark Sequencing Cards!... more+

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EET Additional Large Strand

Order additional EET large strands here. Please note that one (1) large strand is included in the Expanding Expression Tool Kit.... more+

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EET: Expanding Expression Tool Kit – 2nd Edition

Expand oral and written expression with this brilliant multi-sensory program. No longer receive one-word responses when asking students to describe vocabulary, objects or events. The hierarchical approach will quickly take a student's expression from single words to descriptive paragraphs to full reports!... more+

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Spark Holiday Sequencing Cards

Looking for something exciting and fresh? Love using Holiday-themed activities with your kiddos? These sequence cards are just for you! Get your child ready to tell narratives and improve storytelling skills with these amazing picture cards! Spark Holiday Sequence Cards focus on Valentine's, Easter, July 4th, Halloween, Thanksgiving, & Christmas.... more+

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BESA™ Forms - BIOS

Sold in a package of 20, these BIOS forms are part of the Bilingual English-Spanish Assessment (BESA), a language assessment for use with children ages 4 through 6 years who have varying degrees of bilingualism.... more+

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Sold in a package of 20, these ITALK forms are part of the Bilingual English-Spanish Assessment (BESA), a language assessment for use with children ages 4 through 6 years who have varying degrees of bilingualism.... more+

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BESA™ Protocols - English

Sold in a package of 20 forms, these three English subtests are a part of the Bilingual English-Spanish Assessment (BESA), a language assessment for use with children ages 4 through 6 years who have varying degrees of bilingualism.... more+

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BESA™ Protocols - Spanish

Sold in a package of 20 forms, these three Spanish subtests are a part of the Bilingual English-Spanish Assessment (BESA), a language assessment for use with children ages 4 through 6 years who have varying degrees of bilingualism.... more+

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Bilingual English-Spanish Assessment™ (BESA™)

BESA is a valid, reliable assessment that distinguishes between a language impairment or limited language exposure in young Spanish-English bilingual children. Includes the administration & scoring manual, stimulus booklet (2-sided), 20 protocols in both English & Spanish, 20 BIOS forms, and 20 ITALK forms. For use with children ages 4-6.... more+

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CVES™ – View Full System Versions

The Core Vocabulary Exchange System® provides everything you need to teach both picture exchange and core vocabulary! CVES™ is a low-tech, durable, two-way AAC communication platform. CVES™ offers an alternative to AAC devices that only teach requesting and labeling. Available in three versions: beginning, intermediate or advanced. Made in the USA.... more+

CVES™ 105 – Intermediate Core Foldout

This order includes the CVES™ 105 – Intermediate Core Foldout with 105 core vocabulary icons and core communication card. Can be used standalone for icon exchange and as a language teaching tool. CVES™ 105 is compatible with the CVES™ Full System. Features Boardmaker PCS® icons.... more+

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CVES™ 35 – Beginning Core Foldout

This order includes the CVES™ 35 – Beginning Core Foldout with 35 core vocabulary icons and core communication card. Can be used standalone for icon exchange and to provide access to early language. CVES™ 35 is compatible with the CVES™ Full System. Features Boardmaker PCS® icons.... more+

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CVES™ Complete Your System

For those who have purchased prior the CVES™ 35 or the CVES™ 105 standalone foldouts, this order includes all the additional components to construct a CVES™ Full System. Made in the USA. Features Boardmaker PCS® icons. ... more+

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EET Small Student Strand

The brilliant EET mnemonic strand is also available in this smaller student size. Great visual and tactile aid to keep students on topic, reduce the need for prompting, and improve organization.... more+

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EET Stickers

Ideal for individual student use as a writing aid with the EET Kit!... more+

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EETCHY Steppers

Terrific supplemental component to the EET program. Use these colorful discs for games in your classroom, home or clinic.... more+

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GROW! ¡CREZCA! Language Building Storybooks: English-Spanish Book Set

GROW! ¡CREZCA! is a unique set of children’s books written by an SLP for English-speaking, Spanish-speaking, or bilingual children. The engaging stories are written side-by-side in English and Spanish. Designed for early childhood language development to build vocabulary and teach important language skills.... more+

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Kaufman Speech Praxis Test (KSPT)

Diagnostic test to aid in the diagnosis and treatment of childhood apraxia of speech. KSPT measures a child's imitative responses to the clinician, identifies where the speech system is breaking down, and points to a systematic course of treatment. Breakdowns in KSPT match the levels of treatment in the Kaufman Treatment Kits, allowing for a seamless transition to therapy. Ages: 2;0 – 5;11.... more+

Kaufman Speech Praxis Test (KSPT) Score Sheets

Need additional KSPT score sheets?  This order includes a packet of 25 score sheets. Each can be used twice – once for the original assessment and once for a follow-up test.... more+

Let's Talk Today!™ Calendar

A calendar of 365 daily activities for teaching language skills at home. This product is a 12-month dateless calendar with over 400 fun and interactive activities to allow users multiple activity options. Simple explanations of proven language intervention techniques are incorporated. Featured activities build language skills needed for school success.... more+

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Literacy Speaks!® Clusters

Incorporate orthographic instruction into your therapy sessions to remediate speech errors while supporting literacy and language skill development. Order includes stimulus cards, printables, and supportive activities to target clusters /L, R, S/.... more+

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Literacy Speaks!® Early Developing Sounds

Incorporate orthographic instruction into your therapy sessions to remediate speech errors while supporting literacy and language skill development. Order includes stimulus cards, printables, and supportive activities to target the early developing sounds of /m, n, p, b, t, d, w, h, c/k, g, f, v/.... more+

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Literacy Speaks!® Later Developing Sounds

Incorporate orthographic instruction into your therapy sessions to remediate speech errors while supporting literacy and language skill development. Order includes stimulus cards, printables, and supportive activities to target the later developing sounds of /s, z, l, sh, th, ch, pre/vocalic r/.... more+

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Natural Language Acquisition on the Autism Spectrum

Communicative echolalia is not a disorder, rather it is a natural stage of language development. This ground-breaking book by Marge Blanc teaches methods that support children from echolalia to self-generated language. Learn all you need to know to understand your students who use echolalia. Learn to listen for meaning, to present language at the right level, and to support your students toward the next steps of NATURAL language development.... more+

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Nobody Ever Told Me (or My Mother) That!

Diane Bahr presents everything from Bottles and Breathing to Healthy Speech Development. Significant mouth development occurs during the first two years of your baby's life. By using simple, appropriate techniques during the first two years of life, you can help your baby develop the best mouth structure and movement possible.... more+

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Preschool Stuttering: What Parents Can Do

This informative book gives parents the tools that will help them with their child. Learn what happens when a child stutters, stuttering facts, the role of emotions in stuttering, the emotions and roles of the parents, what can cause the child's stutter to be better or worse, and more...... more+

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Spark Animal Matching Cards

These Animal Matching Cards create a social learning environment and encourage turn-taking skills. Builds tactile, motor skills, thinking skills, and learning basic vocabulary. Supports developing memory, language skills, vocabulary, and turn-taking. Great for pre-school, classroom, speech therapy, center play, autism, education, family fun, and ESL & ELL games.... more+

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Spark Animal Puzzle Set

These thick, durable, and illustrated animal puzzle pieces support language development through play and increase vocabulary. Learn Animal Habitats and Homes in a fun way. Develop memory, language skills, vocabulary, and associations while having fun! Great for pre-school, classroom, speech therapy, center play, autism, education, family fun, and ESL & ELL games.... more+

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Spark Cards - Junior Edition

These durable, high quality sequencing cards are an innovative way to target multiple language goals like predicting, problem solving, verbs, pronouns, sentence structure, inferencing, reasoning skills, and so much more. Spark Cards - Junior Edition focuses on Raking The Leaves, Ordering Ice Cream, Building A Doghouse, Cutting A Fruit Salad, Preparing A Fish Tank, Setting Up A Campfire, Nighttime Routine, and Making A Birthday Sign.... more+

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Spark Cards - Set 1

These durable, high quality sequencing cards are an innovative way to target multiple language goals like predicting, problem solving, verbs, pronouns, sentence structure, inferencing, reasoning skills, and so much more. Spark Cards - Set 1 focuses on Going To The Library, Making A Lemonade Stand, Preparing For A Hurricane, Planting Flowers, Going To The Vet, A Trip To The Beach, Setting The Table, and Playing Football.... more+

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Spark Cards - Set 2

These durable, high quality sequencing cards are an innovative way to target multiple language goals like predicting, problem solving, verbs, pronouns, sentence structure, inferencing, reasoning skills, and so much more. Spark Cards - Set 2 focuses on Flying A Kite, Shopping Trip, Going Ice Skating, Painting A Room, Building An Igloo, Baking A Cake, Going To The Airport, and A Trip To The Pet Store.... more+

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Spark Community Helpers Matching Cards

These amazingly illustrated cards are an innovative way to build tactile, motor, thinking, and learning skills. Introduces community helpers and improves basic vocabulary to answer “who” questions, making associations, comparing and contrasting, describing, working memory, imagination, and creative thinking. Great for pre-school, classroom, speech therapy, center play, autism, education, and ESL & ELL games.... more+

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Spark Community Helpers Sequencing Cards

These durable, high quality sequencing cards are an innovative way to target multiple language goals like predicting, problem solving, verbs, pronouns, sentence structure, inferencing, reasoning skills, and so much more. Spark Community Helpers Sequencing Cards feature Chef, Construction Worker, Custodian, Doctor, Farmer, Fire Fighter, Garbage Collector, Librarian, Mail Carrier, Pilot, Police Officer, Vet.... more+

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Spark Emotions & Feelings Flipbook

The ultimate tool to learn and explore emotions with your child!... more+

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Speech Class Rules: An Introduction To Speech Therapy For Children

Finally...a book about Speech Therapy for children! This informative fully illustrated children’s book introduces and explains the concept of speech therapy while engaging readers.... more+

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