
Online Courses

Currently showing 41 courses.
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$124.00 USD

99% rating - reviews


Introduction To MBSImP™ – A Standardized Protocol For Assessment Of Swallowing Impairment #e001

Presenter: Bonnie Martin-Harris, PhD, CCC-SLP, BCS-S, ASHA Honors

Presented by dysphagia expert and MBSImP™ developer, Bonnie Martin-Harris, PhD, this course provides a comprehensive overview of the MBSImP™ Approach and Protocol. Includes an in-depth discussion of 17 physiologic factors requisite for the execution of normal swallowing. It then introduces a scoring metric to profile and quantify physiologic swallow impairment across these 17 components. Course focus is the adult population.... more+

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$625.00 USD

94% rating - reviews


The Modified Barium Swallow Impairment Profile: MBSImP™ Standardized Training And Reliability Testing #e01

Presenter: Bonnie Martin-Harris, PhD, CCC-SLP, BCS-S, ASHA Honors

The MBS study, while a clinically useful tool, remains a subjective test. The MBSImP™ Approach provides a standardized and evidence-based protocol to interpret and communicate MBS study results in a manner that is consistent, specific, accurate, and objective. Course participants will learn to apply the MBSImP™ standardized scoring metric to profile and quantify physiologic swallow impairment in the adult population.... more+

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$29.00 USD

100% rating - reviews


Complex Decision-Making In Dysphagia Management #e322

Presenter: George Barnes, MS, CCC-SLP, BCS-S

Have you ever felt stuck with your patients with medical complexity? When the complexity is high and the risk is higher, what makes a good decision? Participants will learn to recognize common errors in clinical decision-making, discover ways to prevent mistakes, and minimize the impact of the mistakes we can't avoid. Presents direct approaches with practical examples you can use immediately to make better decisions. A case study is included. ... more+

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$129.00 USD

98% rating - reviews

0.45 ASHA CEUs

Dysphagia Intervention for the Esophageal Zone (DIEZ): A Therapeutic Respiratory Technique for Non-Pathologic Esophageal Stasis and Globus #e314

Presenter: Roxann Diez Gross, PhD, CCC-SLP, ASHA Fellow

DIEZ is a respiratory-based therapeutic technique for improving esophageal clearance thus helping to eliminate the sensation of food sticking, regurgitation of undigested food, and non-pathologic globus sensation. This course will fully describe how to determine who is appropriate for this therapy, how to evaluate these patients, provide instructions in how to teach the DIEZ technique to adults and children, and offer tips for making the technique habitual. ... more+

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$79.00 USD

65% rating - reviews


Understanding Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID) #e308

Presenter: Jennifer Dahms, MS, CCC-SLP, BCS-S

ARFID is a relatively new diagnosis to the medical community. This course will discuss the definition and symptoms of ARFID, additional diagnoses that can occur with a diagnosis of ARFID, and describe several screening and assessment tools that have been utilized and studied for diagnosing. Possible therapeutic, medical, and pharmacological interventions are discussed. Course content is applicable for both adult and pediatric client populations.... more+

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$44.00 USD

100% rating - reviews


Swallowing Difficulties After Total Laryngectomy #e307

Presenter: Paula Sullivan, MS, CCC-SLP, BCS-S

This course will provide participants with a thorough understanding of the surgical management of laryngeal cancer, etiologies of dysphagia, clinical and instrumental assessment during the pre- and post-operative periods, and methods of interventions. Additionally, participants will view a comprehensive library of post-laryngectomy radiographic images and case studies.... more+

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$79.00 USD

98% rating - reviews


Purpose And Rationale For Using Endoscopy/FEES In The Management And Treatment Of Dysphagia #e306

Presenter: Joseph Murray, PhD, CCC-SLP, BCS-S

This course introduces and reviews FEES as a tool for visualizing, monitoring and treating swallowing function. Guidelines are presented for selecting FEES or videofluoroscopic instrumentation. The learner will understand the equipment used to complete the exam and the steps necessary to gain competency in performance of the exam.... more+

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$44.00 USD

100% rating - reviews


Aspiration Pneumonia: How Can We Help? #e304

Presenter: George Barnes, MS, CCC-SLP, BCS-S

In this presentation, you'll find that aspiration pneumonia might not be exactly what you thought it was. Learn how an evidence-based approach to evaluation and management can reduce risk. Course includes multiple case examples to describe the complex interplay between dysphagia, aspiration, and pneumonia. Most importantly, this course includes practical takeaways that can be used to improve your clinical practice immediately. Course focus is the adult population.... more+

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$89.00 USD

99% rating - reviews


The Penetration-Aspiration Scale: Standardizing Airway Protection Judgments From MBS Studies #e298

Presenter: James L. Coyle, PhD, CCC-SLP, BCS-S, ASHA Fellow

Presented by dysphagia expert, James Coyle, PhD, this course will demonstrate application of the Penetration-Aspiration Scale using patient MBS studies. Participants will learn to accurately use the PA Scale on all swallows of a videofluoroscopic swallowing study. Common judgment errors and methods of resolving uncertainties in score selection will be discussed, along with a handy decision-making algorithm for using the PAS.... more+

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$79.00 USD

100% rating - reviews


Prehabilitative Swallowing Intervention In Head & Neck Cancer #e294

Presenter: Paula Sullivan, MS, CCC-SLP, BCS-S

This course provides a comprehensive approach to proactive dysphagia evaluation and intervention necessary to optimize outcomes. Course topics include: management of HNC throughout the continuum of care, pathophysiology of swallowing dysfunction in HNC, aspiration in HNC, swallowing treatment, the feeding tube controversy and... more+

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$49.00 USD

100% rating - reviews

0.25 ASHA CEUs

Mechanical Ventilation: Understanding Settings, In-Line Speaking Valves, And Swallowing #e293

Presenters: multiple expert presenters

This course covers mechanical ventilation, the application of in-line speaking valves, and swallowing interventions for tracheostomized and mechanically ventilated adult patients. Steps for in-line speaking valve application with troubleshooting and ventilator compensation will be discussed. Collaborative conversations between the SLP and Respiratory Therapist will foster a deeper understanding of ventilator compensation and how to contribute appropriately during in-line speaking valve trials.... more+

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$85.00 USD

95% rating - reviews

0.45 ASHA CEUs

Dysphagia Management And Adults With Intellectual Disability #e292

Presenters: Melissa Farrow, MS, CCC-SLP, BCS-S & Kristine Goldynia, SLPD, CCC-SLP

Adults with intellectual disability are at risk for dysphagia. The unique swallowing, feeding, and behavioral challenges experienced in this population must be considered when assessing and treating these patients. This course discusses appropriate dysphagia assessment, management plans, and training programs for adults with intellectual disability.... more+

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$29.00 USD

95% rating - reviews


Dysphagia In Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) – An Under-Recognized Impairment #e290

Presenters: Kendrea Garand, PhD, CScD, CCC-SLP, BCS-S, CBIS, CCRE & Emma Wallace, PhD

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a sleep-related condition in which there is intermittent temporary cessation of airflow during sleep resulting from partial or complete collapse of the pharynx. This course reviews the evidence to provide up-to-date information for clinicians about OSA, its impact on swallowing function, and how best to manage dysphagia in adult patients with OSA.... more+

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$29.00 USD

97% rating - reviews


Oxygen Therapies And Swallow Considerations #e272

Presenters: Candice Devlin, MS, CCC-SLP, BCS-S & Rory O'Bryan, MS, CCC-SLP, BCS-S

This course reviews various oxygen delivery systems with discussion on how these may impact swallow evaluations and clinical approaches. Risks of aspiration related to respiratory distress and for those with high oxygen requirements is presented. A deep dive of high-flow nasal cannula and the current literature that discusses its potential impact on adult oropharyngeal swallowing is included.... more+

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$69.00 USD

98% rating - reviews


Water Protocols: The Supportive Evidence, The Limited Evidence, And The Importance Of Clinical Judgment #e271

Presenter: Kathy Panther, MS, CCC-SLP, CBIST

Can you allow a patient who is aspirating thin liquids to drink water? Water protocols have long been controversial as dysphagia management practices and likely will continue to be controversial for the foreseeable future. This course covers the evolution of water protocols including why they were developed and why they continue to be relevant today.  ... more+

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$44.00 USD

91% rating - reviews


The Five Systems Of Dysphagia: Why The SLP Is More Important Today Than Ever #e261

Presenter: Jeanna Winchester, PhD

This course explores the multisystem breakdown of the swallow as well as the broadening role of the SLP in dysphagia therapy. The five systems of dysphagia (cognitive - neurological - respiratory - gastrointestinal - muscular) are discussed with explanation of how disorders in these systems can have a devastating effect... more+

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$39.00 USD

98% rating - reviews

0.15 ASHA CEUs

Issues In Dysphagia Management: Diversity, Culture, And Ethics #e258

Presenter: Kellyn Dailey Hall, PhD, CCC-SLP

Diversity in healthcare goes far beyond a language barrier. It’s about understanding the larger context of culture and diversity. This course will help you understand the impact of dysphagia on culturally/linguistically diverse populations and navigate ethical conflicts to provide culturally responsive care. Specific strategies, case examples, and resources will be presented.... more+

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$179.00 USD

99% rating - reviews


Medical Speech Pathology Essentials For Dysphagia Practice: Managing Complex Adult Patients With Pulmonary, Digestive And Airway Disorders #e231

Presenter: James L. Coyle, PhD, CCC-SLP, BCS-S, ASHA Fellow

This course provides essential information on managing complex patients who have multiple diagnoses impacting swallowing function. Discussed will be swallow function and treatment planning as related to body systems, the aging process, and patient diagnostic reports... more+

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$39.00 USD

99% rating - reviews

0.15 ASHA CEUs

Problem Solving Tracheostomy Tubes For The Speech-Language Pathologist #e225

Presenter: Roxann Diez Gross, PhD, CCC-SLP, ASHA Fellow

Learn to problem solve a range of conditions that may occur when working with patients who have indwelling tracheostomy tubes. Problem scenarios are presented along with solutions. Learn to identify symptoms that could indicate a patient may benefit from a different type of tracheostomy tube. Discussed will be tube variables such as tube angle, length, flexibility, and neck plate configuration. ... more+

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$39.00 USD

98% rating - reviews

0.15 ASHA CEUs

Oral Hygiene Programs: Oral Care Is Critical Care #e212

Presenter: Tom Franceschini, MS, CCC-SLP

Which is a better predictor for an individual to develop pneumonia: a diagnosis of dysphagia, or poor oral hygiene? This course reviews current oral care practices and the evidence-based research supporting the need for improved oral care in the at-risk patient. Development of oral care guidelines for assessment and treatment in various institutional settings will be discussed.... more+

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$79.00 USD

100% rating - reviews


GERD And LPR In Adults: The Role Of The Speech-Language Pathologist In Diagnosis And Treatment #e207

Presenter: Tom Franceschini, MS, CCC-SLP

This course is intended to educate SLPs about GERD and LPR as it affects both swallowing and voice disorders in adults. Learn how anatomy and physiology relate to the genesis of reflux for a more complete understanding of the syndromes. Understand the role SLPs can play in assessment, as well as behavioral and medical treatment.... more+

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$89.00 USD

97% rating - reviews


Esophageal Disorders: A New Technology And Perspective On Management #e189

Presenter: Robert Arnold, SLPD, CCC-SLP, BCS-S

Signs and symptoms traditionally thought by SLPs to represent an oral or pharyngeal dysphagia may also at times be the result of a primary or comorbid esophageal swallow disorder, or even be the result of pathology at the level of the stomach, intestine, and/or colon. This course explores integrating into the clinical swallow exam both esophageal physiology evaluation and screening for signs and symptoms of pathology in the lower GI tract.... more+

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$85.00 USD

99% rating - reviews

0.45 ASHA CEUs

Tackling Palliative Rehabilitation: The SLP's Guide To End Of Life Services #e183

Presenters: Irene Gofman, MS, CCC-SLP & Amanda Warren, MS, CCC-SLP

This course reviews ways in which cognitive, communication and dysphagia management in end of life care differ in comparison to management in other populations. It will contrast palliative care vs. hospice. Also addressed will be early decision making and advocacy for patients nearing the end of life, and cultural competency when approaching patients with diverse backgrounds.... more+

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$69.00 USD

99% rating - reviews


Esophageal Dysphagia: Evaluation And Treatment Options #e181

Presenter: Tom Franceschini, MS, CCC-SLP

This course will discuss the role of the speech-language pathologist in the evaluation and treatment of Esophageal Dysphagia. Learn to identify common disorders and diseases of the esophagus during assessment, and learn treatment options to improve swallowing function in patients with esophageal dysphagia. Participants will learn to interpret the findings of an esophagram and upper GI as it relates to patients with dysphagia.... more+

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$79.00 USD

98% rating - reviews


Trach And Vent Patients: What The SLP Needs To Know About Communication And Swallowing #e173

Presenters: Roxann Diez Gross, PhD, CCC-SLP, ASHA Fellow & Lyndsi Yarkosky, BS, RRT-NPS

Presented by a SLP and a RT, this course discusses factors that affect communication and swallowing for adult patients with tracheostomy tubes with and without mechanical ventilation. It covers SLP "must knows" related to mechanical ventilation including: explanation of ventilator settings such as tidal volume, respiratory rate and PEEP; identifying common ventilator alarms; and how to apply an inline speaking valve with the ventilator.... more+

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$49.00 USD

94% rating - reviews

0.25 ASHA CEUs

Gauging The Aging Swallow: 3-Part Course For The Medical SLP #e168

Presenters: Yvette McCoy, MS, CCC-SLP, BCS-S & Rinki Varindani Desai, MS, CCC-SLP, CBIS

This presentation will review the normal adult swallowing mechanism and describe the effects of aging on deglutition. The assessment section will provide an overview of the influence of medications, lab values, and medical diagnoses on swallow function in older adults. Factors influencing dysphagia therapy selection will be discussed with a focus on maximizing quality-of-life in the aging population, especially at the end-of-life.... more+

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$199.00 USD

99% rating - reviews


Perspectives On Dysphagia Service Delivery: All About Treatment #e154

Presenters: multiple expert presenters

This treatment-focused course presents perspectives on the evolution of dysphagia practice. Twelve expert clinicians in the field of speech-language pathology team up to discuss the history of dysphagia management, how evidence-based practice has evolved over the years, and what best practice looks like today. Course includes 2 hours related to ethics and speech-language pathology practice.... more+

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$49.00 USD

89% rating - reviews

0.25 ASHA CEUs

The Cranial Nerve Examination: Integrating Assessment And Treatment In Dysphagia Management #e139

Presenters: Yvette McCoy, MS, CCC-SLP, BCS-S & Tiffani Wallace, MA, CCC-SLP, BCS-S

Presenters will provide instructions and case studies to assist clinicians in performing, interpreting and developing a dysphagia treatment plan based on the deficits noted during the oral mechanism/cranial nerve assessment. Therapeutic strategies targeting swallow function will be presented, specifically sensory-based treatments and the use of swallow maneuvers and/or exercises.... more+

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$139.00 USD

98% rating - reviews


Dysphagia Assessment: A Comprehensive Review Of Evidence-Based Practice #e137

Presenters: multiple expert presenters

This comprehensive assessment course is presented by 5 leading experts in the field of speech-language pathology. Discussed will be dysphagia screenings, bedside evaluations, FEES, MBS study, MRI, EMG, cranial nerve, manometry and more. Participants will learn advantages, strengths, and limitations associated with various assessment methods and how to apply this knowledge clinically for more accurate diagnosis.... more+

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$44.00 USD

99% rating - reviews


Parkinson's Disease, Swallowing And Best Practice #e127

Presenter: Paula Sullivan, MS, CCC-SLP, BCS-S

This course will discuss components of a targeted assessment of swallowing, saliva, eating, and speech in individuals with Parkinson's disease. Videofluoroscopic swallow study clips will demonstrate common oropharyngeal swallowing abnormalities. Extensive discussion will focus on both compensatory approaches and rehabilitative techniques including oral health, airway dynamics and respiratory muscle strength, nutrition, and airway protection maneuvers. ... more+

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$129.00 USD

94% rating - reviews


Medical Speech Pathology: The Influence Of Body Systems On Cognition, Communication And Swallowing #e116

Presenters: Robert Arnold, SLPD, CCC-SLP, BCS-S & Veda Cochran, RN, BSN

This course provides a holistic review of anatomy and physiology of the critical systems of the human body. Presented will be valuable information on how body systems function to promote, delay, or impede progress with intervention programs. This course puts it all together for the SLP to provide a deeper understanding of how body systems function in relation to the assessments and interventions employed by the SLP.... more+

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$49.00 USD

88% rating - reviews

0.25 ASHA CEUs

Pros And Cons Of Dysphagia Bedside Screening And Assessment #e113

Presenter: James L. Coyle, PhD, CCC-SLP, BCS-S, ASHA Fellow

This course will review the swallow screening and clinical assessment process, clarify the differences between dysphagia screening and evaluation, explain how to use evidence on screening and assessment to judge the value of testing components, and select test procedures based on good evidence.... more+

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$29.00 USD

95% rating - reviews


Making The Most Of Mealtime: Helping Older Adults Compensate For Sensory Impairment During Meals #e111

Presenter: Jennifer A. Brush, MA, CCC-SLP

Learn to address environmental barriers such as inadequate lighting, noisy conditions, poor or absent environmental cues, and visual clutter as part of a comprehensive treatment plan to assist older adults and individuals with dementia with their ability to function independently during meals.... more+

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$29.00 USD

95% rating - reviews


Dietary Recommendations, Feeding Tubes And Ethical Practice #e107

Presenter: Paula Leslie, PhD, FRCSLT, CCC-SLP

This course combines knowledge of feeding tubes in dementia with informed consent and decision making. Discussed are the requirements for informed consent, and how knowledge of ethical principles and research evidence can support clinicians and families in making more informed decisions.... more+

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$49.00 USD

99% rating - reviews

0.25 ASHA CEUs

Dysphagia In The Medically Fragile And Frail Elder: Management And Decision-Making #e106

Presenter: Paula Sullivan, MS, CCC-SLP, BCS-S

This comprehensive presentation will discuss the impact of illness and deconditioning on swallowing and review evidence-based interventions. It will provide a clear framework to guide the practitioner, team, and family with decision-making that is appropriate and realistic, and more importantly, patient-focused.... more+

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$29.00 USD

97% rating - reviews


Dysphagia: Integrating Respiration And Deglutition #e103

Presenter: Bonnie Martin-Harris, PhD, CCC-SLP, BCS-S, ASHA Honors

This course addresses the mechanistic, anatomical and functional relationships of the human upper aerodigestive tract. A line of research derived directly from the needs of patients will highlight the interactions of respiration and swallowing. Normal and impairment models of respiratory-swallowing coordination will be reviewed as a foundation for the development of novel therapies that directly target respiratory-swallowing coordination during swallowing rehabilitation.... more+

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$29.00 USD

97% rating - reviews


Relevance Of Lab Values And Medications In Dysphagia Management: Chest Imaging, Pneumonia Differential Diagnosis, Bloodwork #e101

Presenter: James L. Coyle, PhD, CCC-SLP, BCS-S, ASHA Fellow

This course focuses on common findings from chest imaging reports and lab tests, and deciphers the language within those reports to enable the SLP to more expertly integrate that information into patient management. Important aspects of the pathogenesis and differential diagnosis of aspiration pneumonia will be discussed... more+

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$99.00 USD

99% rating - reviews


Translating MBS Study Results Into Targeted Treatment: Evidence-Based Interventions Using The MBSImP™ Approach #e012

Presenters: Bonnie Martin-Harris, PhD, CCC-SLP, BCS-S, ASHA Honors & Kate Davidson, MS, CCC-SLP

Learn how the MBSImP™ approach can be used to link physiologic components of swallowing with evidence-based interventions to target swallowing impairment. MBSS cases are presented and participants are guided through selection of interventions and treatment planning. Course is appropriate for SLPs who assess and/or treat adult patients with dysphagia. Prior completion of the MBSImP Training is suggested, but not a requirement.... more+

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$74.00 USD

85% rating - reviews

0.35 ASHA CEUs

Assessing Cough In Dysphagia Practice #e74

Presenter: Teresa Pitts, PhD, CCC-SLP

How significant is patient cough during or after a meal? Are there means to determine if the cough is related to dysphagia? This research-focused course examines the literature on cough and dysphagia to help SLPs make evidence-based decisions related to the cough event.... more+

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$299.00 USD


TOR-BSST© Training for the SLP Dysphagia Expert #e324

Presenter: Rosemary Martino, MA, MSc, PhD

The Toronto Bedside Swallowing Screening Test (TOR-BSST©) is a dysphagia screening tool with proven high reliability and validity across the continuum of stroke. This course provides the theoretical and practical framework for SLP dysphagia experts who want to implement the TOR-BSST© within their facility. On successful completion of this course, SLPs will receive full access to the TOR-BSST© tool, screener training modules, supplementary resources, and unlimited ongoing support through the Swallowing Lab.... more+


$39.00 USD

0.15 ASHA CEUs

The Role Of Exercise Physiology In Dysphagia Rehabilitation #e318

Presenter: Sarah Panjwani, MA, CCC-SLP

This course provides background in exercise physiology and its application to dysphagia rehabilitation for adults. There will be a discussion of muscle fiber types in general and oropharyngeal muscle fibers in detail. Participants will learn exercise physiology principles and applications to dysphagia therapy. Case examples will be provided to illustrate the principles.... more+