$79.00 USD

92% rating - reviews

0.4  ASHA CEUs

Creating Complex Sentence Competence: Evidence-Based Treatment To Improve Receptive And Expressive Language Skills #e279

Presenter: Jennifer L. Schultz, MA, CCC-SLP

Learn evidence-based treatment techniques to address complex sentence comprehension.

Speech Therapy Downloads

"Incredible resources!! I can apply this information immediately with my students. Free resources and detailed description including scripts to use during treatment."

– A.E., prior course participant

Read more comments about this course!

Individuals with language disorders often demonstrate difficulty understanding and producing complex sentence structures. Children who enter kindergarten unable to understand and produce complex sentences lack the skills needed to fully participate in academic instruction and social discourse with peers.

In this course, participants will be provided with the background needed to identify and form complex sentence stimuli for therapy. Tools and techniques for assessment to identify client strengths and needs related to complex sentence forms will be shared. Evidence-based implicit and explicit treatment techniques to address complex sentence comprehension and expression in play, shared book reading, and curriculum-based activities with children at preschool through high school levels will be demonstrated.

Offered for 0.4 ASHA CEUs – 4 contact hours.

This course includes downloadable, reproducible therapy resources.

Course Overview – Run Time: 04:14:10

  1. Complex syntax background & review
  2. Development of complex syntax
  3. Assessment techniques for complex syntax
  4. Treatment of complex syntax
  5. Conclusion
"Gave me the tools for explicit complex sentence instruction that I need. There were so many nuggets I will take and start using tomorrow with my kids who have a language disorder!"

– L.K., prior course participant

Read more comments about this course!

The content of this online CE course does not focus exclusively on any specific proprietary product or service. Presenter financial and non-financial disclosures may be found in the Presenter & Disclosures area.

Video PowerPoint presentation with author narration & downloadable handout. Stop and re-start the course at any point. Learners retain access to course content after completion for ongoing reference and review.


"What type of clauses to address in therapy first. Starting this week! Background information to update/refresh my syntax knowledge. Also how to use a variety of materials with all ages to start addressing this as I should." D.W. (Mar. 2025)

"All of the free online materials and resources pages provided were helpful. I also appreciated learning about the research outlined throughout the presentation and also in the test (i.e., SLPs in early education and elementary school settings using plural "s" more frequently than addressing syntactic goals etc.). I try to use common core and collaborate with teachers in my practice too, so I appreciate that token of information as well. I liked how the instructor walked us through what it would "feel like" to identify clauses in a language sample and computing it out in order to have idea on what to target and work on for the child (i.e., their strengths and weaknesses). The visuals were a great resource for both younger and older students." D.N. (Mar. 2025)

"The types of activities that are most effective for helping children acquire complex sentences. I liked handling a somewhat intimidating topic (grammar) in a clear and practical manner." C.L. (Feb. 2025)

"I liked the ways to practice the use of clauses within therapy sessions. Practical ideas that can be used in therapy sessions." M.M. (Jan. 2025)

"It was beneficial recognizing that treatment for understanding and using complex sentences addresses many other discreet skills, and focuses on the whole rather than the individual parts. I appreciated the free materials, helpful books and websites, and therapeutic activities." L.S. (Jan. 2025)

"The repeated practice with recognizing the clausal types and the process of parsing was key to my learning the necessary meta-linguistic concepts in order to be able to effectively apply the referenced therapy strategies. I best liked the variety of offered therapy ideas, both in content and design as well as across age and grade levels." K.L. (Dec. 2024)

"The specific methods on working on complex syntax with early elementary children will be most beneficial for me. I really liked the treatment/implementation techniques/ideas." D.B. (Dec. 2024)

"All of the information was beneficial, truly. I enjoyed the course organization." M.M. (Oct. 2024)

"Tips on increasing use were beneficial. Very doable course." C.S. (Aug. 2024)

"Beneficial review for types of clauses. The presenter was very thorough in her explanations." S.Z. (Aug. 2024)

"Discussing how to implement this into my therapy sessions was beneficial. I liked the detailed information." I.C. (Jul. 2024)

"Implicit and explicit treatment techniques, and list of materials that can be used to treat complex sentence development. The speaker was very knowledgeable in the area of language therapy. She gave specific information pertaining to assessment and treatment which I can implement in my work with students." L.V. (Jun. 2024)

"I enjoyed the use of books in therapy targeting complex sentences. There were so many practical ideas for therapy and materials to use for lesson planning." J.H. (Jun. 2024)

"Since I work with younger children, the information on preschoolers was especially beneficial. Great resources!! Very knowledgeable presenter." P.B. (Jun. 2024)

"All topics are beneficial. The presenter was knowledgeable of the information. The handouts are very helpful." C.C. (May. 2024)

"The whole concept that targeting syntax earlier than we usually do is beneficial along with morphology. Also, working memory is crucial to understand to truly increase skills. I enjoyed the practical application." M.S. (Apr. 2024)

"The A,O,R clauses were beneficial. Great information!" J.R. (Apr. 2024)

"Honestly, being encouraged to start working on this area with much younger children will probably have the greatest impact on my treatment/intervention. I believe I do some of this already (i.e. casting) with younger students, but being more intentional with it is supported by the evidence presented in this session. Well-organized course and great use of examples." P.B. (Mar. 2024)

"The book examples were beneficial. Very practical and immediately useful information. Very good presenter." R.C. (Feb. 2024)

"The whole review of the sentence types was very helpful and beneficial for my daily practice. What I liked best about the course were Parts III and IV of Creating Complex Sentence Competence. Both parts were extremely comprehensive." L.A. (Feb. 2024)

"Beneficial assessment and treatment strategies - differentiating implicit from explicit and benefit of strategic learning. Many functional examples and free resource suggestions." R.M. (Jan. 2024)

"The treatment and assessment of complex sentences were helpful. I enjoyed the teaching and repetitive practice provided to reinforce dependent clauses. This helped me feel more confident to start addressing these skills, which are more complex but highly valuable with my school population." J.W. (Dec. 2023)

"Beneficial understanding different types of sentences. I liked the organization of this course." M.D. (Dec. 2023)

"I enjoyed the depth of explanation and provision of direct instructional topics and techniques." M.N. (Dec. 2023)

"Excellent structure for functionally breaking down complex sentences. I liked the treatment strategies and all the incredible resources." J.R. (Dec. 2023)

"The illustrations and visuals will definitely make the speech-language sessions interesting and increase my students' receptive and expressive language skills. The information was well organized and very clear." M.L. (Dec. 2023)

"I liked the targeted interventions for upper elem and MS age students. Analyzing a language sample together was extremely helpful." W.R. (Dec. 2023)

"I greatly appreciated the depth of this course. Discussing the importance of comprehension and utilization of complex sentences at a young age was helpful." J.L. (Dec. 2023)

"The final session with practical practice ideas was beneficial. I liked the ability to do the course online and at my own speed. Plus, the ability to revisit it after I have completed it." K.C. (Dec. 2023)

"It was helpful to discuss when to begin introducing complex sentences as well as the treatment methods to use when focusing on complex sentences. I enjoyed the many different resources that were provided as well as examples of implementing techniques." M.D. (Nov. 2023)

"I liked the specific strategies with examples for therapy." J.B. (Nov. 2023)

"The recap was a great start to support the rest of the information. Assessment resources that measure complexity will be very helpful. Explicit instruction and scaffolding ideas will be the most supportive therapy for composing and comprehending complex syntax. I most appreciated the explicit therapy techniques with the scaffolds." A.L. (Nov. 2023)

"This course was loaded with resources for use in daily practice. The hierarchies for teaching complex sentence structures were thoroughly taught and appreciated. The instructor laid out the material in a clear and precise manner. This material has been of great interest to me since Grad School, so having a knowledgeable instructor with an impressive resume was important to me. Jennifer's presentation was worth the wait. Thank you!" S.C. (Nov. 2023)

"I liked all the different therapy ideas. Learned a more in-depth understanding of subordinating clause types in sentences." T.P. (Nov. 2023)

"So many areas were helpful - the assessment tasks, the links for videos and materials. Also, the progression in treatment, scaffolding levels, etc. The resources and information provided, and the on-demand availability format is always beneficial." C.B. (Oct. 2023)

"Lots of examples of activities and books. I liked the lists of words and statistical information about useful techniques." K.F. (Oct. 2023)

"The examples used with the reading books, and the spreadsheets by Ebbles and Van Horne were beneficial. I liked the suggestions for grammatical complexity measures and analysis." C.C. (Sep. 2023)

"This was the best CEU course I have ever taken because it gave very specific examples on how to target many different areas related to syntax. I found the specific treatment examples and techniques to be very beneficial." J.S. (Sep. 2023)

"Very complete information. I liked the explanation of clauses." L.S. (Sep. 2023)

"Many therapy ideas. I appreciated the therapy ideas and reviews of the common types of clauses." J.C. (Aug. 2023)

"This information really expanded my awareness and understanding of complex sentence structure. The course was very well laid out, and the examples and materials were wonderful. It was a very thorough course." B.G. (Aug. 2023)

"Descriptions of types of complex sentences and clauses in the first section was beneficial. Many handouts were included in the course to use in learning more about complex sentences and use in therapy with varied ages/grades." D.A. (Aug. 2023)

"Validation of the benefit of implicit learning, particularly with young children. This course is very well organized and structured. I appreciate the breadth of application across age/grade range. It provided many examples of treatment strategies and many outside resources. What can be a dense topic was made understandable and tolerable. Thank you for dividing this into sections." S.P. (Jul. 2023)

"I found all topics and discussions to be beneficial. I liked the examples and strategies given." M.R. (Jul. 2023)

"I liked the resources to be used in assessment and treatment." A.C. (Jul. 2023)

"Incredible resources!! I can apply this information immediately with my students. Free resources and detailed description including scripts to use during treatment." A.E. (Jun. 2023)

"Implicit instruction for preschoolers as well as implicit and explicit instruction for early elementary students. I liked the wealth of ideas for therapy, scaffolding techniques, resources to seek out, and the importance of working on complex sentences at an early age and integrating other structures/parts of speech." K.T. (Jun. 2023)

"The most helpful topic was the demonstration of how to implement these principles in therapy. I liked the repetition and clear instruction." A.K. (Jun. 2023)

"Course was packed full of good information." L.D. (Jun. 2023)

"I liked the examples and resources. The information that the complex sentence structure should be introduced earlier and why was beneficial." T.D. (Jun. 2023)

"ALL of it was beneficial. I will be reviewing this again over the summer break, and it will inform my SLO (Specific Learning Objective) for next year. Excellent content. This course was very challenging in a way that will improve my SLP skills. Thank you for such an interesting topic!" E.M. (Jun. 2023)

"I enjoyed practicing breaking sentences into complex sentences and identifying the specific type of clause. I also liked the specific practice with a variety of leveled texts. I enjoyed all of the explicit trials/practice and examples of resources we could use to target complex syntax." H.W. (Jun. 2023)

"There were many examples of implementation that I could use right away, and the presenter gave a series of steps to follow. I liked the treatment - discussing and showing meanings of sentences, building awareness, and sentence combining." H.C. (May 2023)

"The instructor was very knowledgeable. I enjoyed seeing the assessment tools and activities for multiple grades and levels of ability." S.G. (Apr. 2023)

"The discussion of age levels appropriate for complex sentences was beneficial. I liked being able to incorporate this into therapy with examples." K.F. (Apr. 2023)

"It was beneficial to learn you can work on morphology and other foundational skills while targeting complex sentence structures. I liked that this course emphasized the importance of not waiting to target complex sentence structures." J.F. (Mar. 2023)

"I liked the treatment ideas and materials." J.P. (Jan. 2023)

"Very useful. Learning the developmental hierarchy. Expanding sentence length and complexity with 1) adverbial clauses 2) object complement clauses 3) relative clauses in the developmental order." S.L. (Jan. 2023)

"Treatment techniques were beneficial. I liked the presenter's animated style." E.F. (Jan. 2023)

"Learning best techniques to use with the younger student and the treatment examples were helpful." M.B. (Jan. 2023)

"Therapy techniques for younger students. I liked the examples of books for treatment/strategies." S.W. (Jan. 2023)

"I appreciated learning what's expected at a given age re: sentence complexity." M.F. (Jan. 2023)

"Provided information and tools that I can immediately use in therapy. Loved the detailed assessment and therapy resources. Very thorough and evidence-based." R.J. (Dec. 2022)

"The speaker was fantastic." A.B. (Dec. 2022)

"EVERYTHING was incredibly informative! Great learning experience." C.R. (Dec. 2022)

"It was a great refresher on clauses. The challenges to think critically to answer multiple test questions." A.C. (Dec. 2022)

"Well-organized. I liked the treatment strategies." C.P. (Dec. 2022)

"Everything! I liked the literature resources, therapy activity ideas, graphic organizers, etc. Very informative and organized course. Well presented." V.J. (Dec. 2022)

"Excellent examples and strategies." K.S. (Dec. 2022)

"Understanding the three types of clauses was beneficial. And how to implement intervention with my students." M.E. (Dec. 2022)

"I love that she gave us lots of handouts and useful materials. And how to incorporate complex sentence strategies into play and books for young children." V.Z. (Dec. 2022)

"It was a comprehensive review of syntax and grammar. I liked the in depth details of a variety of sentence structures." M.K. (Dec. 2022)

"The presenter's voice was enjoyable to listen to. She kept my interest and covered a lot! I liked the specific assessment and treatment measures." T.F. (Nov. 2022)

"I liked everything! It was hefty in content and so beneficial." H.T. (Nov. 2022)

"This was a great course and very informative. I love all of the resources that align with core curriculum and state standards." A.M. (Nov. 2022)

"Liked the ways to assess language and sentence types used by students, and treatment ideas. Examples of the types of complex sentences, as well as tools for assessment and treatment were helpful." O.Z. (Nov. 2022)

"Learning about the clauses and the research that supports the activities." K.K. (Nov. 2022)

"I liked the organization and content. Good review of syntax, complex sentences, treatment." S.L. (Nov. 2022)

"I liked the therapy strategies for helping build complex sentences." J.D. (Nov. 2022)

"I liked the practical application ideas - syntax review, principles of statistical learning, and suggestions for materials." S.R. (Nov. 2022)

"This was an excellent presentation that will provide numerous benefits for my daily speech therapy practice. What I liked best about this course was the quality of instruction - including content and organization of information." M.W. (Oct. 2022)

"Very informative!" S.K. (Oct. 2022)

"It was a good review of syntax and best practices for teaching syntax." R.V. (Oct. 2022)

"I liked the free materials and assessment links provided." R.V. (Oct. 2022)

"I liked all of the content and that the course was broken down into different sections." K.F. (Oct. 2022)

"I enjoyed this course! Excellent presentation." J.S. (Oct. 2022)

"The course was easy to follow. The presenter was clear and knowledgeable." M.M. (Sept. 2022)

"Referencing "The Informed SLP" and the order of intervention of grammatical concepts - This is EXACTLY the information I was looking for!  EVERYTHING about this course was amazing. Nice breakdown of sections. Very thorough overall. I will be revisiting the presentation, slides, and handouts often." M.H. (Sept. 2022)

"I have found when mentoring younger speech therapists that they are not "savvy" with English language format. This is a very good course for many therapists who are not strong at English language skills." C.E. (Sept. 2022)

"The statistical learning was good. I liked the ability to speed up and playback the course." R.L. (Sept. 2022)

"Gave good examples with books and resources for treatment." J.A. (Aug. 2022)

"I liked the step by step explanations with a variety of materials and examples demonstrating how these assessments and treatments would be used with a variety of age clients." S.B. (Aug. 2022)

"Excellent, knowledgeable speaker who presented evidence based techniques; tons of repetition; allowed opportunities to practice, which helped us track our comprehension; very thorough course." A.K. (Aug. 2022)

"I liked the facebook and youtube references to help with therapy and using scripts to engage students."  L.B. (Aug. 2022)

"I really enjoyed the Cognitive Verbs to elicit complex sentences. Very helpful. Very thorough, covering multiple areas."  C.A. (Aug. 2022)

"I liked the treatment techniques and learning how to dissect complex sentences and build them." T.M. (July 2022)

"The course was thorough. I liked the order and age of acquisition and treatment ideas related to picture descriptions." S.R. (July 2022)

"Very well organized course. I liked defining clauses and learning/teaching techniques." B.S. (July 2022)

"Very practical suggestions for therapy at all ages/grade levels."  J.H. (July 2022)

"I really appreciated the review about phrases and clauses AND the intervention techniques."  L.D. (June 2022)

"The presentation was spectacularly structured for best learning." E.T. (June 2022)

"It was a very detailed course with a lot of good information to incorporate into my practice." K.H. (June 2022)

"Learning about the sequence of development of clauses was great! The course was well organized and a clear presentation." H.L. (June 2022)

"I liked the practical ideas to adapt materials we already have to work on syntax skills. And the resource lists of free materials available online was great!" A.C. (June 2022)

"Comprehensive list of resources you could use at different grade levels to elicit complex sentences." M.M. (June 2022)

"Great references to websites that attach analytical meaning to language samples." B.R. (June 2022)

"I liked the scripts describing complex sentence targets as well as all the lesson ideas." G.B. (June 2022)

"Learning that you should begin working on complex sentences in the early elementary years." B.R. (June 2022)

"Discussion of the therapy techniques for the different age levels was very helpful. I found the review in regards to the syntax very helpful at the beginning of the course. Also the logical way the course was laid out made it very intuitive." K.Q. (May 2022)

"Everything! I thoroughly enjoyed the entire course. I will be using these strategies for the remainder of the school year to "try them out" before converting over to taking this approach with more of my students. I have always known that use of literature is important, but this broke down how to implement literature in an easy way to understand how you can target multiple targets while teaching complex sentences." C.C. (Apr. 2022)

"I liked all the evaluation and treatment ideas, and that this information can be easily adapted to my work." K.E. (Apr. 2022)

"The portion of the course that provided specific ideas for therapy – wonderful!" L.M. (Mar. 2022)

"The different materials, resources, and books listed were so helpful. I like that the presentation covered methods of intervention. I found the handouts and the resources very helpful." A.D. (Feb. 2022)

"I liked the concepts about statistical learning - ideas around kernel sentences – ideas for how to model sentences during play using regularity and variability." J.S. (Feb. 2022)

"I liked the specific book recommendations and how to implement into my daily work. And the real life applications." B.C. (Feb. 2022)

"Treatment strategies and specific techniques for developing complex sentence structure. There were a multitude of references and suggestions for materials." A.D. (Feb. 2022)

"Well organized. Good examples of how to use materials. The structure of the presentation with the sections, goals, and review were helpful." J.S. (Feb. 2022)

"Gave me the tools for explicit complex sentence instruction that I need. There were so many nuggets I will take and start using tomorrow with my kids who have a language disorder!" L.K. (Jan. 2022)

"I liked the examples of therapy activities; examples of different types of recast; importance of bombardment and repetition." J.S. (Jan. 2022)

"All of it! It was so "hands on". The instructor provided so many examples and strategies." L.K. (Jan. 2022)

"It was VERY thorough. I will be reviewing this multiple times to make sure I got all of it." B.R. (Jan. 2022)

Course Objectives

  1. Identify complex sentence structures that are difficult for children with language disorders to understand and produce.
  2. Describe how complex syntax skills develop in children and contrast development with educational standards.
  3. Implement procedures for assessment of complex syntax skills.
  4. Demonstrate use of evidence-based techniques to improve comprehension and expression of complex sentences.
  5. Develop curriculum-based goals and treatment activities to improve comprehension and expression of complex sentences related to academic expectations at a variety of age and grade levels.

Presenter & Disclosures

Jennifer L. Schultz, MA, CCC-SLP, is an instructor for the online Speech-Language Pathology Assistant program at Mitchell Technical Institute in Mitchell, SD. Prior to this, she was a clinical speech-language pathologist, with 9 years of experience in an inpatient rehabilitation setting and 12 years in an education setting, serving children ages 0 – 21. Jennifer has a particular interest in the treatment of language disorders in school-age children. She has presented numerous workshops on vocabulary instruction, using books in therapy, and skill-based language assessment. Jennifer is a past member of the ASHA SLP Advisory Council and past president of the South Dakota Speech-Language-Hearing Association. She is the author of the "Skill-Based Assessment of Core Communication Skills."

Speaker Disclosures:

Financial — Jennifer Schultz is a presenter of online CE courses offered by Northern Speech Services; receives royalties.

Nonfinancial — Jennifer Schultz is a past member of the ASHA SLP Advisory Council.

Intended Audience / Accreditation

asha ce approved provider

This program is offered for 0.4 ASHA CEUs (Intermediate Level; Professional Area).

Intended Audience

  • Speech-Language Pathologists


Northern Speech online courses are registered with ASHA and are offered for ASHA CEUs. The number of ASHA CEUs is noted above. Note that 0.1 ASHA CEU = 1 contact hour = equals 1 CEE.

Earning ASHA CEUs and the ASHA CE Registry:

To earn CEUs from this course and have ASHA CEUs submitted to the ASHA CE Registry, course participants must satisfy each of these requirements:

  • Participants must meet the eligibility requirements to earn ASHA CEUs (see below).
  • Participants must indicate – prior to course completion – their intent for Northern Speech to submit this course to ASHA.
  • Participants must complete/view this course in its entirety.
  • Participants must complete the course post test with a minimum of 80% accuracy.
  • After successful completion of the post test and completion of the course evaluation, a certificate of course completion is presented to the participant electronically via PDF.
  • For those participants who indicated their intent for the ASHA CE Registry, course completion status will be submitted by Northern Speech to ASHA within 45 days of the course completion date.

Eligibility To Earn ASHA CEUs:

Attendees must meet at least one of the following conditions in order to be eligible to earn ASHA CEUs:

  • Current ASHA Member.
  • ASHA Certificate of Clinical Competence (CCC) Holder.
  • Licensed by a state or provincial regulatory agency to practice speech-language pathology (SLP) or audiology.
  • Credentialed by a state regulatory agency to practice SLP or audiology.
  • Credentialed by a national regulatory agency to practice SLP or audiology.
  • Engaged in a Clinical Fellowship under the supervision of an individual with their ASHA CCC.
  • Currently enrolled in a master's or doctoral program in SLP or audiology.

If an attendee is not an ASHA member or CCC holder but meets any of the above criteria, they may inform the ASHA CE Registry of their eligibility by visiting this site.

ASHA CE Registry:

During the enrollment process, if you select to receive ASHA credit for this course and if you provide your ASHA number, Northern Speech will automatically submit your CEU information to the ASHA CE Registry after successful course completion (80% on post test). This submission happens once per month, during the first week of the month. For example, if you complete your course on November 7th, Northern Speech will submit all November online course CEUs to ASHA during the first week of December. When ASHA inputs the information into their database, they will mark the course as completed on the last day of the month in which it was completed, so November 30th using this example. The certificate of completion available for you to print immediately, however, will reflect the actual completion date, November 7th in this example. Due to ASHA processing procedures please allow 2-3 weeks, from the submission date, for the course to appear on your ASHA transcript.

Licensing Boards: Most state licensing boards DO accept CEUs earned online (usually classified as home-study credits). Some state boards do, however, place a limit to the number of credits that can be earned via home study/online courses. For the most current information, we suggest that you contact your licensing board or agency to verify acceptance policies and/or any credit limits related to home-study courses prior to registering for this course.

Additional accrediting agencies by which Northern Speech is an approved CE provider:

  • California: NSS is approved as a provider of continuing education by the California Speech-Language Pathology & Audiology Board. Provider #PDP4. Online CEU limits may apply; please contact SLPAHADB for current online CEU acceptance policies.
  • Iowa: NSS is approved as a provider of continuing education by the Iowa Board of Speech Pathology and Audiology Examiners. Provider #169.
  • Kansas: NSS is approved as a provider of continuing education by the Kansas Department of Health and Environment. Provider #LTS-S0005.
  • Florida: NSS is approved as a provider of continuing education by the Florida Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology Board. Provider #SPA-026.
  • New Jersey: NSS is approved as a provider of continuing education by the New Jersey Department of Education. Provider #1654.

Frequently Asked Questions

Customer Support: Please phone 888.337.3866 or email info@northernspeech.com.

Course Completion Timeframe:

You have unlimited time to complete our online courses. You may log off and log on as often as you’d like to in order to complete all sections of a course.

However, completion dates are based on Eastern Standard Time. Therefore, if you need your CEUs by a certain date, be sure to complete the course test before 11:59pm EST on that date. For example, if you need CEUs before January 1st, you will need to complete the course test before 11:59pm EST on December 31st.

Content Access:

Access to course materials and content does not expire, even after completing the post test. You may continue to review course material by logging into your NSS account, clicking the My Online Courses tab, and then viewing your desired course.

Certificate of Completion:

On successful completion of the post test (80%), a certificate will be immediately available for download and/or printing. This certificate will include your name, date of completion (based on Eastern Time Zone, USA/Canada), and number of contact hours (CEUs / CEEs). Please note that CEUs are awarded on the date of successful test completion, not the date of course enrollment. Please ensure that you successfully complete the post test prior to any licensure renewal dates.

ASHA CE Registry Submission:

During the enrollment process, if you select to receive ASHA credit for this course and if you provide your ASHA number, NSS will automatically submit your CEU information to the ASHA CE Registry after successful course completion (80% on post test). This submission happens once per month, during the first week of the month. For example, if you complete your course on November 7th, NSS will submit all November online course CEUs to ASHA during the first week of December. When ASHA inputs the information into their database, they will mark the course as completed on the last day of the month in which it was completed, so November 30th using this example. The certificate of completion available for you to print immediately, however, will reflect the actual completion date, November 7th in this example. Due to ASHA processing procedures please allow 2-3 weeks, from the submission date, for the course to appear on your ASHA transcript.

Purchase Orders:

Purchase orders are currently not accepted for online orders, if you wish to submit a purchase order please do so at info@northernspeech.com or fax to 888-696-9655.

What is an Online Course?

Our Online Courses consist of video, audio, and/or text content and are offered for ASHA CEUs. Unlike a webinar, which requires participants to be logged on and at a computer at specific times, our Online Courses are available to you at any time, from any device, via your NorthernSpeech.com online account. You may work at your own pace and start and stop your course as you wish. Your course will conclude with a short post test. On successful completion of the post test (>80%), a printable certificate of completion is presented to you.

Receiving CEUs:

Northern Speech is an ASHA CE Provider and our online courses are registered with ASHA and offered for ASHA CEUs. Please note that successful completion of the online post test is required prior to the awarding of CEUs. Please contact your state licensing board for acceptance policies related to CEUs earned online. Please note that courses offered for university students are not applicable for CEUs.

Registering for an online course:

You may browse all online courses by clicking the Continuing Education tab above, then Online Courses. Once you find a course, click Enroll Now, and you will be asked to either log into your existing Northern Speech account or create a new online account. Once you’ve entered your account information and provided your credit card payment, your course will be immediately available to you.

Accessing your purchased course or returning to a purchased course:

You will be able to access your online course by logging into your Northern Speech account and then clicking the My Online Courses tab on your profile screen. Click the course you would like to start or to resume. From there, proceed through the course sections until you are ready to complete the post test. You do not have to complete your course all at once. You may log on and off as you wish.

Testing requirements:

Each online course concludes with a post test consisting of multiple choice or true & false questions. Scores of 80% or greater are required for successful course completion and awarding of CEUs. You may revisit course materials and retest as needed to achieve a passing score.

Number of CEUs offered:

We offer courses from 1 to 21 contact hours. Each course will note the number of CEUs offered. Please note that 0.1 CEU = 1 contact hour = 1 CEE.

State licensing boards and online CEUs:

NSS is an ASHA CE Provider and most state licensing boards DO accept ASHA CEUs earned online (usually classified as home-study credits). Some boards do, however, place a limit to the number of CEUs that can be earned via home study/online courses. For the most current information, we suggest that you contact your licensing board or agency to verify acceptance policies and/or any CEU limits related to home-study courses prior to enrolling in an online course.

Course formats:

Our course formats include: text, audio, video, and PowerPoint with author narration. Each course will note the format on the course description page. Most courses include closed captioning.

Course handouts:

Most of our online courses provide a link to download the accompanying handout as a PDF file. 

Group discounts:

Groups of 3 or more are eligible for a 20% discount on each registration on most of our online courses. To receive this discount, registrations need to be processed together via the "Group Rates" tab on the Online Course of your choice.

Computer requirements:

For our online courses to function best, we recommend that you update your computer to include the newest version of your Internet browser (Safari, Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Internet Explorer, etc.) and newest version of your computer's operating system. Also a high-speed Internet connection is recommended (cable or DSL). Speakers or headphones will be required for many of our courses as many contain audio components.

Course Cancellation Policy:

A purchased online course can be exchanged, refunded, or transferred to another individual if contact is made with NSS (via phone or email) within 30 days of purchase and the course materials have not been viewed or downloaded. 

Special Needs:

Please click here for any special needs requests, and we will do our best to accommodate them. 

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