CVES™ – View Full System Versions


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Core Vocabulary Exchange System®

Speech Therapy Downloads

CVES™ offers an alternative to AAC devices that only teach requesting and labeling. Watch CVES Therapy Videos

CVES™ is now available in three versions: beginning, intermediate or advanced. Select your version in the drop menu above.

CVES™ is a low-tech, durable, two-way AAC communication platform. It combines core vocabulary and picture exchange into one robust system that is both an interactive communication board and a language teaching tool. CVES™ was created to help children develop functional communication skills beyond simple requests or labeling, such as "I want" or "I see."

CVES™ may be used as a standalone AAC system dedicated to a child, or it may be used as a language teaching tool for children who have some verbal speech. Use CVES™ as a multi-sensory, interactive tool to help transition a child to verbal speech with extensive use, or serve as a bridge to a high-tech communication device. Features Boardmaker PCS® icons. Includes downloadable & reproducible data collection forms.

Ages 3 and up. Made in the USA.

CVES™ Full System Versions:

Beginning System (35)*

Intermediate System (105)*

Advanced System (189)*

Pixon™ Advanced System (189)

Click Here To Select Your Version

Core foldouts also available for individual purchase

*Features Boardmaker PCS® icons


CVES™ Core Vocabulary Exchange System

Click image to enlarge.

Components of the CVES™ Full System

Core Vocabulary Foldouts 

  • Customize your core foldout:

    • 35 core icons (icon size: 1" x 1.25")

    • 105 core icons (icon size: 1" x 1.25")

    • 189 core icons (icon size: 0.75" x 0.85")

    • Pixon™ 189 core icons (icon size: 0.75" x 0.85")

Core Communication Card

  • Allows for the user to build sentences of increasing complexity and allows for a two-way exchange of communication.

Visual Schedule

  • Provides a visual depiction of a sequence of upcoming events.

  • Core adapted.

  • Includes 140 icons.

First Then Card

  • Teaches expectations within an activity.

  • Core adapted.

  • Core-fringe or core-core.

Masking Icons

Personal Core Stickers

  • Stickers for customization on the Misc binder tab icons.

Communication Binder

  • 3-ring binder with hex key to secure inserts.

  • Carrying handle.

  • Binder stand.

Binder Inserts with Icons

  • High frequency categories where personal core and fringe vocabulary are stored. Includes a total of 166 icons divided into categories.

    • Food & Drink

    • Social & Social Phrases

    • Sensory

    • Health & Feelings

    • Art

    • Play

    • People

    • Miscellaneous (60 blank icon spaces.)

Also Included With This Order

  • Implementation Training Videos.

  • Downloadable & Reproducible Data Sheets.

  • Hook & Loop Fastening with Instructions for Assembly.

Click Here To Select Your Version

US Patents: 10,971,024 B2 and 10,170,012 B2. Australian Patent No. 2016244788.
PCS® and Boardmaker® are trademarks of Tobii Dynavox LLC. All rights reserved. Used with permission.


CVES Low-Tech AAC Icons

Core Vocabulary Foldout and Core Communication Card.

CVES Visual Schedule

Visual Schedule.

CVES First/Then Card

First Then Card.

CVES Low-Tech AAC System

Binder Inserts are stored within the 3-Ring Communication Binder. Inserts include 8 categories with 166 total icons.

“CVES has made it easier for me to teach and train core words in the classroom. By marrying Picture Exchange with Core/Fringe words in one system, my students are better able to develop a functional communication system while learning basic concepts, sight words, and sentence structure. I also love the durability of the picture icons - they can handle pretty much anything.”

– B. Wood, MHS, CCC-SLP/L, Chicago Public Schools

Read more reviews here

Unique Features of the CVES™ System

  • Incorporates core vocabulary with picture exchange into a multisensory system.

  • Durable icons come as organized, preprinted sheets of vinyl that are perforated to snap apart for easy set-up. No printing, laminating, scissors, or glue needed!

  • Icons are removable and returnable to the same location within the system to promote motor automaticity.

  • Features Boardmaker PCS® icons.

  • The layout of the system and use of the Fitzgerald key color coding allow for a smooth transition to a high tech device.

  • Core foldout relates to typical language development and includes first developing core vocabulary words.

  • Teaches language reciprocity and encourages Spontaneous Novel Utterance Generation (SNUG).


CVES™ Core Vocabulary Exchange System

Your Order Includes The CVES™ Full System. Pictured here: Intermediate Full System (105).

Additional Photos

What's Included

Start by Choosing Your CVES™ Core Foldout:

• Beginning System (35) - 35 icon foldout (icon size: 1" x 1.25")

• Intermediate System (105) - 105 icon foldout (icon size: 1" x 1.25")  

• Advanced System (189) - 189 icon foldout (icon size: 0.75" x 0.85")  

• Pixon™ Advanced System - 189 icon foldout (icon size: 0.75" x 0.85")  

Click Here To Select Your Version

Along with the CVES™ Foldout, you will receive:

  • Core Communication Card
  • First & Then Card
  • Visual Schedule
    • Board with 140 Icons (icon size: 1" x 1.25")
  • Communication 3-Ring Binder
    • Attached carrying handle.
    • Hex key to lock the 3-ring binder.
  • Binder Stand
  • Masking Icons 
    • 1 sheet (35 blank Icons) for the 35 Foldout (icon size: 1" x 1.25").
    • 2 sheets (70 blank Icons) for the 105 Foldout (icon size: 1" x 1.25").
    • 1 sheet (63 blank Icons) for the 189 Foldout (icon size: 0.75" x 0.85").
  • Binder Inserts with a total of 166 icons (icon size: 1" x 1.25")
    • Food & Drink
    • Social & Social Phrases
    • Sensory
    • Health & Feelings
    • Art
    • Play
    • People
    • Miscellaneous
  • Stickers for customization on the Miscellaneous Binder Insert.
  • Hook & Loop Fastening with instructions for assembly.
  • Implementation Training Videos.
  • Downloadable & Reproducible Materials/Data Sheets.


All icons come as organized, preprinted sheets of durable vinyl that are perforated to snap apart for easy set-up. No laminating, scissors, or glue needed! Some assembly required.

Need help deciding? Watch this short video to learn more about the different options available.

Target Audience

For ages 3 and up.

CVES™ may be used as a standalone AAC system dedicated to a child, or it may be used as a language teaching tool for children who have some verbal speech. Use CVES™ as a multi-sensory, interactive tool to help transition a child to verbal speech with extensive use, or serve as a bridge to a high-tech communication device.


Megan Brazas

Megan Brazas, MA, CCC-SLP, QOM, is a speech-language pathologist, credentialed early intervention provider, and holds a State of Illinois teaching license. She has extensive experience in working with children with complex communication needs, including autism spectrum disorder, cerebral palsy, Down syndrome, rare medical conditions, and complex orthopedic impairments. Additionally, Megan has experience evaluating and treating a variety of speech and language conditions including apraxia of speech and she is PROMPT Trained.

Megan speaks locally and nationally on topics such as core vocabulary, low-tech communication systems, functional communication, supporting communication in the special education setting, curriculum adaptations, behavior management for autism spectrum disorder, and typical language development. Megan’s contributions include presentations at the Assistive Technology Industry Association (ATIA), Infintec, Northwest Suburban Special Education Organization, and local school districts. Megan is the creator of the Core Vocabulary Exchange System® (CVES™), a low-tech core vocabulary based communication system which aligns with typical language development, published by Northern Speech Services.

Presenter Disclosures:

Financial — Megan Brazas is presenter of online CE courses sponsored by Northern Speech Services; receives royalties.

Financial — Megan Brazas is author and creator of the Core Vocabulary Exchange System® (CVES™) published by Northern Speech Services; receives royalties.

Nonfinancial — Megan Brazas has no relevant nonfinancial relationships to disclose.

Customer Reviews

"This affordable AAC system provides lots of core vocabulary pictures which helps the child communicate easier." -A.S

"The CVES system has provided our patients with an easy and understandable way to communicate. Through this system, we have seen great progress and an increase in communication skills with many children." – M. Orsak, SLP

"CVES has made it easier for me to teach and train core words in the classroom. By marrying Picture Exchange with Core/Fringe words in one system, my students are better able to develop a functional communication system while learning basic concepts, sight words, and sentence structure. I also love the durability of the picture icons - they can handle pretty much anything."

– B. Wood, MHS, CCC-SLP/L, Chicago Public Schools

"CVES is a no tech solution with robust language. So different from PECS...and much better, IMO. Great for transitioning from no tech to mid-tech to high tech with consistency of icons, core, Fitzgerald key, and more." – B. Speaker-Christensen, SLP

"Thank YOU for creating this system. I think that there are so many amazing high-tech communication devices out there, but not so many low-tech options that are as complete and flexible as your CVES. You really have made a giant contribution to the AAC world, and I am grateful for your invention. The CVES really helps my daughter to focus on understanding and expressing communication without an electronic distraction. All in all, I think her understanding and expression of language is increasing with the CVES. She definitely wants to talk and interact with people more than she used to which is great to see. Thank you so much!" – W. Olberg, Parent

"This system is so functional...I absolutely love it! – SLP

"I've successfully used this with a kiddo who demonstrated success with a core word approach but had difficulty with attending to/activating/being motivated by anything high tech. He also had difficulty understanding communicative intent (clearly splinter skilled!). I thought this was a great step in teaching core vocabulary with some more "PECS"-like methods for teaching intent, etc. My hope was with some mastery of the core symbols and communicative intent, he'd ultimately transition to high tech!"

– J. Salley, SLP

"Since attending the CEU course for CVES at the TSHA Convention, we have begun incorporating the system into our clinic’s daily sessions. The response from each child and their families is INCREDIBLE. I have never had kids respond as quickly as they are now using CVES! One parent has seen so much success that she is ordering a CVES for her child to use in all environments. We have many different children using CVES, and it is amazing to see their increased ability to communicate, have their needs met, and their newfound independence. In fact, one of our non-verbal children began immediately verbalizing the pre-constructed phrases. He quickly moved into making various phrases himself and saying each word in the phrase. We believe that he is beginning to read the words on each CVES icon even though he isn't familiar with them. This child only scripted during sessions and never independently/spontaneously produced words or phrases for functional, purposeful speech until the introduction of CVES!” Kate Permenter, MS, CCC-SLP, Beyond Words, PLLC

"I used CVES in my first-fourth grade cluster classroom for students who require moderate supports. I have a full class of 13 students; 4 students use a form of AAC to support communication (3 PECS users and 1 LAMP user), and the remaining 9 students primarily use verbal language to communicate but benefit from the use of visuals to support their messages. All have used core boards during small group lessons. I incorporated CVES in the context of small group academic and social lessons. Students used CVES to comment on a read aloud, answer questions, and describe illustrations. They requested preferred play items and direct play for example 'Want bubbles down' with CVES. Students also used CVES to tell how characters in a book felt or how the student was feeling. They also used social phrases in CVES during play activities like 'Wow,' 'Awesome,' and 'Yay!' When leading a CVES lesson, I used aided language stimulation with ease and students were very responsive to cues to use CVES as well. I am currently in week 4 of a 6-week literacy unit where we are focusing on writing. I'm incorporating CVES each week to model building sentences from the text we read or about the text. Students find a page in the text they'd like to write about. I find a sentence in the text, and we work together to construct the sentence using CVES. Afterward, I write the sentence on a whiteboard modeling sentence mechanics. By the end of the week, students are ready to copy the sentence from a model or construct their own sentences using a core vocabulary word bank. Overall, CVES has benefitted all levels of students in my classroom, and I see endless possibilities for future lessons that could incorporate CVES."

– S. Tabatsalis, LBS1-Mod/Aut(Int), Chicago Public Schools

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