
Online Courses

Currently showing 4 courses.
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$49.00 USD

92% rating - reviews

0.25 ASHA CEUs

Building Resilience In Our Young Clients #e284

Presenter: Adina Soclof, MS, CCC-SLP

An increasing number of children have difficulty coping with 21st century everyday life. This course provides a working definition of resilience and descriptions of the characteristics that may be associated with better outcomes for children who confront adversity in their lives. It also identifies particular groups of children – most notably those with developmental challenges and learning disabilities – who are most likely to benefit from resilience training.... more+

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$69.00 USD

96% rating - reviews


Strategies And Techniques For Helping Children Develop A Growth Mindset #e283

Presenter: Adina Soclof, MS, CCC-SLP

This course describes various challenges that can sidetrack children in their developmental and educational processes, leaving them with a sense of discouragement and helplessness. Participants in this course will learn strategies to help children become aware of and use their own strengths to develop a growth mindset and overcome academic challenges.... more+

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$69.00 USD

100% rating - reviews


Communication Techniques That Work: Build Rapport, Connect And Motivate #e282

Presenter: Adina Soclof, MS, CCC-SLP

This course will teach clinicians and parents effective communication and conversational skills to use in the classroom, in one-on-one situations, and at home with children and their families. Course participants will learn strategies for addressing children’s negative feelings, reducing frustration and power struggles, managing meltdowns, encouraging cooperation, improving motivation, building self-esteem and more... more+

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$74.00 USD

97% rating - reviews

0.35 ASHA CEUs

Managing The Defiant Or Uncooperative Child During Therapy #e206

Presenter: Adina Soclof, MS, CCC-SLP

This course teaches clinicians effective and practical strategies to manage challenging and defiant behavior in their young clients. It will also discuss how clinicians can educate parents on how to manage difficult behavior and avoid power struggles at home.... more+

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