Presenter: Roxann Diez Gross, PhD, CCC-SLP, ASHA Fellow
"Absolutely a game changer! The best part is patients know and report relief immediately once they get the technique down and it’s not hard to train."
– R.H., prior course participant
The Dysphagia Intervention for the Esophageal Zone (DIEZ) is based upon the inverse relationship between intraluminal esophageal pressures and the respiratory cycle. DIEZ is a respiratory-based therapeutic technique for improving esophageal clearance thus helping to eliminate the sensation of food sticking, regurgitation of undigested food, and non-pathologic globus sensation.
This course will fully describe how to determine who is appropriate for this therapy, how to evaluate these patients, provide instructions in how to teach the DIEZ technique to adults and children, and offer tips for making the technique habitual. Supplemental material such as patient and physician handouts are also included.
Basic esophageal and respiratory anatomy and physiology are reviewed. The manner in which the two systems functionally interact for bolus transport will be fully explained. VFSS and case studies are shown that demonstrate the effects of the respiratory cycle on esophageal transport and the successful application of the DIEZ technique. High resolution manometry with impedance is also explained and demonstrated so that learners can better understand the relative amounts and locations of esophageal pressures in relation to the respiratory cycle. The evidence presented in this course makes the case for using high lung volumes and prolonged exhalation when swallowing to address esophageal stasis and globus. This knowledge can also help to expand communication with gastroenterologists and physicians. Content is appropriate for both pediatric and adult clients.
Course is offered for 0.45 ASHA CEUs – 4.5 Contact Hours.
Course Overview – Run Time: 4:36:28
"I have experienced GREAT results implementing the DIEZ method with clients. Clients are so thankful and compliment the simplicity and efficiency of this maneuver."
– P.P., prior course participant
The content of this online CE course does not focus exclusively on any specific proprietary product or service. Presenter financial and non-financial disclosures may be found in the Presenter & Disclosures area.
Video PowerPoint presentation with author narration & downloadable handout. Stop and re-start the course at any point. Learners retain access to course content after completion for ongoing reference and review.
"The DIEZ therapeutic technique will be incredibly helpful for the many patients we have in our hospital that complain of globus. I liked the personal stories, case histories, and video demonstrations." R.S. (Feb. 2025)
"We get so many referrals for people with esophageal symptoms yet stop short of knowing how to best approach them. This course is SOOO beneficial. THANK YOU! Very well done. It gave a good balance of technical information and very practical suggestions on how to implement. The speaker was clear, methodical and easy to follow." O.B. (Feb. 2025)
"Case studies were helpful! The information was easy to understand." G.B. (Feb. 2025)
"Entire technique was beneficial and I liked the practicality of use." M.C. (Feb. 2025)
"I found the information on how volume in the lungs impacts pressures in the esophagus to be valuable. I liked that the information could be broken into parts rather than watching the entire course at once. The handouts for the instructions of DIEZ will be helpful." A.S. (Feb. 2025)
"Using the pressures between the lungs and esophagus to help achalasia on MBS was beneficial. Simple instructions." A.L. (Feb. 2025)
"Helpful explanation of diaphragmatic breathing and esophageal clearing. I liked the videos to see the difference, and the presenter's rate of speech and clarity." M.H. (Feb. 2025)
"The description of the technique was beneficial. Clear explanation, lots of examples." D.P. (Feb. 2025)
"The entire topic was beneficial. I work in a nursing home and have many physician referrals for globus / sticking materials. I liked that the information was concise and the use of VFSS." J.P. (Feb. 2025)
"I liked the thorough breakdown of the theoretical reason for the DIEZ technique, and the examples of case studies and MBSS videos." A.H. (Feb. 2025)
"Functional treatment that is easy to incorporate into everyday therapy. I receive many referrals for patients with complaints of food sticking where all the tests have been completed and no problem has been found. This course will help me to help those people." J.L. (Feb. 2025)
"It was beneficial to discuss neuromuscular anatomy of esophagus. I liked the video examples and uses from other colleagues." S.P. (Feb. 2025)
"Helping patients with stuck feelings. I liked the applicability to my practice." C.P. (Feb. 2025)
"The use of this technique will be invaluable with my globus sensation patients. I loved the new to me information, the videos, the research." J.D. (Jan. 2025)
"Specific instructions for DIEZ technique were helpful. I liked the VFSS videos to show comparison of the baseline swallow vs swallow with DIEZ." M.R. (Jan. 2025)
"The technique was beneficial as well as the case studies." R.R. (Jan. 2025)
"The overall knowledge about respiration, esophagus, and swallowing was beneficial. I liked that I could pace myself, I could go back to parts I needed to review." D.C. (Jan. 2025)
"I liked the range of client types this method can apply to and importance of esophageal evaluation during vfss." M.O. (Jan. 2025)
"The actual Diez maneuver and how it was applied during modified barium studies was beneficial. The presentation was clear and had good use of case studies." J.M. (Jan. 2025)
"Description of the cues provided during the Diez technique was helpful." K.A. (Dec. 2024)
"I really appreciated the emphasis on respiratory coordination with esophageal function and the clear explanation of the procedures being used and why. I am sure that a number of the children I have taken for swallow studies would have benefitted from better analysis of the esophagus. So often backward flow of material is immediately called GERD when it must have been intra-esophageal backward flow. Very well organized and presented. So excited by the total emphasis on the impact of respiratory function on the esophageal function." R.A. (Dec. 2024)
"Very informative, lots of examples. We receive several MBS orders for "food sticking" and pt's who have GERD." K.P. (Dec. 2024)
"I gained a deeper understanding of normal and disordered esophageal function, and deeper understanding of how respiration impacts esophageal transit. Great cases, clear description of concepts, and thorough explanations." J.H. (Dec. 2024)
"Discussing the steps for completing the DIEZ technique was beneficial. I liked seeing multiple examples of the technique in MBSS." B.K. (Dec. 2024)
"The physiologic explanations are useful for instructing this technique. Clear descriptions and many videos and manometry/impedance charts." N.B. (Dec. 2024)
"The technique itself for patient's complaining of globus was beneficial. The course was very informative and interesting to know one technique can make a difference." G.D. (Dec. 2024)
"I found the entire course to be beneficial to my daily practice. DIEZ will allow me to treat so many patients I previously thought I had nothing to offer as help. The pace of the course was good. The instructor had an excellent ability to explain and teach this topic." T.O. (Dec. 2024)
"Discussing the steps to swallowing with esophageal issues was beneficial. I liked the video format." T.G. (Dec. 2024)
"This is a helpful technique for esophageal dysphagia. I thought the handouts were very helpful." E.A. (Dec. 2024)
"VFSS examples and DIEZ implementation were beneficial. I enjoyed that many examples were offered." J.R. (Dec. 2024)
"It was beneficial listening to all the different cases of people this method helped. I liked learning how to perform the DIEZ maneuver and watching the MBSS of the strategy in real-time." K.S. (Dec. 2024)
"I see patients for OP videofluoroscopic studies and the complaints mentioned throughout this course are the ones that I routinely hear. I will definitely try the DIEZ technique on these patients going forward. I appreciated the video examples and the background information re: the esophagus, crural diaphragm." M.K. (Dec. 2024)
"Learning the DIEZ method will be life changing for my outpatients who have already had full GI work ups. This course was comprehensive and informative." M.D. (Dec. 2024)
"I liked the practical application of the technique." C.G. (Dec. 2024)
"I have experienced GREAT results implementing the DIEZ method with clients. Clients are so thankful and compliment the simplicity and efficiency of this maneuver." P.P. (Nov. 2024)
"I liked the diagrams, MBSS videos shown, research background provided, thorough anatomy and physiology provided in relation to esophageal stasis/clearance." J.H. (Nov. 2024)
"I liked the rationale for this new technique, slides, and clear instructions." A.N. (Nov. 2024)
"This course really opened up my eyes to a technique that may help people who complain of Globus, food sticking, and excess mucous. I perform multiple OP swallow studies per week, where I tend to meet people with these complaints. I used to refer them back to their GI, but now have a new tool to try that may help! Very clear and organized presentation of the material." C.L. (Nov. 2024)
"I definitely found the information very interesting and helpful. The presenter explained everything in a concise manner, making it comprehendible." A.G. (Nov. 2024)
"Absolutely a game changer! The best part is patients know and report relief immediately once they get the technique down and it’s not hard to train." R.H. (Nov. 2024)
"Learned how to do the DIEZ technique. Informative course about esophageal anatomy." M.I. (Nov. 2024)
"Patients who are aware of their bodies have excellent outcomes. Yes, it works! My 97-year-old patient who'd been practicing yoga most of her life was my best case. I wish The Diez Method could be a required CEU for all medical SLPs." M.W. (Nov. 2024
"The technique is effective on patients and self." A.H.T. (Nov. 2024)
"I have trained 10 patients on this technique and 6/10 state that it has helped them tremendously. It is so exciting to see someone experience an immediate improvement of symptoms when using this technique." D.H. (Nov. 2024)
"I did use the technique with my husband and it worked!! He was suffering from a constant cough, hiatal hernia, and GERD. Making him do the DIEZ technique with liquid wash helped greatly. The coughing immediately decreased." R.H. (Nov. 2024)
"I like the technique in itself. How practical it is and how thorough the research citations were." M.P. (Nov. 2024)
"The videos of swallow studies as well as the other images were very helpful to understand the connection of breathing/swallowing and affects on esophageal phase of swallow. Course was very comprehensive, and presented in an easy to understand format." T.M. (Nov. 2024)
"I liked the explanation of the relationship of respiration and esophageal pressures and how this can be manipulated to improve esophageal clearance and reduce pts symptoms. Instructions to provide patients regarding respiration to potentially reduce esophageal stasis." M.T. (Nov. 2024)
"Anatomy and physiology relating to globus sensation / esophageal stasis, the benefit of the technique, research results, and how to complete the technique effectively." J.H. (Nov. 2024)
"Very interesting topic presented in an easy format. I like that a technique is available for patients with continued complaint of globus when all tests have been negative." T.B. (Nov. 2024)
"The DIEZ technique was beneficial. I liked all of the information." K.G. (Oct. 2024)
"The mechanics of the technique were helpful to discuss. The course was very clear and informative." L.B. (Oct. 2024)
"I felt like I couldn't help my patients with esophageal problems. Now I feel like I have something for them. I liked the explanation of anatomy and physiology." J.C. (Oct. 2024)
"I liked the organization and honesty by the presenter." K.M. (Oct. 2024)
"Actually having a treatment technique for non-pathological esophageal dysphagia will be beneficial. I enjoyed learning about the complex relationship between breathing and swallowing." C.K. (Oct. 2024)
"Step-by-step instruction for the patient and rationale for how it works. I liked the MBSS videos showing esophageal clearances, description/images of physiology, and handouts to give to patients." C.W. (Oct. 2024)
"The DIEZ is the first technique or intervention I've seen in which SLPs can actually address patient complaints of globus sensation. The presenter was very informative and provided evidence-based research to educate." A.T. (Oct. 2024)
"It was beneficial discussing how intricate respiration and swallowing are involved with each other. I liked the video examples." M.V. (Oct. 2024)
"The handout of instructions for patients is excellent. I love how it provides a rationale. Course had very functional information that you can go back and use with patients immediately." C.L. (Oct. 2024)
"Discussing how the technique benefits patient's c/o specific symptoms was beneficial. Very practical information. Can use almost right away. The speaker provided clear instructional videos/examples and provides when this technique is helpful and when it may not be." K.S. (Oct. 2024)
"This was an excellent presentation on clinical findings that have been adapted into practice for specific problems presented by patients with esophageal-related issues, i.e., belching and Globus when no other pathology is present. The course was thorough, and presented logically. I learned a lot about esophageal disorders, testing methods, and research about respiration and esophageal pressures, as well as the Diez technique." N.R. (Oct. 2024)
"Everything was beneficial because we always get patients complaining of Globus sensation. I liked all the examples." L.M. (Oct. 2024)
"I have not heard about any possible treatments for esophageal clearance, so I'm very excited to try this with my patients. I thought content was practical and will easily translate to clinical practice." K.L. (Oct. 2024)
"I work in the acute setting and encounter so many patients who complain of Globus sensation and esophageal issues, but symptoms are not reflected in diagnostic testing. I am so grateful for another strategy to promote comfort and symptom relief for these patients! I enjoyed the handouts, video of the speaker, PowerPoint slides." A.C. (Sep. 2024)
"Very practical information and readily able to be implemented. I liked the discussion on the esophageal and lung relationship." C.S. (Sep. 2024)
"Treatment options were beneficial. I liked the examples shown." R.K. (Sep. 2024)
"I loved the handouts describing DIEZ for both the patient and PCPs." L.G. (Sep. 2024)
"Use of the DIEZ approach for patients who complain of excess mucus and Globus sensation (which is almost EVERY PATIENT I SEE). It is nice to have a tool in my toolbox to try with these patients. Excellent presentation of the early literature/research behind this technique. I am sold, and I can't wait to read more about new research that looks into this very promising approach." C.A. (Sep. 2024)
"I liked the practicality and ease of reviewing this information." R.H. (Sep. 2024)
"Explanation of pathophysiology and how this technique can help to address globus. I liked the combination of data and real case scenarios." H.S. (Sep. 2024)
"Use of the DIEZ technique for those with c/o excess mucus, globus sensation, and throwing up after meals despite VFSS and GI reports being unremarkable. I liked the pacing; well thought out; good dispersement of videos throughout. I have already recommended this course to the SLP who does the VFSS at the local hospital." R.A. (Sep. 2024)
"Breathing techniques and case studies were helpful. I liked the time flexibility." V.H. (Aug. 2024)
"Discussing the technique & rationale behind it was beneficial. The presenter was engaging/interesting." P.P. (Aug. 2024)
"The DIEZ technique was beneficial as I have been looking for something to help my patient status post UPPP surgery in 2007 and has to cough out residual mucus repeatedly every day. I liked the video demonstrations and the step-by-step way you have justified why and how it makes a difference." P.S. (Aug. 2024)
"The handout was exceptional, and presentation was very good." T.S. (Aug. 2024)
"The presenter was fantastic and I loved all the visualizations and case studies to help me understand and apply. The entire presentation was great." J.M. (Aug. 2024)
"I liked the video examples, and the use of Kaypentax to measure respiration along with VFSS, HRM impedance testing for added information." K.M. (Aug. 2024)
"I liked discussing the importance of completing an esophageal screen on patients especially those who complain of dysphagia in the absence of any obvious pharyngeal difficulty. Taking it at my own pace." C.F. (Aug. 2024)
"Since I work in an adult outpatient clinic that gets a lot of referrals for voice and swallow issues, I see a LOT of patients with globus sensation. This is an invaluable strategy for me! I loved the real case examples, the MBS videos, and Roxanne's communication & teaching style. I really appreciate courses from practicing clinicians - it's so much more realistic." E.W. (Aug. 2024)
"I have already used the technique with 5 participants in our program and one staff member. All report improvement! Watching the videos was very helpful." D.H. (Aug. 2024)
"It was beneficial understanding the relationship between the pulmonary system and the esophagus. I liked the case studies and review of HRM and impedance measures." J.K. (Aug. 2024)
"I gained a better understanding of how lung volumes interact with esophageal pressures and esophageal emptying. It gives me another tool for evaluating and treating patients who complain of Globus. I liked the real world examples and step by step for how to teach the technique!" R.G. (Aug. 2024)
"I enjoyed watching and listening to SLP "in action" performing the technique during MBS! I liked all of the information! It was amazing." E.N. (Aug. 2024)
"Everything! The course was very practical with an excellent source of references." J.A. (Aug. 2024)
"The entire lecture will benefit my practice that is embedded within a laryngology clinic. We have many patients with breathing dysfunction and "GERD" that does not get better with PPIs or has been ID via instrumental testing. This gives me further motivation to spend more time on diaphragmatic breathing. RDG's presentation was one of the strongest offerings I have seen in many years. The foundation was beautifully laid, the anatomy reviewed, and the case studies each had a point!" K.D. (Jul. 2024)
"Physiology of the DIEZ technique was helpful. I liked the rate of presentation and some redundancy to drive the points home." L.K. (Jul. 2024)
"The entire presentation was beneficial! I liked the immediate usefulness of information with my current patient caseload." L.J. (Jul. 2024)
"I liked everything in this course." J.S. (Jul. 2024)
"The DIEZ technique will hopefully bring relief for many of my nursing home and short-term rehab patients. All the information was presented in an easy-to-use format. Plenty of science/research to back up the efficacy. Dr. Gross is a very good speaker and explains things well. I am excited to use this technique tomorrow at work!" G.S. (Jul. 2024)
"Using the DIEZ technique during a VFSS to assess its usefulness as a compensatory strategy was beneficial. I enjoyed the in-depth rationale as to why this technique works." B.D. (Jul. 2024)
"I liked all the information about pressure dynamics and the specific instructions for the use of the technique." C.H. (Jul. 2024)
"Implications of technique were beneficial to discuss. Good examples." B.E. (Jul. 2024)
"Everything in this course was beneficial." A.K. (Jul. 2024)
"Finally, something effective to offer patients with phlegm issues that interfere with their swallowing." L.L. (Jul. 2024)
"Pre-made patient handout was beneficial. The detailed, evidence-based nature was much appreciated." C.F. (Jul. 2024)
"Discussing the Globus sensation and providing patients with another tool was helpful. I liked how the course was logically laid out." A.T. (Jun. 2024)
"I tried it on myself when swallowing pills, and it works! I will definitely be using this with my patients who complain of a Globus sensation and have a diagnosis of GERD!! I liked the relevance and positive, practical aspect of this course!" A.V. (Jun. 2024)
"The relationship of esophageal physiology to respiration as well as the DIEZ technique was beneficial. I liked everything. Another outstanding course by Dr. Roxann Gross." R.A. (Jun. 2024)
"Viewing the MBS and the DIEZ protocol in action was helpful. I liked the explanation of the HRM." J.S. (Jun. 2024)
"I liked both the DIEZ technique and the underlying support/rationale for it working for stated clients." M.M. (Jun. 2024)
"I have many people who complain of Globus. I appreciate the explicit instructions about this technique and the extensive review of the research/evidence; this might be another option or "tool" in my toolbox for how to go about helping patients with symptom mgmt." R.Z. (Jun. 2024)
"This is a fascinating topic and I can't wait to try on my patients specifically during outpt mbs - majority are patients with c/o globus. I liked the case studies." L.E. (Jun. 2024)
"I like that this is a new horizon in dysphagia management and something possible that we can offer to the appropriate patient to potentially provide them some relief from their symptoms." K.F. (Jun. 2024)
"It was beneficial to discuss how respiration affects esophageal clearance. The course was easy to follow." M.W. (Jun. 2024)
"Excellent offering in a new technique/strategy to help clients manage their issues." K.W. (May 2024)
Describe the pressure relationships between the esophagus and the respiratory cycle.
Identify peristalsis and bolus clearance on high resolution manometry images.
Demonstrate how to instruct patients in the DIEZ therapeutic technique.
Identify who is appropriate for evaluation and treatment.
Describe the instrumental and non-instrumental methods for pre and post treatment assessments.
Roxann Diez Gross, PhD, CCC-SLP, ASHA Fellow, is a leading expert, accomplished researcher, and frequently invited national and international lecturer. Her areas of expertise include swallowing function, esophageal dysphagia, and management of patients with tracheostomy tubes and speaking valves.
Currently, Dr. Gross is a consultant and clinical specialist for Swallowing Diagnostics, Inc., Parkland, FL. She was the Director of Research at The Children's Institute in Pittsburgh, PA., and prior to this position, she was Director of the Swallowing Disorders Center at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center and Assistant Professor of Otolaryngology in the School of Medicine.
Dr. Gross has published several scientific papers and clinical book chapters. Most recently, she was the primary editor of a case study textbook that focuses on tracheostomy and ventilator dependence in adults and children. Her primary area of research examines interactions between breathing and swallowing in neurologic and respiratory disease. Over the past 10 years, she has expanded her clinical work and research to include non-pathologic forms of esophageal dysphagia.
Speaker Disclosures:
Financial — Roxann Diez Gross is presenter of online CE courses by Northern Speech Services; receives royalties.
Nonfinancial — Roxann Diez Gross has no relevant nonfinancial relationships to disclose.
This program is offered for 0.45 ASHA CEUs (Intermediate Level; Professional Area).
Northern Speech online courses are registered with ASHA and are offered for ASHA CEUs. The number of ASHA CEUs is noted above. Note that 0.1 ASHA CEU = 1 contact hour = equals 1 CEE.
To earn CEUs from this course and have ASHA CEUs submitted to the ASHA CE Registry, course participants must satisfy each of these requirements:
Attendees must meet at least one of the following conditions in order to be eligible to earn ASHA CEUs:
If an attendee is not an ASHA member or CCC holder but meets any of the above criteria, they may inform the ASHA CE Registry of their eligibility by visiting this site.
During the enrollment process, if you select to receive ASHA credit for this course and if you provide your ASHA number, Northern Speech will automatically submit your CEU information to the ASHA CE Registry after successful course completion (80% on post test). This submission happens once per month, during the first week of the month. For example, if you complete your course on November 7th, Northern Speech will submit all November online course CEUs to ASHA during the first week of December. When ASHA inputs the information into their database, they will mark the course as completed on the last day of the month in which it was completed, so November 30th using this example. The certificate of completion available for you to print immediately, however, will reflect the actual completion date, November 7th in this example. Due to ASHA processing procedures please allow 2-3 weeks, from the submission date, for the course to appear on your ASHA transcript.
Licensing Boards: Most state licensing boards DO accept CEUs earned online (usually classified as home-study credits). Some state boards do, however, place a limit to the number of credits that can be earned via home study/online courses. For the most current information, we suggest that you contact your licensing board or agency to verify acceptance policies and/or any credit limits related to home-study courses prior to registering for this course.
Additional accrediting agencies by which Northern Speech is an approved CE provider:
Course Completion Timeframe:
You have unlimited time to complete our online courses. You may log off and log on as often as you’d like to in order to complete all sections of a course.
However, completion dates are based on Eastern Standard Time. Therefore, if you need your CEUs by a certain date, be sure to complete the course test before 11:59pm EST on that date. For example, if you need CEUs before January 1st, you will need to complete the course test before 11:59pm EST on December 31st.
Content Access:
Access to course materials and content does not expire, even after completing the post test. You may continue to review course material by logging into your NSS account, clicking the My Online Courses tab, and then viewing your desired course.
Certificate of Completion:
On successful completion of the post test (80%), a certificate will be immediately available for download and/or printing. This certificate will include your name, date of completion (based on Eastern Time Zone, USA/Canada), and number of contact hours (CEUs / CEEs). Please note that CEUs are awarded on the date of successful test completion, not the date of course enrollment. Please ensure that you successfully complete the post test prior to any licensure renewal dates.
ASHA CE Registry Submission:
During the enrollment process, if you select to receive ASHA credit for this course and if you provide your ASHA number, NSS will automatically submit your CEU information to the ASHA CE Registry after successful course completion (80% on post test). This submission happens once per month, during the first week of the month. For example, if you complete your course on November 7th, NSS will submit all November online course CEUs to ASHA during the first week of December. When ASHA inputs the information into their database, they will mark the course as completed on the last day of the month in which it was completed, so November 30th using this example. The certificate of completion available for you to print immediately, however, will reflect the actual completion date, November 7th in this example. Due to ASHA processing procedures please allow 2-3 weeks, from the submission date, for the course to appear on your ASHA transcript.
Purchase Orders:
Purchase orders are currently not accepted for online orders, if you wish to submit a purchase order please do so at or fax to 888-696-9655.
What is an Online Course?
Our Online Courses consist of video, audio, and/or text content and are offered for ASHA CEUs. Unlike a webinar, which requires participants to be logged on and at a computer at specific times, our Online Courses are available to you at any time, from any device, via your online account. You may work at your own pace and start and stop your course as you wish. Your course will conclude with a short post test. On successful completion of the post test (>80%), a printable certificate of completion is presented to you.
Receiving CEUs:
Northern Speech is an ASHA CE Provider and our online courses are registered with ASHA and offered for ASHA CEUs. Please note that successful completion of the online post test is required prior to the awarding of CEUs. Please contact your state licensing board for acceptance policies related to CEUs earned online. Please note that courses offered for university students are not applicable for CEUs.
Registering for an online course:
You may browse all online courses by clicking the Continuing Education tab above, then Online Courses. Once you find a course, click Enroll Now, and you will be asked to either log into your existing Northern Speech account or create a new online account. Once you’ve entered your account information and provided your credit card payment, your course will be immediately available to you.
Accessing your purchased course or returning to a purchased course:
You will be able to access your online course by logging into your Northern Speech account and then clicking the My Online Courses tab on your profile screen. Click the course you would like to start or to resume. From there, proceed through the course sections until you are ready to complete the post test. You do not have to complete your course all at once. You may log on and off as you wish.
Testing requirements:
Each online course concludes with a post test consisting of multiple choice or true & false questions. Scores of 80% or greater are required for successful course completion and awarding of CEUs. You may revisit course materials and retest as needed to achieve a passing score.
Number of CEUs offered:
We offer courses from 1 to 21 contact hours. Each course will note the number of CEUs offered. Please note that 0.1 CEU = 1 contact hour = 1 CEE.
State licensing boards and online CEUs:
NSS is an ASHA CE Provider and most state licensing boards DO accept ASHA CEUs earned online (usually classified as home-study credits). Some boards do, however, place a limit to the number of CEUs that can be earned via home study/online courses. For the most current information, we suggest that you contact your licensing board or agency to verify acceptance policies and/or any CEU limits related to home-study courses prior to enrolling in an online course.
Course formats:
Our course formats include: text, audio, video, and PowerPoint with author narration. Each course will note the format on the course description page. Most courses include closed captioning.
Course handouts:
Most of our online courses provide a link to download the accompanying handout as a PDF file.
Group discounts:
Groups of 3 or more are eligible for a 20% discount on each registration on most of our online courses. To receive this discount, registrations need to be processed together via the "Group Rates" tab on the Online Course of your choice.
Computer requirements:
For our online courses to function best, we recommend that you update your computer to include the newest version of your Internet browser (Safari, Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Internet Explorer, etc.) and newest version of your computer's operating system. Also a high-speed Internet connection is recommended (cable or DSL). Speakers or headphones will be required for many of our courses as many contain audio components.
Course Cancellation Policy:
A purchased online course can be exchanged, refunded, or transferred to another individual if contact is made with NSS (via phone or email) within 30 days of purchase and the course materials have not been viewed or downloaded.
Special Needs:
Please click here for any special needs requests, and we will do our best to accommodate them.
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