$109.00 USD

99% rating - reviews

0.7  ASHA CEUs

Prevention Of Feeding, Speech, And Mouth Development Problems: Birth To Age 2 #e156

Presenter: Diane Bahr, MS, CCC-SLP, CIMI

Learn appropriate feeding, speech, and mouth development techniques.

"Direct explanation of how to implement therapy techniques. Very specific on the why and the how."

– M.V., prior course participant

Read more comments about this course!

This course presents strategies to help establish solid foundations for the development of normal speech and feeding behavior for young children ages birth to 2 years. There are many children on our caseloads who were born with typically developing mouths, but then something went wrong – particularly in the first year. These children develop low tongue resting positions, high narrow palates, small nasal airways, and feeding and speech problems.

These difficulties could be avoided if parents and caregivers beginning at birth used appropriate feeding, speech, and mouth development techniques and activities. In this course, participants will learn how to keep babies and young children (birth to 2 years) on track to prevent or reduce life-long feeding, speech, and mouth development problems.

Offered for 0.7 ASHA CEUs – 7 contact hours.

The Illinois Early Intervention Training Program has approved this course for 5 hours of EI credential credit in the area of Intervention, and 2 hours in Typical Development (7 Total).

Course Overview – Run Time: 7:04:28

  • Typical and atypical mouth and airway development from birth.
  • Appropriate use of mouth toys and activities.
  • Appropriate feeding development and activities.
  • Appropriate speech development and activities.

Stop and re-start the course at any point. Learners retain access to course content after completion for ongoing reference and review.
"I loved everything! This course was very thorough, and all information was applicable for SLPs. I enjoyed how Dr. Bahr appealed to different learning styles, especially by including demonstrations. If more courses are offered by Dr. Bahr, I will be signing up, and I will be telling my colleagues about this course!"

– K.M., prior course participant

Read more comments about this course!

Course presenter is author of the book, "Nobody Ever Told Me (or My Mother) That! Everything from Bottles and Breathing to Healthy Speech Development" and the text, "Oral Motor Assessment and Treatment: Ages and Stages". The presenter will refer to these books during the presentation, though participants do not need to purchase these books to complete this course. Presenter financial and non-financial disclosures may be found in the Presenter & Disclosures area.

Video PowerPoint presentation with author narration & downloadable handout. Stop and re-start the course at any point. Learners retain access to course content after completion for ongoing reference and review.


"I really enjoyed the instruction on using the bite blocks and incorporating them in the younger population. Also, the demonstration that was given for progressing through the grading of the jaw." K.S. (Feb. 2025)

"Feeding milestones. Interactive nature." N.D. (Feb. 2025)

"I liked the topic on how to introduce cup drinking and when/which ones to use, in what order. Loved all of it." B.M. (Jan. 2025)

"I liked all the topics!! So much about early intervention development for a baby 2 years of life. Clear, visuals, speaker has a voice that was professional but also socially likable." J.B. (Dec. 2024)

"There was so much helpful information it's hard to pick. I'd like to watch this again so that it will better sink in. I liked that there were so many practical ideas and applications with thorough background information." B.H. (Dec. 2024)

"This course was an excellent overview and combination of several courses that I have taken - with all those techniques rolled into one! Reminding me that I can use more than one "protocol" at a time. The pace was excellent and it was a great balance of development and intervention!" M.B. (Dec. 2024)

"Beneficial discussion of otolaryngological management, oral massage, jaw strengthening. Clear presentation, interesting, useful, practical material." E.N. (Dec. 2024)

"Great examples, visuals, and breakdown of every phase and sequence. As a visual learner, I loved being able to follow along with the visuals to see examples of what Mrs. Bahr was talking about on each slide." C.M. (Dec. 2024)

"I liked when the presenter modeled the feeding therapy with therapy tools (bite sticks, tubes). Feeding/cup and straw drinking were beneficial." D.L. (Nov. 2024)

"Since I work in Early Intervention and mostly with 2 years, the majority of the course was beneficial. The review of feeding was very helpful. I appreciated that I could pause and come back to the course." S.M. (Nov. 2024)

"Helpful strategies to facilitate straw and cup drinking and chewing development. I liked the video demonstration." K.O. (Oct. 2024)

"Feeding stages and tech were helpful to discuss. I enjoyed the variety of information." B.M. (Oct. 2024)

"Beneficial knowledge of the specific milestones of movement, nutritive sucking/non-nutritive sucking, and what feeding materials and sensory materials likely fit the oral cavity best throughout the baby's development. I appreciate how available the presenter made herself to answer any questions and providing handouts to better educate therapists and parents." A.B. (Oct. 2024)

"Family education was beneficial to discuss. I enjoyed the videos." K.A. (Oct. 2024)

"Learning more about feeding in general was helpful." K.L. (Oct. 2024)

"The section regarding intelligibility was beneficial, vowel sounds and CAS, as this is the population I see the most. Well organized course and easy to follow. The demonstrations at the end of each section were very helpful." J.L. (Sep. 2024)

"I found all of the information to be helpful and was very interested in the developmental monthly progressions of skills. Her information was well presented, supported by pictures and videos, so that a novice could still follow along." L.S. (Sep. 2024)

"Developmental information that will help me in best supporting my own children's speech and feeding development as well as information I can share with parents who want to see their child thrive. I liked the emphasis on prevention and education." K.D. (Sep. 2024)

"Feeding and swallowing for the normally developing child was a beneficial topic. I liked the balance of info as related to the normally developing and the delayed child." Y.E. (Aug. 2024)

"I liked discussing oral motor for jaw facilitation. Thorough details in all areas." E.S. (Aug. 2024)

"Oral motor exercises were helpful as well as the infant massage." L.K. (Jul. 2024)

"It was helpful to discuss the impacts that early difficulties with feeding/swallowing can go on to have with speech and language development. This course was easy to follow, the information was clear, and can easily be carried over to the clinical setting." K.C. (Jul. 2024)

"How all of feeding and speech development are integrated together was a helpful topic. Loved the massage demonstrations. I liked the videos of the therapy techniques to facilitate good oral movements, feeding, massage, and speech development. Photos of normal and abnormal facial structures of newborns were also helpful." J.A. (Jul. 2024)

"It was beneficial discussing the development of feeding, milestone development in the anatomy of the mouth and types of textures babies can have." H.B. (May. 2024)

"Feeding and oral motor development were beneficial topics. I liked the video examples of treatments." K.G. (May. 2024)

"All information was applicable and beneficial and I enjoyed the video demonstrations." N.A. (May. 2024)

"Spoon feeding, cup drinking, and CAS Information were beneficial. I liked the examples of therapeutic techniques." P.L. (May. 2024)

"How to appropriately use the chewy tubes was helpful. I enjoyed the hands-on examples." M.L. (Apr. 2024)

"The demonstrations were beneficial." S.G. (Apr. 2024)

"Things to watch for when assessing feeding was beneficial. Set a good foundation for early feeding." A.G. (Apr. 2024)

"Hands-on strategies and product recommendations were helpful. The content was very applicable to my work with the 0-3 population." B.H. (Mar. 2024)

"All topics and discussions were very beneficial, either as a review, validation of treatment, or new information for me. The references were very helpful. The course was very informative and comprehensive." D.I. (Mar. 2024)

"How to diagnose whether a child has a high palate was beneficial. I liked that I was able to watch course in sections as opposed to all at once." K.S. (Mar. 2024)

"All information was relevant in working in birth to 3. I liked the review of the development of oral structures." P.B. (Mar. 2024)

"The stages of development for feeding were beneficial. Good content and helpful." T.C. (Feb. 2024)

"The milestones for feeding and demonstrations/suggestions on how to use maroon spoons and various cups were helpful. I liked the clear layout of milestones and what to look for and then the time to "apply" with practicing what was reviewed." K.T. (Feb. 2024)

"Tongue tie and oral movement were helpful. I enjoyed all the strategies provided." J.H. (Jan. 2024)

"Overall review of development and feeding strategies will be beneficial in my daily practice with EI clients. I liked the ability to complete this on my own, and the tongue tie information." M.O. (Jan. 2024)

"Discussing how to begin oral feeds with infants was beneficial. I liked all of the information the presenter shared, plus she demonstrated the use of specific items beneficial for intervention." H.M. (Jan. 2024)

"I loved all of the course, and I can use it for my own kids." K.L. (Dec. 2023)

"Beneficial discussion of vowel production. I enjoyed the demonstration video." S.B. (Dec. 2023)

"Ideas to facilitate good mouth development in infancy. The importance of preventative measures of prolonged speech/feeding." C.B. (Dec. 2023)

"It was helpful to discuss the areas to be aware of during feeding. Easy to follow course." K.S. (Dec. 2023)

"Beneficial overview of appropriate mouth and feeding development. I enjoyed the thorough discussion, pictures, and video practice exercises." H.L. (Dec. 2023)

"I found the entire course to be beneficial. I appreciated the information regarding typical mouth development. I see how my clients with severe speech sound disorders and feeding clients had disturbances in oral motor development. This course fits nicely into my treatment paradigms and philosophies. Integrating OT and PT perspectives and typical development norms." J.W. (Dec. 2023)

"Terrific review of development and intervention. I liked the intervention methods and tools." C.S. (Dec. 2023)

"Feeding milestones and tools for development were helpful. I liked the pictures of tools and visuals of stages." G.A. (Dec. 2023)

"Beneficial information regarding the importance of vowel production and suggestions to achieve better vowel production. The drooling management was helpful as well. I enjoyed the video presentation with the bite blocks/jaw closure tubes feeding/drinking techniques to use with infants and toddlers." A.R. (Nov. 2023)

"The different activities that can be done to support mouth development were most beneficial for my daily practice. I liked the demonstrations." A.A. (Nov. 2023)

"Clear communication and established therapy goals when working with children for feeding and speech purposes. Developmental information regarding feeding skills and food appropriate for different ages was beneficial." M.P. (Nov. 2023)

"I liked the fact that I could go at my own pace. I also enjoyed the video presentation examples." L.D. (Nov. 2023)

"Understanding the tools that can be used early on for jaw development. I liked the pictures and videos, so I was able to visualize in real-time." T.K. (Oct. 2023)

"Various treatment strategies to improve jaw grading for speech and feeding. The interactive videos of how to perform treatment strategies were very helpful." R.A. (Oct. 2023)

"Much of this was new to me as applicable for children under two years of age as I've never worked with this age group, but have wanted to be able to do something early on in an effort to minimize or prevent later speech deficits." C.B. (Oct. 2023)

"The entire section about feeding was new to me and I will watch it again as there's so much I need to learn." K.T. (Oct. 2023)

"The presenter was incredible. Thank you, Diane! I liked the videos of the oral massage, and all the review of the normal development which is important for me to explain to parents in EI. I liked that I could log on when I had time." A.C. (Sep. 2023)

"I will use the feeding milestones. I liked the information regarding cup, spoon and straws." S.G. (Sep. 2023)

"I liked the integration of facial and oral massage into jaw work and introduction of speech sounds." A.O. (Sep. 2023)

"The use of various therapy tools to target different areas of biting, chewing, speech and drinking were beneficial. I liked the activities to practice learned skills and knowledge." M.S. (Sep. 2023)

"I liked all of it. Learning how to help families prevent open mouth breathing in infants." H.G. (Sep. 2023)

"The Feeding and Jaw topics were helpful. Concise information and helpful pictures." T.B. (Aug. 2023)

"Very thorough course. Oral development relating to speech sounds was beneficial." C.F. (Aug. 2023)

"The presenter was highly knowledgeable and experienced in both research and clinical practices. Jaw grading necessary for eliciting a good swallow pattern was beneficial to discuss." E.N. (Aug. 2023)

"Recommendations for straw drinking, ways to achieve back molar chewing, and the information on jaw grading for vowels were beneficial. As an Early Intervention SLP, I feel that the information I learned in this seminar will be very beneficial to help our parents with children with feeding challenges. I particularly liked the focus on prevention of mouth problems before they begin by implementing strategies from infancy on." J.A. (Aug. 2023)

"The introduction of new ways to improve oral development in babies and toddlers was beneficial. I liked the strategies to improve oral development." E.D. (Aug. 2023)

"I thought the overview of infant feeding reflexes, as well as specific examples of cups, straws, and spoons to use were very helpful. I liked the practical ideas and images to guide future therapy sessions." H.G. (Jul. 2023)

"I liked all of the treatment strategies." B.M. (Jul. 2023)

"The reminders of oral development, how to work towards straw drinking, the association of jaw development to lingual movement, and how early to work on jaw development for chewing. The explanations were concrete, and the visuals and demonstrations complemented the explanations well." C.L. (Jul. 2023)

"Beneficial information on drooling and pacifier use, which I can share with parents. I liked the interactive video demos." S.F. (Jul. 2023)

"The use of materials to elicit vowel sounds and feeding development was beneficial. I liked the practical strategies. Also, the video demonstrations with the use of the tools." B.S. (Jul. 2023)

"Learning impact of postural stability on feeding. I liked the information about the different tools. I also really enjoyed the mouth model." A.S. (Jul. 2023)

"I liked that this course was Early Intervention based. Discriminative mouthing-teethers, starting at arms, shoulders, cheeks, lips, mouth vs. directly going for the mouth. Spoon feeding/straw drinking, pacing boards, longer vowels, and increase speech intelligibility." H.E. (Jun. 2023)

"Jaw work, straw drinking, and chewing were beneficial topics. This course had a lot of good information. I liked the demonstrations." K.R. (Jun. 2023)

"The oral-motor and feeding strategies really help with specific areas for the families that I am working with. I liked that this course was self-paced, and the slides were helpful." S.B. (Jun. 2023)

"I liked the oral motor assessment of the infant. How to help mouth development from day 1." P.D. (Jun. 2023)

"This course was organized. The information was relevant and accurate. I liked the useful videos to illustrate oral massage and feeding intervention." L.H. (Jun. 2023)

"The hands-on practice! I liked that I could take notes on the handout provided and the content was discussed clearly." M.S. (May 2023)

"Very thorough. I liked the oral motor stimulation techniques." V.S. (May 2023)

"I found all the feeding assessment and treatment techniques very valuable. I appreciated all the references to use for further learning. This course was very well organized and very comprehensive." W.D. (May 2023)

"Great content! Jaw grading and learning how the body influences the mouth was beneficial." K.V. (May 2023)

"Working on vowels and ways to elicit vowel sounds was beneficial. I liked the presenter's style of teaching." B.D. (Apr. 2023)

"Infant oral development and feeding was beneficial. Good visuals, videos, and product recommendations." M.O. (Mar. 2023)

"I liked the instruction within the videos; modeling using tools; feeding infants." A.G. (Mar. 2023)

"Excellent course. I liked all of the content." C.R. (Feb. 2023)

"Engaging how-to videos. I liked the jaw grading, straw drinking, feeding development." A.B. (Feb. 2023)

"Course was detailed. The topics about feeding and jaw grading were beneficial." L.L. (Feb. 2023)

"Interesting, functional, and applicable to practice as well as daily living. Mouth development, mgt of drooling, biting, etc. was beneficial." J.A. (Feb. 2023)

"Each section was of interest, and the video teaching was great. Comments and discussion on 'past' interventions were interesting. The topic of jaw height, movement, etc. was an area I had not received any training." S.R. (Feb. 2023)

"Detailed explanation with great examples." Y.G. (Feb. 2023)

"Good review of techniques and strategies. I liked the charts and sequence." M.B. (Feb. 2023)

"I liked the specific treatment ideas. I've taken individual courses on feeding, myofunctional therapy, articulation, etc...It was nice to bring it all together from a speech and language point of view." S.B. (Jan. 2023)

"I liked the introduction of solid foods, and the online format of course." J.A. (Jan. 2023)

"Learning proper feeding development. I liked the teaching strategies offered." S.R. (Dec. 2022)

"All content was good." S.C. (Dec. 2022)

"Very thorough and a lot of great information. Discussion of bottle, straw, cup drinking and different stages of food and chewing was beneficial." D.H. (Dec. 2022)

"I liked the steps of introduction to each general stage of oral motor development with foods." E.S. (Dec. 2022)

"Very informative course and self-paced. Jaw exercises for pre-feeding and drooling management were helpful." S.H. (Dec. 2022)

"Direct explanation of how to implement therapy techniques. Very specific on the why and the how." M.V. (Nov. 2022)

"Learning appropriate use of mouth toys and activities. I liked the wide breadth of information. The instructor was clearly knowledgeable." L.R. (Nov. 2022)

"I found the jaw work and anatomical development norms to be very beneficial. I liked how the presenter gave you a detailed overview of typical development. I also loved the treatment approaches with each section addressed." J.M. (Nov. 2022)

"I found the entire course very informative! The presenter was very knowledgeable!" J.A. (Nov. 2022)

"How to introduce solids, straw drinking and open-cup drinking was very beneficial. I loved the content of this course." H.A. (Nov. 2022)

"I liked the ability to watch on my own time and learn the interplay between mouth and hand development." H.W. (Nov. 2022)

"I found every topic to be beneficial. I liked learning how to provide jaw exercises and how to use bite blocks and teach vowels. I liked watching how the presenter modeled the facial massage and how to present cups and straws." V.N. (Nov. 2022)

"The feeding topics were the most beneficial for me." A.S. (Oct. 2022)

"All of the course was very useful. I liked so much how to teach baby to drink liquids and eat first solid food." R.P. (Oct. 2022)

"Loved it all!  Practical, good review." R.W. (Oct. 2022)

"I liked the feeding portion of the course." R.M. (Sept. 2022)

"I liked the feeding section of the course and the flexibility of taking it." N.G. (Sept. 2022)

"I really enjoyed the videos of how to work with different tools such as chewy tubes and bite blocks for jaw grading. It was helpful to see how these would be implemented into therapy.  I also liked how comprehensive it was and that it included not only oral motor information but how that related to sound development."  F.G. (Aug. 2022)

"I would recommend this course." G.P. (Aug. 2022)

"I liked the materials, the interactive exercises, and the visuals (pictures of babies faces, oral structures, etc)." T.M. (July 2022)

"The recommendations for tools to use in therapy were good. Liked the discussion of feeding milestones." M.N. (July 2022)

"The demonstrations were helpful." L.G. (July 2022)

"I liked the chewing and feeding activities and the way course was divided into sections." S.D. (June 2022)

"Lots of good examples and helpful images." V.M. (June 2022)

"Great therapy suggestions and demonstrations."  H.M. (June 2022)

"Course was very helpful and can be applied to everyday practice." A.C. (May 2022)

"I liked the speech sound development, therapy techniques, review of anatomy, as well as all the practical applications." A.D. (May 2022)

"I liked the examples of recommended resources/tools and the how-to sections with Diane." S.H. (Apr. 2022)

"I liked the section on feeding, and the concrete examples given by the presenter." E.F. (Apr. 2022)

"All the information she provided will be extremely beneficial! I liked her presentation manner, her visuals, and her hands on activities." E.C (Apr. 2022)

"The developmental norms and expectations were beneficial. I liked the demonstrations." M.F. (Mar. 2022)

"The content was easily understood - birth to 12 month feeding - good demonstrations." H.B. (Mar. 2022)

"Early mouth development, recommended activities for different ages and stages, review of reflexes. All very beneficial!" M.G. (Mar. 2022)

"I liked how she broke out the strategies and research by specific areas at a time, and all the video examples of how to complete the items discussed in the course." K.K. (Feb. 2022)

"I liked the feeding developmental checklist. Very thorough information." A.D. (Feb. 2022)

"Comparisons of oral motor and development of speech and language was helpful. And I liked use of the typically developing case study." A.B. (Jan. 2022)

"I liked the tools used for feeding and speech development and connection made between motor patterns for feeding and speech development." L.K. (Jan. 2022)

"I found the sections on oral massage and jaw work helpful to add into my feeding treatment sessions. I liked the videos and all the hands on practice." B.C. (Jan. 2022)

"I found the information about palate structure and how to help it to not narrow very interesting. I liked the hands on examples and eating experiences." H.B. (Jan. 2022)

"I found the jaw grading topic particularly interesting. I enjoyed learning about the bite blocks and closure tubes and how to use them to improve accurate vowel production. I thought the demonstrations were a great way to review the information discussed and to see hands-on how to implement in therapy." M.B. (Jan. 2022)

Course Objectives

  1. Identify ways to prevent feeding, speech, and mouth development problems.
  2. Identify crucial feeding, speech, and mouth developmental milestones (birth to age 2).
  3. Identify the value of tracking and facilitating early feeding, speech, and mouth development.
  4. Identify crucial age-specific feeding, speech, and mouth development activities that parents and caregivers can be safely and easily taught to keep children on track in these processes.

Presenter & Disclosures

Diane Bahr, MS, CCC-SLP, CIMI, is a certified speech-language pathologist and infant massage instructor. She has practiced speech-language pathology since 1980 and has been a feeding therapist since 1983. Her experiences include teaching Graduate, Undergraduate, and Continuing Education courses; working with children and adults who exhibit a variety of speech, language, feeding, and swallowing disorders; and publishing/presenting information on oral sensory-motor function, assessment, and treatment. She is the author of the textbook "Oral Motor Assessment and Treatment: Ages and Stages" (Allyn & Bacon, 2001). She has also written a book for parents and professionals entitled Nobody Ever Told Me (or My Mother) That! Everything from Bottles and Breathing to Healthy Speech Development (Sensory World, 2010) Diane maintains a private practice, writes articles appearing in a variety of publications, is interviewed frequently on radio and in magazines, and is an international presenter.

Speaker Disclosures:

Financial — Diane Bahr is the presenter of an online CE course sponsored by Northern Speech Services; receives royalty payments.

Financial — Diane Bahr is author of two books "Oral Motor Assessment and Treatment: Ages and Stages" (Allyn & Bacon, 2001) and "Nobody Ever Told Me (or My Mother) That! Everything from Bottles and Breathing to Healthy Speech Development" (Sensory World, 2010); receives royalties. She is also the co-owner of Ages and Stages®, LLC for which she is paid.

Nonfinancial — Diane Bahr is a member of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, the International Association of Infant Massage instructors, and the International Association of Orofacial Myology; she receives no compensation in these roles.

Intended Audience / Accreditation

asha ce approved provider

This program is offered for 0.7 ASHA CEUs (Intermediate Level; Professional Area).

Intended Audience

  • Speech-Language Pathologists


Northern Speech online courses are registered with ASHA and are offered for ASHA CEUs. The number of ASHA CEUs is noted above. Note that 0.1 ASHA CEU = 1 contact hour = equals 1 CEE.

Earning ASHA CEUs and the ASHA CE Registry:

To earn CEUs from this course and have ASHA CEUs submitted to the ASHA CE Registry, course participants must satisfy each of these requirements:

  • Participants must meet the eligibility requirements to earn ASHA CEUs (see below).
  • Participants must indicate – prior to course completion – their intent for Northern Speech to submit this course to ASHA.
  • Participants must complete/view this course in its entirety.
  • Participants must complete the course post test with a minimum of 80% accuracy.
  • After successful completion of the post test and completion of the course evaluation, a certificate of course completion is presented to the participant electronically via PDF.
  • For those participants who indicated their intent for the ASHA CE Registry, course completion status will be submitted by Northern Speech to ASHA within 45 days of the course completion date.

Eligibility To Earn ASHA CEUs:

Attendees must meet at least one of the following conditions in order to be eligible to earn ASHA CEUs:

  • Current ASHA Member.
  • ASHA Certificate of Clinical Competence (CCC) Holder.
  • Licensed by a state or provincial regulatory agency to practice speech-language pathology (SLP) or audiology.
  • Credentialed by a state regulatory agency to practice SLP or audiology.
  • Credentialed by a national regulatory agency to practice SLP or audiology.
  • Engaged in a Clinical Fellowship under the supervision of an individual with their ASHA CCC.
  • Currently enrolled in a master's or doctoral program in SLP or audiology.

If an attendee is not an ASHA member or CCC holder but meets any of the above criteria, they may inform the ASHA CE Registry of their eligibility by visiting this site.

ASHA CE Registry:

During the enrollment process, if you select to receive ASHA credit for this course and if you provide your ASHA number, Northern Speech will automatically submit your CEU information to the ASHA CE Registry after successful course completion (80% on post test). This submission happens once per month, during the first week of the month. For example, if you complete your course on November 7th, Northern Speech will submit all November online course CEUs to ASHA during the first week of December. When ASHA inputs the information into their database, they will mark the course as completed on the last day of the month in which it was completed, so November 30th using this example. The certificate of completion available for you to print immediately, however, will reflect the actual completion date, November 7th in this example. Due to ASHA processing procedures please allow 2-3 weeks, from the submission date, for the course to appear on your ASHA transcript.

Licensing Boards: Most state licensing boards DO accept CEUs earned online (usually classified as home-study credits). Some state boards do, however, place a limit to the number of credits that can be earned via home study/online courses. For the most current information, we suggest that you contact your licensing board or agency to verify acceptance policies and/or any credit limits related to home-study courses prior to registering for this course.

Additional accrediting agencies by which Northern Speech is an approved CE provider:

  • California: NSS is approved as a provider of continuing education by the California Speech-Language Pathology & Audiology Board. Provider #PDP4. Online CEU limits may apply; please contact SLPAHADB for current online CEU acceptance policies.
  • Iowa: NSS is approved as a provider of continuing education by the Iowa Board of Speech Pathology and Audiology Examiners. Provider #169.
  • Kansas: NSS is approved as a provider of continuing education by the Kansas Department of Health and Environment. Provider #LTS-S0005.
  • Florida: NSS is approved as a provider of continuing education by the Florida Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology Board. Provider #SPA-026.
  • New Jersey: NSS is approved as a provider of continuing education by the New Jersey Department of Education. Provider #1654.

Frequently Asked Questions

Customer Support: Please phone 888.337.3866 or email info@northernspeech.com.

Course Completion Timeframe:

You have unlimited time to complete our online courses. You may log off and log on as often as you’d like to in order to complete all sections of a course.

However, completion dates are based on Eastern Standard Time. Therefore, if you need your CEUs by a certain date, be sure to complete the course test before 11:59pm EST on that date. For example, if you need CEUs before January 1st, you will need to complete the course test before 11:59pm EST on December 31st.

Content Access:

Access to course materials and content does not expire, even after completing the post test. You may continue to review course material by logging into your NSS account, clicking the My Online Courses tab, and then viewing your desired course.

Certificate of Completion:

On successful completion of the post test (80%), a certificate will be immediately available for download and/or printing. This certificate will include your name, date of completion (based on Eastern Time Zone, USA/Canada), and number of contact hours (CEUs / CEEs). Please note that CEUs are awarded on the date of successful test completion, not the date of course enrollment. Please ensure that you successfully complete the post test prior to any licensure renewal dates.

ASHA CE Registry Submission:

During the enrollment process, if you select to receive ASHA credit for this course and if you provide your ASHA number, NSS will automatically submit your CEU information to the ASHA CE Registry after successful course completion (80% on post test). This submission happens once per month, during the first week of the month. For example, if you complete your course on November 7th, NSS will submit all November online course CEUs to ASHA during the first week of December. When ASHA inputs the information into their database, they will mark the course as completed on the last day of the month in which it was completed, so November 30th using this example. The certificate of completion available for you to print immediately, however, will reflect the actual completion date, November 7th in this example. Due to ASHA processing procedures please allow 2-3 weeks, from the submission date, for the course to appear on your ASHA transcript.

Purchase Orders:

Purchase orders are currently not accepted for online orders, if you wish to submit a purchase order please do so at info@northernspeech.com or fax to 888-696-9655.

What is an Online Course?

Our Online Courses consist of video, audio, and/or text content and are offered for ASHA CEUs. Unlike a webinar, which requires participants to be logged on and at a computer at specific times, our Online Courses are available to you at any time, from any device, via your NorthernSpeech.com online account. You may work at your own pace and start and stop your course as you wish. Your course will conclude with a short post test. On successful completion of the post test (>80%), a printable certificate of completion is presented to you.

Receiving CEUs:

Northern Speech is an ASHA CE Provider and our online courses are registered with ASHA and offered for ASHA CEUs. Please note that successful completion of the online post test is required prior to the awarding of CEUs. Please contact your state licensing board for acceptance policies related to CEUs earned online. Please note that courses offered for university students are not applicable for CEUs.

Registering for an online course:

You may browse all online courses by clicking the Continuing Education tab above, then Online Courses. Once you find a course, click Enroll Now, and you will be asked to either log into your existing Northern Speech account or create a new online account. Once you’ve entered your account information and provided your credit card payment, your course will be immediately available to you.

Accessing your purchased course or returning to a purchased course:

You will be able to access your online course by logging into your Northern Speech account and then clicking the My Online Courses tab on your profile screen. Click the course you would like to start or to resume. From there, proceed through the course sections until you are ready to complete the post test. You do not have to complete your course all at once. You may log on and off as you wish.

Testing requirements:

Each online course concludes with a post test consisting of multiple choice or true & false questions. Scores of 80% or greater are required for successful course completion and awarding of CEUs. You may revisit course materials and retest as needed to achieve a passing score.

Number of CEUs offered:

We offer courses from 1 to 21 contact hours. Each course will note the number of CEUs offered. Please note that 0.1 CEU = 1 contact hour = 1 CEE.

State licensing boards and online CEUs:

NSS is an ASHA CE Provider and most state licensing boards DO accept ASHA CEUs earned online (usually classified as home-study credits). Some boards do, however, place a limit to the number of CEUs that can be earned via home study/online courses. For the most current information, we suggest that you contact your licensing board or agency to verify acceptance policies and/or any CEU limits related to home-study courses prior to enrolling in an online course.

Course formats:

Our course formats include: text, audio, video, and PowerPoint with author narration. Each course will note the format on the course description page. Most courses include closed captioning.

Course handouts:

Most of our online courses provide a link to download the accompanying handout as a PDF file. 

Group discounts:

Groups of 3 or more are eligible for a 20% discount on each registration on most of our online courses. To receive this discount, registrations need to be processed together via the "Group Rates" tab on the Online Course of your choice.

Computer requirements:

For our online courses to function best, we recommend that you update your computer to include the newest version of your Internet browser (Safari, Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Internet Explorer, etc.) and newest version of your computer's operating system. Also a high-speed Internet connection is recommended (cable or DSL). Speakers or headphones will be required for many of our courses as many contain audio components.

Course Cancellation Policy:

A purchased online course can be exchanged, refunded, or transferred to another individual if contact is made with NSS (via phone or email) within 30 days of purchase and the course materials have not been viewed or downloaded. 

Special Needs:

Please click here for any special needs requests, and we will do our best to accommodate them. 

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