
Online Courses

Currently showing 17 courses.
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$625.00 USD

96% rating - reviews


BaByVFSImP™ For Videofluoroscopic Assessment Of Swallowing Impairment In Bottle-Fed Babies #e002

Presenters: Maureen Lefton-Greif, PhD, CCC-SLP, BCS-S, ASHA Fellow & Bonnie Martin-Harris, PhD, CCC-SLP, BCS-S, ASHA Honors

BaByVFSImP™ establishes a standardized swallowing assessment protocol for bottle-fed babies. Course participants will learn to apply a standardized scoring metric to profile and quantify physiologic swallow impairment in bottle-fed babies. The training format provides ample opportunity for interactive practice in interpreting videofluoroscopic swallow studies. Participants may work at their own pace and have unlimited time to complete this training.... more+

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$129.00 USD

99% rating - reviews

0.45 ASHA CEUs

Dysphagia Intervention for the Esophageal Zone (DIEZ): A Therapeutic Respiratory Technique for Non-Pathologic Esophageal Stasis and Globus #e314

Presenter: Roxann Diez Gross, PhD, CCC-SLP, ASHA Fellow

DIEZ is a respiratory-based therapeutic technique for improving esophageal clearance thus helping to eliminate the sensation of food sticking, regurgitation of undigested food, and non-pathologic globus sensation. This course will fully describe how to determine who is appropriate for this therapy, how to evaluate these patients, provide instructions in how to teach the DIEZ technique to adults and children, and offer tips for making the technique habitual. ... more+

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$79.00 USD

98% rating - reviews


Food Chaining Therapy “New Without No” – Overcoming Aversion, Sensory Challenges and Fear #e313

Presenters: Cheri Fraker, CCC-SLP Inactive, CLC & Laura Walbert, CCC-SLP, CLC

This treatment course demonstrates the how-to’s of PreChaining and Food Chaining over time. Learn fun and creative strategies for successfully implementing PreChaining and/or Food Chaining therapy for the child with severe to extreme feeding aversion. Detailed case studies are used to demonstrate from week to week how to help the child and their family make rapid and lasting gains, eat safely, lower anxiety, expand the diet, improve nutritional status, and eat with joy.... more+

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$79.00 USD

65% rating - reviews


Understanding Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID) #e308

Presenter: Jennifer Dahms, MS, CCC-SLP, BCS-S

ARFID is a relatively new diagnosis to the medical community. This course will discuss the definition and symptoms of ARFID, additional diagnoses that can occur with a diagnosis of ARFID, and describe several screening and assessment tools that have been utilized and studied for diagnosing. Possible therapeutic, medical, and pharmacological interventions are discussed. Course content is applicable for both adult and pediatric client populations.... more+

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$139.00 USD

97% rating - reviews


Pediatric Dysphagia: Interpretation Of VFSS, Management And Treatment Planning #e296

Presenter: Joan Arvedson, PhD, CCC-SLP, BC-NCD, BCS-S, ASHA Honors & Fellow

Presented by pediatric dysphagia expert, Dr. Joan Arvedson, this course provides comprehensive coverage of assessment and treatment of oropharyngeal dysphagia in infants and children. Participants will learn to describe findings on VFSS, to interpret findings related to underlying physiology, and to make management decisions for intervention strategies. Course includes 20 patient VFSS cases of varied ages and underlying etiologies.... more+

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$29.00 USD

94% rating - reviews


Normalizing A Hyper-Responsive Gag Reflex In Children #e257

Presenter: Jennifer Dahms, MS, CCC-SLP, BCS-S

A hyper-responsive gag reflex with food intake can negatively impact the full feeding experience and requires specific techniques for a smooth progression with oral intake. This course will overview gag reflex descriptions, discuss research on hyper-responsive gag reflexes, and provide therapy techniques, including tools to desensitize the gag reflex.... more+

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$69.00 USD

95% rating - reviews


Optimizing Breastfeeding Safety And Outcomes In The Presence Of Feeding And Swallowing Disorders #e222

Presenter: Kimberly Morris, MS, CCC-SLP, BCS-S, IBCLC

This presentation will focus on assessment and treatment techniques to reduce aspiration risk at the breast and will highlight how to overcome obstacles to breastfeeding in special populations including children with congenital heart disease, botulism and cleft lip/palate. Videos and case studies will be included.... more+

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$119.00 USD

97% rating - reviews


Developing Critical Thinking Skills In Pediatric Dysphagia: Part 3 – Swallowing Disorders And Medically Based Feeding Problems #e203

Presenter: Jennifer Dahms, MS, CCC-SLP, BCS-S

This course is the third in a 3-course series on pediatric dysphagia. It covers swallowing disorders and medically-based feeding problems. Presents case studies and therapeutic interventions to address GERD, constipation, cleft lip/palate, tube feedings, prematurity, autism, attention, and oral intake of medication.... more+

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$119.00 USD

98% rating - reviews


Developing Critical Thinking Skills In Pediatric Dysphagia: Part 2 – Oral Sensory Feeding Disorders And Mealtime Management Issues #e202

Presenter: Jennifer Dahms, MS, CCC-SLP, BCS-S

This course is the second in a 3-course series on pediatric dysphagia. It covers oral sensory feeding disorders and mealtime management. Discusses deficits and corresponding treatment strategies related to bolus cohesion, bolus propulsion, oral holding, oral pocketing, oral clearing, palatal packing, and oral stuffing.... more+

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$119.00 USD

96% rating - reviews


Developing Critical Thinking Skills In Pediatric Dysphagia: Part 1 – Postural Stability And Oral Motor Feeding Disorders #e201

Presenter: Jennifer Dahms, MS, CCC-SLP, BCS-S

This course is the first in a 3-course series on pediatric dysphagia. It presents detailed information on techniques and strategies for addressing oral motor feeding disorders. Discusses therapy techniques to address deficits of the lip, cheek, tongue lateralization, tongue elevation, biting, and chewing. Course includes video examples, case studies, lab practice and application activities. ... more+

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$49.00 USD

97% rating - reviews

0.25 ASHA CEUs

Orofacial Myology/Tongue Thrust: An Introduction With Assessment Applications #e190

Presenter: Sandra R. Holtzman, MS, CCC-SLP, COM, QOM

This course presents an overview of the specialty area of Orofacial Myology and its relationship to the field of Speech-language Pathology. Discussed are the procedures involved in examining various orofacial structures and functions. Learn which barriers interfere with successful treatment, and receive instruction for improving your client's lingual, labial and mandibular coordination skills.... more+

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$29.00 USD

96% rating - reviews


Pediatric Feeding And Swallowing: Ethics Across Settings Ensuring Quality Of Care Through Collaboration #e171

Presenters: Donna Edwards, MA, CCC-SLP, BCS-S & Lisa Rai Mabry-Price, MS, CCC-SLP

Ethical issues that arise in SLP practice may be far reaching, but proactive utilization of resources, education, professional supports and collaborative efforts help resolve conflict in a professional manner. This course reinforces the support of our professional role to serve children with feeding and swallowing disorders across settings and to advocate for those children and families for best outcomes. Includes case studies to facilitate learning.... more+

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$69.00 USD

100% rating - reviews


Treatment Of Picky And Problem Eaters Using Food Chaining Therapy #e161

Presenters: Cheri Fraker, CCC-SLP Inactive, CLC & Laura Walbert, CCC-SLP, CLC

This course instructs professionals in the treatment of children with complex feeding aversion. Learn six vital steps of food chaining intervention and foundational concepts of PreChaining and Food Chaining. This course focuses on diagnosis and setting up a team care plan. Includes discussion of red flag medical, nutritional, oral sensory, motor and emotional issues that impact a child and family struggling with a pediatric feeding disorder.... more+

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$109.00 USD

99% rating - reviews


Prevention Of Feeding, Speech, And Mouth Development Problems: Birth To Age 2 #e156

Presenter: Diane Bahr, MS, CCC-SLP, CIMI

This course presents strategies to help establish solid foundations for the development of normal speech and feeding behavior for young children ages birth to 2 years. Participants will learn how to keep babies and young children on track to prevent or reduce life-long feeding, speech, and mouth development problems.... more+

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$29.00 USD

91% rating - reviews


Ethics, Evidence & Pediatric Decision Making #e149

Presenters: Donna Edwards, MA, CCC-SLP, BCS-S & Paula Leslie, PhD, FRCSLT, CCC-SLP

This course will help to fill the information void on ethical decision making in the pediatric setting. Participants will learn how ethical healthcare is based on evidence-based practice which requires patient and family input and respect of their values. This approach can be successfully applied to practice in order to better manage complex pediatric cases. ... more+

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$49.00 USD

98% rating - reviews

0.25 ASHA CEUs

Tongue Tie 101 For SLPs: What Is Our Role? #e94

Presenter: Sandra R. Holtzman, MS, CCC-SLP, COM, QOM

Ankyloglossia and the SLP – To ignore it, or not? To refer it, or not? In this course, learn information critical in advising parents regarding infant feeding issues, dental concerns, emotional and social aspects, swallowing considerations, and most importantly the speech connection. Participants will be introduced to assessments and various techniques used to release the lingual frenum.... more+

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$39.00 USD

98% rating - reviews

0.15 ASHA CEUs

Oral Mechanism / Cranial Nerve Examination: What Every SLP Needs To Know #e72

Presenter: Kellyn Dailey Hall, PhD, CCC-SLP

This course provides step-by-step instructions for performing and interpreting a quick, yet thorough, oral mechanism and cranial nerve exam across all ages. Includes examples and specific guidelines for interpreting the exam and translating the results into a written report.... more+

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