Happy Better Hearing, Speech, and Swallowing Month!

Being an SLP, I know how much knowledge, hard work, creativity, adaptability, and determination goes into caring for each child, teen, and adult on your caseload. I applaud and thank you, SLPs, for your passion and achievements in making this world as bright, connected, and healthy as it can be! You make this month (and every month) so much "better!"

In honor of Better Hearing, Speech, and Swallowing Month (#BHSSM), enjoy a free chapter from my book, The Habits of Happy People: 12 Important Life Lessons. Experience greater happiness with easy to understand mental strategies to change feelings of fear, guilt, and anger to feelings of excitement, contentment, and joy! 

Our heartfelt mission remains the same, to support SLPs in all settings and every situation. We are here for you to help with whatever we can today while continuing to find new solutions for tomorrow. 

Tom Slominski, MA, CCC-SLP
NSS Owner/President

The Habits of Happy People 
12 Important Life Lessons

Experience greater happiness with easy to understand mental strategies to change feelings of fear, guilt, and anger to feelings of excitement, contentment, and joy!

FREE Chapter 1: Happy people get concerned, but they do not worry excessively.

Download FREE Chapter

To learn more about this book, click here.