More SLPs in the United States implement the Kaufman Speech to Language Protocol (K-SLP) in the treatment of childhood apraxia of speech (CAS) than any other therapy method.* This comprehensive online training offers SLPs the opportunity to demonstrate competencies in the implementation of the K-SLP approach for treatment of CAS. Gain a deeper understanding of the essential components of the K-SLP. Includes an advanced discussion covering strategic selection of practice words and phrases, framing techniques to achieve clinical excellence, and common mistakes to avoid during CAS treatment. Learn more >
*Source: Journal of Communication Disorders, Volume 96, March-April, 2022.
The KSPT aids in the identification and treatment of CAS. It measures a child's imitative responses to the clinician, identifies where the speech system is breaking down, and points to a systematic course of treatment. Breakdowns in KSPT match the levels of treatment in the Kaufman Treatment Kits, allowing for a seamless transition to therapy.
Teach children to combine consonants and vowels to form words while controlling for speech motor coordination difficulty. Includes the syllable shapes children need to master to become effective vocal/verbal communicators.
Once a child has mastered the sounds in Kit 1, use Kit 2 to refine articulation and build intelligibility. Features familiar two and three-syllable words to target more complicated speech motor skills and synthesis into initial and final word positions.
Teach children to combine words to formulate expressive language. Outlines 16 specific speech motor coordination workouts. Each workout explains the targeted skill, describes how to perform the exercise, and specifies help to be offered to the child.