Upgrade Your MBSImP Training Account

Upgrade to the professional MBSImP Online Training and demonstrate to your current or potential employer your competency in interpreting MBS Studies.
Earn 2.1 ASHA CEUs
on completion of the
MBSImP Online Training.

Grad Student Discount

As a past grad student MBSImP trainee, you are eligible to upgrade your MBSImP account to the professional version. Upgrading provides the opportunity to earn ASHA CEUs and become a Registered MBSImP Clinician.
Receive a $125 tuition discount!
Training Features & Requirements After Your Upgrade:
  • You will retain your current training account as used as a grad student.
  • Your account will “reset” to the Full Study portion of the Training Zone.
  • You will need to complete again the Full Study portion of the Training Zone.
  • You may then attempt the Reliability Zone testing.
  • On achieving 80% or higher per each component in the Reliability Zone, you will be awarded 2.1 ASHA CEUs
    and earn “Registered MBSImP Clinician” status.
  • - You have unlimited time after upgrading to complete the training and testing.
    - You may retest as needed to achieve the 80% per component passing requirement.
    - If your employer is paying the tuition fee, please submit this enrollment form.
    - Your upgraded training account will be governed by the MBSImP Terms of Use.
    - Questions? Please email mbsimp@northernspeech.com

Join your SLP colleagues
who have become
Registered MBSImP Clinicians.