$49.00 USD

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0.25  ASHA CEUs

Orofacial Myology/Tongue Thrust: An Introduction With Assessment Applications #e190

Presenter: Sandra R. Holtzman, MS, CCC-SLP, COM, QOM

Learn barriers to treatment and receive instruction for improving your client's lingual, labial and mandibular coordination skills.

"Because of this course, I feel ready to start making changes to the way I have done assessments and therapy for years. Best course I have ever taken!"

– J.R., prior course participant

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This course presents an overview of the specialty area of Orofacial Myology and its relationship to the field of Speech-language Pathology. Enter the world of Orofacial Myology with Sandra R. Holtzman who for most of her career has been providing Orofacial Myology training to SLPs, dentists and medical professionals.

Learn essential and invaluable information to help you maximize your pediatric and adult clients from “Basics to Habituation.” Participants will learn which barriers interfere with successful treatment and receive instruction for improving your client's lingual, labial and mandibular coordination skills.

Discussed are the procedures involved in examining various orofacial structures and functions. Participants will also learn a detailed sequence from start to finish of the oral preparatory phase of the swallow.

Course is offered for 0.25 ASHA CEUs – 2.5 Contact Hours.

Course Overview – Run Time: 2:47:23

  • Terminology
  • Historical Perspective
  • Normal Function
  • The SLP's Role
  • The Speech - Dental Connection
  • The Speech - Myofunctional Connection
  • Examination and Evaluation
"It was all extremely relevant to my work in early intervention and now I am very excited to learn more about orofacial myology. I liked the speaker. She conveyed the information in an organized and fun manner while also displaying her years of clinical expertise."

– S.M., prior course participant

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The content of this online CE course does not focus exclusively on any specific proprietary product or service. The presenter is the author of the text, "Orofacial Myology: From Basics to Habituation" for which she receives royalties on its sale. Presenter financial and non-financial disclosures may be found in the Presenter & Disclosures area.

Video PowerPoint presentation with author narration & downloadable handout. Stop and re-start the course at any point. Learners retain access to course content after completion for ongoing reference and review.


"Oral resting postures and relationship to speech production were beneficial to discuss. I could complete the course at my own pace or when time allowed. Easy to follow." A.M. (Mar. 2025)

"Resting tongue position was a beneficial topic. The pictures and examples were helpful and the presenter has a lot of experience." A.R. (Feb. 2025)

"I liked the exercises listed that help a client learn the correct home base at the alveolar ridge, especially for those kiddos with interdental lisp. The explanation of the "home base" and how incorrect placement of the jaw, tongue or lips can affect everything speech and swallowing wise." H.E. (Feb. 2025)

"Just knowing where to start and having concrete specific exercises to put into practice makes me excited to get going with a few kids currently on my caseload that have somewhat stalled. Very straightforward!" P.F. (Feb. 2025)

"Tethered oral tissues specifically and how it pertains to "tongue thrust pattern" and a maladaptive swallow pattern. I liked the ease of access and the content. I like that it is easy to put into practice the exercises and tasks immediately." L.H. (Jan. 2025)

"Working with kids with articulation issues and needs increased understanding of articulatory movement. VERY detailed and gave so much applicable information. 10 out of 10. Would recommend." S.C. (Jan. 2025)

"Relating lingual criteria to correcting speech production was helpful. Very informative and easy to follow." M.W. (Jan. 2025)

"I liked the terminology, reviewing each oral structure and correct positioning/movement, etc. The presentation was understandable and had good slides and descriptions." S.R. (Jan. 2025)

"Orofacial Myology information and tongue resting position were beneficial to discuss. This was a good introductory course to help me make informative decisions as an SLP as well as use appropriate terminology as a professional." A.G. (Jan. 2025)

"Beneficial techniques to correct resting tongue posture and tongue placement for sound productions. Easy format to follow." B.M. (Jan. 2025)

"The exercises and tools to facilitate tongue differentiation were beneficial. The videos were extremely helpful!" S.G. (Dec. 2024)

"The steps of assessment and treatment were helpful. I liked the outlining of specific steps to guide treatment, with suggestions for variations, because "one size does not fit all"." M.K. (Dec. 2024)

"The impact of oral resting postures on articulation was beneficial to discuss. I liked the video demonstrations of techniques." G.S. (Dec. 2024)

"A helpful topic was making sure to target airways and negative oral habits first and keeping in mind that thumb sucking elimination shouldn't start until age 4 or after. I had previously been told to stop thumb sucking ASAP. I liked the videos and pictures that were used." R.J. (Dec. 2024)

"Integrating myofacial with speech remediation was beneficial. I liked the video examples." S.C. (Dec. 2024)

"All of this course was amazing. I liked everything." T.R. (Dec. 2024)

"All the information was helpful. This course helped reinforce many things I already knew and taught me some new techniques and terminology." S.P. (Dec. 2024)

"The connections between myofunctional disorders and speech production were beneficial to discuss. The information was well-organized and easy to follow. The video demonstrations were extremely helpful." D.D. (Dec. 2024)

"The steps to work through for Lingual Basics and examples of how to target these skills were beneficial. I liked the education about terminology to use and avoid." M.M. (Nov. 2024)

"OMD/OMT as it relates to speech production was a helpful topic. Practical tips to elicit correct/desired tongue movements." K.C. (Nov. 2024)

"Spot awareness methods to accomplish were beneficial. I liked the picture examples the best." K.G. (Nov. 2024)

"The exercises and treatments of ankyloglossia were beneficial. The videos and pictures of the mouth, teeth, tongue, and treatments were very helpful." L.H. (Nov. 2024)

"I found the information about negative oral habits and concrete steps for treatment to be beneficial. Concrete and easily applicable content." J.H. (Nov. 2024)

"The course was great for beginners like me to gain a general understanding of the field." C.C. (Nov. 2024)

"Loved getting to learn about the tools used for these problem areas. I had not been introduced to these prior to this course. Great breakdown of all the phases with visuals to help see various issues we may see in the therapy world." C.M. (Nov. 2024)

"I liked the explanations of oral resting posture and implications for speech." C.S. (Nov. 2024)

"Very informative! I liked the clearly outlined video examples of treatment strategies for achieving correct oral movements for speech production. The video examples helped me to understand the targeted oral movement patterns." B.Z. (Nov. 2024)

"All of the information was beneficial. I liked all the detail and ideas for testing and treatment." N.W. (Nov. 2024)

"Clear, organized presentation. How anterior resting posture makes it impossible for a student to reach independence in production of /s/ and /z/ and open lip resting posture makes it impossible for a student to habituate production of /f/ and /v/ because they will not be able to move to and from their resting posture and sound production fast enough for conversational speech. It is important to address the correct resting posture before working on sound production. I liked the illustrative photos, videos, and diagrams." A.G. (Oct. 2024)

"It was extremely useful to understand how tongue resting posture impacts a client's ability to produce speech sounds with the speed and precision required to maintain articulatory accuracy at the conversational level. It was also very useful to learn how to help clients who are failing to generalize to conversational speech even after receiving prolonged speech therapy. Each topic introduced was clearly explained, and areas for further study were mentioned to avoid confusion." A.H. (Oct. 2024)

"It was beneficial to discuss proper oral resting posture." S.K. (Oct. 2024)

"The exercises to help the patient were beneficial! Very informative and presenter was very down-to-earth and realistic. The exercises were very descriptive and included issues that she has come across in her years of doing this." L.P. (Oct. 2024)

"The habitual lingual rest posture should be one of the things I need to consider before any speech therapy session with my patients. I liked the detailed information and it was presented explicitly." T.C. (Oct. 2024)

"Connecting articulation errors to oral function was helpful. I liked that I could listen to sections again for clarity. The presenter provided a good general overview of things in an introduction course." H.W. (Oct. 2024)

"Noxious oral habits and how they relate to lisps was a beneficial topic. I enjoyed the different methods to use when looking at function and also the different props that are suggested to use when working with clients." J.Y. (Sep. 2024)

"The treatment techniques that were included in relation to orofacial myology were helpful. I found that the sippy cup video was very helpful because it is something that could be shared with parents." M.F. (Sep. 2024)

"The focus on habitual resting posture and how to assess and improve it was beneficial. The photos and videos were helpful to understand the descriptions." M.Z. (Sep. 2024)

"Normal function and structures were beneficial to discuss." J.G. (Sep. 2024)

"The proficiency testing will be something I can use with many of my patients! Seeing videos of the exercises in practice and the breadth of your knowledge were both incredibly helpful." T.A. (Sep. 2024)

"Wonderful intro to Orofacial Myology. Lots of wonderful therapy to improve proper resting posture, proper position for swallowing and speech production. I enjoyed the entire course. Sandra was an excellent presenter. Her course covered Orofacial Myology exceptionally." G.H. (Sep. 2024)

"This is the first orofacial course that I have taken and it's opened a whole new world to me. This is the tip of the iceberg in my understanding of the difference between NSOMEs and orofacial myology. The presenter was very clear and I loved that we actually received instruction in TREATMENT. Awesome course." H.K. (Sep. 2024)

"Always looking for ways to improve tongue jaw disassociation, and I will use the exercises described. The information was in-depth and very detailed. All usable information in an organized format." E.G. (Sep. 2024)

"Parents ask me about thumb sucking and drooling often so it was helpful to learn more about developmental appropriate practice and how to inform parents related to these skills as well as how to most effectively provide services. I liked the introduction to orofacial myology terminology and quick reference sheet for terms. The connection to dentition was very useful as well." K.D. (Sep. 2024)

"Discussing how resting posture impacts articulation was helpful. I enjoyed the content." V.C. (Aug. 2024)

"Exercises were helpful. I liked the in-depth breakdown of exercises to accomplish each skill." K.P. (Aug. 2024)

"Methods for working on individual criteria were helpful. The information was presented in an organized manner with good connections drawn which is the key to this specific type of treatment." R.E. (Aug. 2024)

"The importance of oral resting posture was beneficial to discuss. I liked the information to help /s/ production." A.O. (Aug. 2024)

"The necessity of correcting resting postures before speech therapy will be effective. The presenter was clear and effective." H.M. (Aug. 2024)

"Identifying/addressing oral posture and negative oral habits before targeting sound placement and production was beneficial. I liked that I can apply to my current caseload and the reminder about underlying factors negatively impacting speech." H.S. (Aug. 2024)

"Treatment considerations and strategies were helpful. I liked that I was able to take the course on my own time." M.E. (Aug. 2024)

"Discussing the importance of correct lip and tongue position for speech production was beneficial." Y.I. (Aug. 2024)

"The course was broken down very clearly." L.P. (Aug. 2024)

"Description of tongue ties was helpful. I liked the therapy for correct oral placement. Excellent handout." R.S. (Aug. 2024)

"Specific activities for assessment and treatment were helpful. Knowledgeable presenter and clear visuals. Enjoyed her sense of humor." R.C. (Jul. 2024)

"All of the information was beneficial." N.T. (Jul. 2024)

"General knowledge of the beginning stages of orofacial myology, who can benefit. The information was clear and concise. I feel like I can implement my knowledge right away." M.D. (Jul. 2024)

"I liked the videos of treatment and the treatment methods/terminology overview." D.M. (Jul. 2024)

"Treatment techniques were beneficial. I liked the video presentations." M.T. (Jun. 2024)

"Exercises to help work on areas of need mentioned in the presentation were helpful. Information was to the point and easy to follow." A.S. (Jun. 2024)

"All of the information was helpful! I loved the practical information. I can assess and know specifically what to look for." M.R. (Jun. 2024)

"Connection of OMT to general speech therapy was a helpful topic. I liked that the courses was self-paced and I could complete at any time and start and stop as needed." L.K. (Jun. 2024)

"I found the full course interesting and well presented. Best course I have taken in a long time." C.K. (Jun. 2024)

"Review of the importance of resting posture for efficient oral function/speech production. The videos were very helpful." K.G. (May. 2024)

"Exercises and strategies to improve function were beneficial. I liked the videos of patients performing exercises." R.W. (May. 2024)

"I feel Myofunctional therapy is on the rise, and this course gives me a whole new set of things to look for in my pediatric caseload. Very informative." C.P. (May. 2024)

"Knowing when to refer and the roles that fall in my scope of practice considering my level of training. I liked that this course is self-paced." S.M. (May. 2024)

"Discussing the importance of resting position of the tongue was helpful." M.H. (Apr. 2024)

"Descriptions of the Oromyo dysfunctions and the noxious habits were beneficial. I liked the oromyo facial definitions." T.H. (Apr. 2024)

"Open-mouth postures and measurement tools were helpful. I enjoyed the topic." L.H. (Apr. 2024)

"Discussing the impact of changes caused by noxious habits on speech due to reshaping palate was beneficial. I find this present in many of my students. I am very interested in Orofacial Myology and this was helpful introductory information!" N.A. (Apr. 2024)

"Very organized and clear explanation." S.K. (Apr. 2024)

"All of the course was beneficial! I enjoyed Sandra's depth and breadth of knowledge." T.C. (Mar. 2024)

"Taking into account the barriers first was helpful. I liked the topic on how to work on exercises and what to try if the client has difficulty." M.C. (Mar. 2024)

"It was helpful to discuss that thumb-sucking elimination should not be introduced under the age of four years and that was a surprise to me. The course was thorough." D.I. (Mar. 2024)

"The relationship of oral rest posture to speech production was helpful to discuss. I liked the assessment procedures overview and video inclusion of pacifier / bottle considerations." E.L. (Mar. 2024)

"Specific exercises to help with orofacial issues. The pictures and videos were very helpful. I liked that I could pause and replay the course." L.R. (Mar. 2024)

"I enjoyed the level of depth and knowledge. Beneficial discussion of the proficiency exam." J.J. (Mar. 2024)

"Lots of very interesting information. Tongue and lip movements related to speech production once resting postures had been achieved." M.W. (Mar. 2024)

"I appreciated the practical application and examples provided." M.S. (Mar. 2024)

"Clarifications of terms- especially ones that are nonspecific were beneficial." S.W. (Feb. 2024)

"I enjoyed everything ... the course was incredible. I had no idea of all the parts of the puzzle I was missing. I appreciated that the course was recorded so I could relisten to many of the slides to ensure I got what Sandra was saying." D.D. (Feb. 2024)

"The methods to accomplish the exercises were helpful. I enjoyed the video examples." S.W. (Feb. 2024)

"The techniques were beneficial." P.F. (Feb. 2024)

"I liked the theory and examples w/step-by-step instructions, criteria of passing, and some videos." M.O. (Feb. 2024)

"All of this course was beneficial." R.K. (Feb. 2024)

"The presenter showed specific exercises that need to be done before working on the /s/, which explained why children are not able to habituate their speech. I liked the videos." K.H. (Feb. 2024)

"Discussing oral resting postures and how it can impact dental eruption was beneficial. Comprehensive course with links to resources." A.S. (Feb. 2024)

"This course was a good starting point for pts with orofacial concerns. The videos/examples were helpful." L.Y. (Jan. 2024)

"The relation of resting mouth posture to speech and language development was a helpful topic. I liked the ability to watch as time permitted in my schedule." A.C. (Jan. 2024)

"Discussing tongue resting position related to sound production was beneficial. I like that I can view the course over time at my convenience." K.P. (Jan. 2024)

"It was helpful to discuss how oral resting position impacts speech and tongue tie information." M.H. (Jan. 2024)

"I have so many ideas to try now! Specific methods to elicit different tongue positions, using the Mouth Prop. I plan to order some Mouth Props very soon! The information was very specific on how to treat clients/students." M.K. (Jan. 2024)

"The course was thorough, interesting, added to my existing knowledge, and gave me a way to measure baseline skills, progress, and success." T.H. (Jan. 2024)

"Good examples, relevant to everyday practice. It was helpful to discuss oral resting posture and its relation to speech production." S.B. (Jan. 2024)

"Beneficial review of the swallow, in addition to the elimination of negative oral habits. I enjoyed how easy course was to follow along and take notes." E.S. (Jan. 2024)

"This overview provided the basic knowledge to better understand orofacial myology, especially related to the topic of negative oral habits. This was new information I had not heard before, providing greater insight into areas I can now explore." A.H. (Jan. 2024)

"Very thorough course and had specific examples for how to implement this in therapy." E.G. (Jan. 2024)

"The importance of the oral examination and looking at oral functioning was helpful. This information has been very enlightening. The oral examination, oral habits, and oral exercises were all very helpful information." K.T. (Jan. 2024)

"All of this course was beneficial. Very good explanations." A.P. (Jan. 2024)

"Very informative course. Good review of terms, especially ones that are misused often in our profession. Good review of dental occlusions and the function of the teeth. I liked the visual assistance on occlusions, tongue ties, etc." A.H. (Jan. 2024)

"I liked the updated research. Clear visual examples of oral structures." K.M. (Dec. 2023)

"As an SLP, we must know if we are asking a client to do something that he is not capable of, it is our responsibility. I was not aware of "the spot" incisive papilla's role as a starting point for speech production." M.O. (Dec. 2023)

"Beneficial discussion on oral rest posture and how it affects speech disorders. I liked the instructions provided at the end." L.G. (Dec. 2023)

"I liked the information on different types of malocclusions." C.D. (Dec. 2023)

"I liked the info about open bites." C.W. (Dec. 2023)

"The actual exercises were beneficial. Sandra's presentation was so organized and clear to understand. I loved it!" L.K. (Dec. 2023)

"This course was thorough. The sequence of exercises/targets was helpful." A.M. (Dec. 2023)

"Comprehensive presentation of relevant information in both the assessment and therapy of orofacial myology problems." E.N. (Dec. 2023)

"This course was excellent. As a provider already several years into doing orofacial myofunctional therapy, this course reinforced many things. It gave some new suggestions for vocabulary use and phrasing in reports and with parents, as well as some additional ways to implement exercises toward a goal. I plan on recommending this course to my colleagues." A.R. (Nov. 2023)

"Exercises to improve the function of oromotor structures were helpful. I enjoyed the knowledge of the presenter and the ease of access to this course." K.P. (Nov. 2023)

"Clear, organized presentation. The discussion that it is important to address the correct resting posture before working on sound production was beneficial. I enjoyed the illustrative photos, videos, and diagrams." A.G. (Nov. 2023)

"Demonstration videos were helpful, and I liked the detail in exercises." A.C. (Nov. 2023)

"The methods for corrections were helpful, and I enjoyed the visuals." L.E. (Nov. 2023)

"Explanation of practical therapy techniques." J.H. (Nov. 2023)

"Definitions of malocclusions, considerations, and mechanics of swallowing were all helpful. Ms. Holtzman is a great speaker/presenter." C.P. (Nov. 2023)

"Determination of when and how to address ankyloglossia was beneficial. I liked the organization and concise presentation of information." M.B. (Oct. 2023)

"All of this information presented was helpful and relevant. The presenter did a really good job of balancing modes (e.g. videos, powerpoint, spoken information, photos, etc.), included good stories and information to hold my attention, and set a good pace that let me follow along without my attention wandering." L.F. (Oct. 2023)

"The section on ankyloglossia, emphasis on function, and a more descriptive means of describing various ties was beneficial. I liked the ability to go at my own pace." L.C. (Oct. 2023)

"Many ideas provided for direct treatment. It was helpful to learn about methods to accomplish bowling of the tongue." S.C. (Oct. 2023)

"Learning different ways to assess tongue movement. I liked the graphics and pictures." J.C. (Oct. 2023)

"I liked the discussion of dentition and types of bites. The correlation between Orofacial Myology and speech was helpful." R.A. (Sep. 2023)

"The discussion of ankyloglossia was particularly helpful. Assessment tools are always beneficial as well." D.R. (Sep. 2023)

"I really enjoyed the refresher on malocclusions. I appreciated hearing the old terminology versus the new! I wasn't aware of some of the changes. What I learned will help me assess some of my clients and what is really going on and perhaps consider some referrals that I need to make. Great variety of ways information was presented! Loved the videos!" S.S. (Sep. 2023)

"Identification and differentiation of ankyloglossia, discussion of proper terminology, normal vs. abnormal function, and exercises that may be performed were beneficial topics. I liked the videos and pictures to help better understand normal vs abnormal and correct vs incorrect." A.K. (Sep. 2023)

"I appreciated the visuals - the pictures and videos that helped demonstrate an idea/exercise/dx." A.B. (Sep. 2023)

"I liked the specific treatment goals." C.F. (Sep. 2023)

"Specific rationale for how anatomy and physiology may impact speech production. I liked the many examples!" A.S. (Aug. 2023)

"Helpful tips for therapy. Learning how to improve my evaluation methods of students with interdental lisps and how to better recognize the impact of the oral facial muscles on speech." M.D. (Aug. 2023)

"Learning how all of this relates to articulation! Very clear video." A.G. (Aug. 2023)

"The clarification of terminology and which terms are preferred, measurements to diagnose and track progress, normal occlusion, and resting posture of the face instead of just learning about the tongue were all beneficial topics. The course was not rushed, content was easily understood, good visuals and videos." C.L. (Aug. 2023)

"Understanding habitual mandible, lingual, and labial postures' effect on oral functions. I liked that the course was recorded and can be replayed for processing of more complex information." Y.S. (Jul. 2023)

"Learning how best to teach habitual spot-finding abilities to improve resting tongue position and articulation of speech sounds." J.H. (Jul. 2023)

"Easy to follow presenter & information. Topics I already had a foundation in, but needed more direction on specific exercises. I liked the assessment & exercise portion." H.L. (Jul. 2023)

"The entire presentation was very helpful in this area of orofacial myology. The course was very practical, and the presenter gave great examples throughout the course." A.K. (Jul. 2023)

"Concise and good information. I enjoyed learning about specific things to do if a deficit is observed with lingual elevation and lateralization." A.T. (Jun. 2023)

"I liked the presenter's personality and way of explaining important information. All of it was beneficial." M.M. (Jun. 2023)

"The evaluation norms and therapy tools were beneficial. Presenter really knows her context and is able to explain clearly and easily!" D.S. (Jun. 2023)

"I liked the therapy suggestions and the medical information." S.C. (Jun. 2023)

"This course gave me good foundational knowledge of orofacial myology as it relates to speech." K.M. (Jun. 2023)

"Sandra was knowledgeable and passionate. The last half hour was the most beneficial for my practice working with preschoolers. It reminded me of topics I can bring up during initial assessments while I have the parents there." K.L. (Jun. 2023)

"I liked the practical exercises to help with more efficient tongue movement that will lead to effective speech. I appreciated the practical explanation of why the airway blockage and having a lower, forward tongue position could impact articulation and impede treatment. It solidified what I had always suspected but previously did not have the information to support." H.N. (Jun. 2023)

"This course was specific in the reason for myo, exercises, and functional assessment that I can use tomorrow. I liked the exercises in building up oral motor support and the tools that are needed to support change in function with activities." J.G. (Jun. 2023)

"Addressing tongue mobilization techniques with sounds (ta, na, da, la) was beneficial. I liked the videos." R.B. (Jun. 2023)

"Discussion on the various types of malocclusions was beneficial. I liked the tips on parental conferences." B.R. (Jun. 2023)

"I liked the discussion of each movement/task that the client should be able to complete and the steps to help them get there." M.P. (May 2023)

"Very Practical. I can use this information in my therapy next week. Descriptions of the exercises and the criteria for completion of each step were beneficial." K.S. (May 2023)

"The section on ankyloglossia was beneficial. I liked the provision of functional applications." L.R. (May 2023)

"I liked the specific exercises and client examples." B.P. (May 2023)

"Activities in therapy to improve orofacial myology. I liked the course organization." L.V. (May 2023)

"I liked the sequence of exercises to address appropriate lingual resting." M.R. (May 2023)

"Very descriptive course and gave nice examples. Appreciated the real-life pictures and videos. I liked the discussion on exercises to complete to determine spot awareness." J.H. (May 2023)

"Assessment and factors in assessing orofacial myology issues were beneficial." C.S. (May 2023)

"Learning orofacial myology connection to speech production. I liked the presenter and the content." S.P. (May 2023)

"I liked the objective measurements to set goals and measure progress. Engaging instructor with good videos for demonstration." J.F. (Apr. 2023)

"The definition of malocclusions and pictures were helpful. The handouts matched the presentation well." L.G. (Apr. 2023)

"Sections related to addressing the movements and impacts on speech production were beneficial. I liked the videos and examples." J.F. (Apr. 2023)

"I loved that she gave specific exercises to do. Her presentations are very well organized and easy to understand. Very helpful information!" K.R. (Apr. 2023)

"I am so interested in myofunctional therapy. I liked how the presenter broke things down to be understood in better detail." K.W. (Apr. 2023)

"The tongue tie assessment tools and proficiency exam were beneficial." K.M. (Apr. 2023)

"Good intro to orofacial myology, and I liked the videos." T.L. (Apr. 2023)

"Learning barriers that interfere with successful treatment. I liked everything, especially learning about the correct resting postures of tongue, lips, and mandible, and barriers to successful treatment for various speech disorders." A.C. (Mar. 2023)

"Discussion of anatomy was beneficial. I liked the ease of scheduling this course into my day." J.S. (Mar. 2023)

"Very clear and concise. Treatment exercises for correction of myo dysfunction." G.F. (Mar. 2023)

"Overview of OMD in general, specifically the noxious oral habits, was beneficial. I liked the ability to pace myself." M.P. (Mar. 2023)

"I was most interested in the discussion on resting oral postures and how they impact speech, feeding, and swallowing. I really liked that you included so many video examples, as this was so helpful." H.V. (Mar. 2023)

"Lip and tongue function baseline skills are useful in assessment. The video examples of tasks were helpful." C.M. (Mar. 2023)

"Good content. Learning barriers to speech therapy such as airway and negative oral habits." M.O. (Mar. 2023)

"Detailed explanation of the basic early exercises - spot awareness, broaden and narrow tongue, lingual-mandibular differentiation, and lingual palatal seal." D.J. (Mar. 2023)

"Explanation of the terms, negative oral habits and a clear review of the proficiency exam was beneficial. I liked the videos. Discussed the proficiency test and also showed videos of methods to accomplish them." K.S. (Mar. 2023)

"Course information was extremely detailed. Treatment strategies for individuals with abnormal orofacial myology." K.G. (Mar. 2023)

"Good treatment examples. I liked the videos and demonstrations of tools to use in therapy." D.F. (Mar. 2023)

"Practical application of therapeutic techniques." D.H. (Feb. 2023)

"Ideas for assessment and treatment of oromyofacial disorders. I liked that I could do the course at my own pace." K.P. (Feb. 2023)

"I liked the assessment information and background information. Well presented course with evidence included and resource references." C.G. (Feb. 2023)

"I liked the exercises to address specific needs in an individual, and exercises and strategies to elicit home base." L.B. (Feb. 2023)

"Treatment strategies were beneficial. I liked the use of images and videos to increase comprehension of the topics discussed." G.A. (Feb. 2023)

"All of it!! Sandra was very easy to listen to, and she thoroughly explained things. I also liked that I could stop course and write and go back to listen again." P.S. (Feb. 2023)

"The entire course was fascinating and will change my practice. Clear explanations and videos to demonstrate technique." J.H. (Jan. 2023)

"Learning the correct positions of tongue, teeth, lips. I liked the visuals and videos to support the narration." A.B. (Jan. 2023)

"All of the information presented was beneficial to my daily practice! The link between habitual resting postures and articulation in connected speech vs. structured articulation practice will change the way I deliver articulation interventions. Clarity/organization of content, a little bit of humor, ability to go at my own pace, instructive visuals." A.S. (Jan. 2023)

"Invaluable - measuring the frenum; learning the differences between overjet, overbite, crossbite. The "live" photos of structures vs drawings were so helpful." D.O. (Jan. 2023)

"I liked the functional activities that I can put into use immediately with students. The final 50 minutes of the presentation will change how I approach students and I will use the new strategies to help increase speech clarity and accurate motor planning." A.M. (Jan. 2023)

"Detailing scope of practice for Orofacial Myology and disorders it is meant to and can treat. I've been hearing of certain SLP's recommending it as a cure all and using the exercises for pretty much everything. Seems like everyone coming out of the clinic is being diagnosed with a tongue tie. I was especially taken aback when I started hearing of "posterior tongue tie." Thanks for addressing that!" X.O. (Jan. 2023)

"Practical. I liked the therapy techniques." J.D. (Jan. 2023)

"I liked the introduction to terms/definitions, the breakdown of the methods, and learning that "tongue thrust" is not an actual helpful term. I liked the video examples." S.L. (Jan. 2023)

"I learned how to complete a thorough oral motor assessment that not only includes the frenum but the function of the tongue during the swallow. I liked the videos." W.H. (Jan. 2023)

"Goals, and specific steps were beneficial. I liked the application to articulation therapy." J.C. (Jan. 2023)

"Excellent and informative presenter. Assessing tongue tie and how negative oral habits can impact articulation precision was beneficial." T.H. (Jan. 2023)

"The anatomy and related physiology was very helpful. I liked the clear cut steps to determine the problem and how to decide on a treatment approach." C.S. (Dec. 2022)

"Negative oral habits and how they relate to speech production were beneficial. Liked that I could complete course at my own pace." C.M. (Dec. 2022)

"Everything in this course was well done. It answered some questions as I was thinking about some clients that exhibit some of these characteristics." A.C. (Dec. 2022)

"Explanation of habitual resting posture and its connection to speech production was beneficial. I liked the examples, pictures and methods for treatment." K.R. (Dec. 2022)

"Baseline measurements were beneficial. Course was easy to comprehend, good for an introduction course." L.R. (Dec. 2022)

"Nice sequence between observations, testing and treatment exercises." J.A. (Dec. 2022)

"The need to address oral resting posture BEFORE articulation. I liked the videos, pictures, and illustrations." A.S. (Dec. 2022)

"The steps to follow were helpful when beginning. Starting with observing habitual resting posture before proceeding with other assessments." J.A. (Dec. 2022)

"Provides information that can be immediately used." L.S. (Dec. 2022)

"Assessment of resting postures was helpful as well as the visual charts and photos." S.S. (Nov. 2022)

"I learned that the lip and tongue resting point is just as important as teaching placement of articulation sounds. I liked the videos and specific examples." T.C. (Nov. 2022)

"The dental information/terminology and lingual basics for proficiency criteria and methods to accomplish tasks were beneficial. I liked when the presenter provided pictures and videos to demonstrate." L.K. (Nov. 2022)

"I liked the exercises and videos." B.J. (Nov. 2022)

"The specific treatment suggestions for improving lingual control post frenectomy were helpful." R.R. (Nov. 2022)

"The entire course was extremely relevant. Very organized." E.B. (Nov. 2022)

"Very informative course." B.A. (Nov. 2022)

"Very good audio quality." L.J. (Nov. 2022)

"Good overall review of anatomy and how to relate it into practice." B.S. (Nov. 2022)

"I liked the exercises and mouth props." K.M. (Nov. 2022)

"The components of how to correct a tongue thrust and the video examples were good." L.B. (Nov. 2022)

"Discussion of specific exercises to target oral movement and resting posture were helpful to learn." M.C. (Oct. 2022)

"I liked the speaker's pace and energy." R.W. (Oct. 2022)

"I found the techniques beneficial for clients with orofacial concerns. The instructor was so knowledgeable and offered slides which I found extremely helpful." M.D. (Oct. 2022)

"I enjoyed the examples and videos." L.L. (Oct. 2022)

"Great exercises and examples on how to do the exercises." K.M. (Oct. 2022)

"The discussion of obligatory errors was very interesting in the aspect of exposing the source of many common errors." D.L. (Oct. 2022)

"I found it very helpful to look at the barriers, look at resting position, and consider training oral movement or differentiation patterns PRIOR to providing training on specific sounds, such as s/z or sh/j." V.D. (Oct. 2022)

"This is a good course to include as part of my training protocol for new hires." C.L. (Oct. 2022)

"The specific exercises used at the end were very helpful. Learning what to look for in an assessment was also great!" S.N. (Sept. 2022)

"The initial introduction to this topic covered a wide enough range of ideas to allow me to research it further and hopefully take another course." C.L. (Sept. 2022)

"The presenter was very clear and concise. I learned a lot to help me feel confident in treating this client population." J.L. (Sept. 2022)

"Very detailed description of normal versus disordered and clear definitions and explanations of terms."  M.V. (Sept. 2022)

"The discussion on how to begin the process for reducing tongue thrusting in regards to evaluating structures and resting/movement of tongue posture was great!  I like the use of visuals to provide more information on what I would be looking for."  S.M. (Sept. 2022)

"The specific exercises to help improve tongue function were beneficial."  E.J. (Sept. 2022)

"The course presented very clear, concise, and applicable suggestions for assessment and intervention."  P.H. (Sept. 2022)

"The step by step elicitation techniques were good to learn."  R.B. (Sept. 2022)

"The in depth oral facial exam in order to identify incorrect postures that may likely affect speech production was good."  C.L. (Sept. 2022)

"Identifying OMDS and providing appropriate support and referrals was good information."  M.A. (Aug. 2022)

"I like how it took me through step by step the "lingual basics" and the proficiency at each step before moving on."  N.H. (Aug. 2022)

"I found the specific exercises helpful as well as the steps to address prior to initiating articulation therapy."  S.H. (Aug. 2022)

"I enjoyed the review of dental aspects relating to speech therapy, the connection between the tongue and lips resting postures as they impact speech."  B.P. (Aug. 2022)

"Wow! there was so much more than I imagined. I will use all the tips on Finding the Spot that she mentioned. I do some now but she gave so many helpful suggestions to expand upon stabilizing the tongue and mandible.  There was a lot of good and practical information. I took it because I evaluated many kindergarteners with interdental lisps at the end of last year and now I will have new eyes to look at them with as first graders."  D.M. (Aug. 2022)

"Liked how functional and relevant it is. And specific exercises to incorporate that will serve as an important foundation for articulation therapy." L.H. (Jul. 2022)

"The descriptions of the negative oral habits and the barriers to successful treatment as well as how habitual lingual and/or labial resting posture affect speech production and nasality were beneficial. I like when the presenter gave examples or showed videos of actual therapy." C.H. (Jul. 2022)

"I liked the videos and the pace and comprehensiveness of the course, and the exercises that were discussed." J.T. (Jul. 2022)

"Importance of tongue rest position related to speech production. I liked all the visuals." N.S. (Jul. 2022)

"Learning how to assess the child was helpful, and how to treat the child." J.M. (Jul. 2022)

"The whole topic was interesting as I had information from when I was a child in oral facial myology therapy, and how it has also changed since I was in college. I liked her understanding of the topic and her clarity in explaining the topic." J.D. (Jun. 2022)

"Very clear talk, and the presentation was at a good pace. I liked the whole course." J.M. (Jun. 2022)

"I liked the demonstrations and learning about how feeding can be impacted with prolonged thumb sucking or sippy cup use." C.M. (Jun. 2022)

"Learning steps to decrease tongue thrust. I liked the patient videos." M.A. (Jun. 2022)

"Great course. Gave me a lot of information that I can use for my oral motor evaluations." N.R. (Jun. 2022)

"I liked the videos and connecting the swallowing process to speech production." C.G. (Jun. 2022)

"I liked learning the importance of assessing airway concerns, negative oral habits, and resting tongue posture in my evaluation of speech and feeding with my current caseload. Understanding the impact of these factors helped me better understand how to help my patients. I really liked the question and answer format of her presentation. It felt more dynamic than presenters who read the slides." J.D. (Apr. 2022)

"The course is easy to understand given the number of pictures, diagrams, and descriptions." H.M. (Apr. 2022)

"The entire course is relevant for assessment and treatment. Clear presentation of information, pictures, and video examples." D.H. (Apr. 2022)

"The way it was presented was good – from background information to therapy techniques." K.E. (Mar. 2022)

"I found the detailed description of various tongue-ties and related disorders to be especially enlightening. I also appreciated the explicit descriptions and examples of positioning and production." S.S. (Mar. 2022)

"I liked the videos and visuals; without these it would have been hard to understand the content. Also, the specificity with some of the treatment measures." M.B. (Feb. 2022)

"Quality content and good use of example videos." V.J. (Feb. 2022)

"I liked the review of therapy orders for any child who may have concomitant issues or issues not primarily based on strictly speech sound errors, (i.e., not just /s/ errors)." J.M. (Feb. 2022)

“The presenter is knowledgeable, engaging, and clearly enjoys her work. The techniques were clearly explained.” V.P. (Jan. 2022)

"I liked treat the barriers first. Informative, video and picture examples, practical applications." C.M. (Jan. 2022)

"I liked the review of normal and disordered structures, assessment tools, treatment videos. Also the ability to stop and start, review." M.D. (Jan. 2022)

Course Objectives

  1. Describe the symptoms of an oral myofunctional disorder.
  2. List the barriers to successful treatment for various speech disorders.
  3. Describe the correct resting postures of tongue, lips, and mandible and why precise speech depends on those correct resting postures.
  4. Define baselines for masseters, mentalis and orbicularis oris musculature.
  5. Tell the importance of a correct nasal breathing pattern.
  6. Describe the procedures involved in examining various orofacial structures and functions.
  7. List the basic dental terminology used to describe normal and abnormal occlusion.

Presenter & Disclosures

Sandra R. Holtzman, MS, CCC-SLP, COM, QOM, is an ASHA certified speech-language pathologist who has specialized in orofacial myology for most of her career. She is director of Neo-Health Services, Inc., an organization that provides continuing education training and supplies related to orofacial myology. Sandra and her team developed the Qualification in Orofacial Myology (QOM) to provide this highly respected and recognized credential to professionals in speech pathology and dentistry/orthodontics. She is author of Orofacial Myology: From Basics to Habituation (aka the “Myo Manual”) as well as programs for elimination of oral habits.

Speaker Disclosures:

Financial — Sandra Holtzman is a presenter of online CE courses sponsored by Northern Speech Services; receives royalties.

Financial — Sandra Holtzman is the author of the text "Orofacial Myology: From Basics to Habituation"; receives royalties.

Financial — Sandra Holtzman is the owner of Neo-Health Services, Inc; ownership interests.

Nonfinancial — Sandra Holtzman has no relevant nonfinancial relationships to disclose.

Intended Audience / Accreditation

asha ce approved provider

This program is offered for 0.25 ASHA CEUs (Intermediate Level; Professional Area).

Intended Audience

  • Speech-Language Pathologists


Northern Speech online courses are registered with ASHA and are offered for ASHA CEUs. The number of ASHA CEUs is noted above. Note that 0.1 ASHA CEU = 1 contact hour = equals 1 CEE.

Earning ASHA CEUs and the ASHA CE Registry:

To earn CEUs from this course and have ASHA CEUs submitted to the ASHA CE Registry, course participants must satisfy each of these requirements:

  • Participants must meet the eligibility requirements to earn ASHA CEUs (see below).
  • Participants must indicate – prior to course completion – their intent for Northern Speech to submit this course to ASHA.
  • Participants must complete/view this course in its entirety.
  • Participants must complete the course post test with a minimum of 80% accuracy.
  • After successful completion of the post test and completion of the course evaluation, a certificate of course completion is presented to the participant electronically via PDF.
  • For those participants who indicated their intent for the ASHA CE Registry, course completion status will be submitted by Northern Speech to ASHA within 45 days of the course completion date.

Eligibility To Earn ASHA CEUs:

Attendees must meet at least one of the following conditions in order to be eligible to earn ASHA CEUs:

  • Current ASHA Member.
  • ASHA Certificate of Clinical Competence (CCC) Holder.
  • Licensed by a state or provincial regulatory agency to practice speech-language pathology (SLP) or audiology.
  • Credentialed by a state regulatory agency to practice SLP or audiology.
  • Credentialed by a national regulatory agency to practice SLP or audiology.
  • Engaged in a Clinical Fellowship under the supervision of an individual with their ASHA CCC.
  • Currently enrolled in a master's or doctoral program in SLP or audiology.

If an attendee is not an ASHA member or CCC holder but meets any of the above criteria, they may inform the ASHA CE Registry of their eligibility by visiting this site.

ASHA CE Registry:

During the enrollment process, if you select to receive ASHA credit for this course and if you provide your ASHA number, Northern Speech will automatically submit your CEU information to the ASHA CE Registry after successful course completion (80% on post test). This submission happens once per month, during the first week of the month. For example, if you complete your course on November 7th, Northern Speech will submit all November online course CEUs to ASHA during the first week of December. When ASHA inputs the information into their database, they will mark the course as completed on the last day of the month in which it was completed, so November 30th using this example. The certificate of completion available for you to print immediately, however, will reflect the actual completion date, November 7th in this example. Due to ASHA processing procedures please allow 2-3 weeks, from the submission date, for the course to appear on your ASHA transcript.

Licensing Boards: Most state licensing boards DO accept CEUs earned online (usually classified as home-study credits). Some state boards do, however, place a limit to the number of credits that can be earned via home study/online courses. For the most current information, we suggest that you contact your licensing board or agency to verify acceptance policies and/or any credit limits related to home-study courses prior to registering for this course.

Additional accrediting agencies by which Northern Speech is an approved CE provider:

  • California: NSS is approved as a provider of continuing education by the California Speech-Language Pathology & Audiology Board. Provider #PDP4. Online CEU limits may apply; please contact SLPAHADB for current online CEU acceptance policies.
  • Iowa: NSS is approved as a provider of continuing education by the Iowa Board of Speech Pathology and Audiology Examiners. Provider #169.
  • Kansas: NSS is approved as a provider of continuing education by the Kansas Department of Health and Environment. Provider #LTS-S0005.

Frequently Asked Questions

Customer Support: Please phone 888.337.3866 or email info@northernspeech.com.

Course Completion Timeframe:

You have unlimited time to complete our online courses. You may log off and log on as often as you’d like to in order to complete all sections of a course.

However, completion dates are based on Eastern Standard Time. Therefore, if you need your CEUs by a certain date, be sure to complete the course test before 11:59pm EST on that date. For example, if you need CEUs before January 1st, you will need to complete the course test before 11:59pm EST on December 31st.

Content Access:

Access to course materials and content does not expire, even after completing the post test. You may continue to review course material by logging into your NSS account, clicking the My Online Courses tab, and then viewing your desired course.

Certificate of Completion:

On successful completion of the post test (80%), a certificate will be immediately available for download and/or printing. This certificate will include your name, date of completion (based on Eastern Time Zone, USA/Canada), and number of contact hours (CEUs / CEEs). Please note that CEUs are awarded on the date of successful test completion, not the date of course enrollment. Please ensure that you successfully complete the post test prior to any licensure renewal dates.

ASHA CE Registry Submission:

During the enrollment process, if you select to receive ASHA credit for this course and if you provide your ASHA number, NSS will automatically submit your CEU information to the ASHA CE Registry after successful course completion (80% on post test). This submission happens once per month, during the first week of the month. For example, if you complete your course on November 7th, NSS will submit all November online course CEUs to ASHA during the first week of December. When ASHA inputs the information into their database, they will mark the course as completed on the last day of the month in which it was completed, so November 30th using this example. The certificate of completion available for you to print immediately, however, will reflect the actual completion date, November 7th in this example. Due to ASHA processing procedures please allow 2-3 weeks, from the submission date, for the course to appear on your ASHA transcript.

Purchase Orders:

Purchase orders are currently not accepted for online orders, if you wish to submit a purchase order please do so at info@northernspeech.com or fax to 888-696-9655.

What is an Online Course?

Our Online Courses consist of video, audio, and/or text content and are offered for ASHA CEUs. Unlike a webinar, which requires participants to be logged on and at a computer at specific times, our Online Courses are available to you at any time, from any device, via your NorthernSpeech.com online account. You may work at your own pace and start and stop your course as you wish. Your course will conclude with a short post test. On successful completion of the post test (>80%), a printable certificate of completion is presented to you.

Receiving CEUs:

Northern Speech is an ASHA CE Provider and our online courses are registered with ASHA and offered for ASHA CEUs. Please note that successful completion of the online post test is required prior to the awarding of CEUs. Please contact your state licensing board for acceptance policies related to CEUs earned online. Please note that courses offered for university students are not applicable for CEUs.

Registering for an online course:

You may browse all online courses by clicking the Continuing Education tab above, then Online Courses. Once you find a course, click Enroll Now, and you will be asked to either log into your existing Northern Speech account or create a new online account. Once you’ve entered your account information and provided your credit card payment, your course will be immediately available to you.

Accessing your purchased course or returning to a purchased course:

You will be able to access your online course by logging into your Northern Speech account and then clicking the My Online Courses tab on your profile screen. Click the course you would like to start or to resume. From there, proceed through the course sections until you are ready to complete the post test. You do not have to complete your course all at once. You may log on and off as you wish.

Testing requirements:

Each online course concludes with a post test consisting of multiple choice or true & false questions. Scores of 80% or greater are required for successful course completion and awarding of CEUs. You may revisit course materials and retest as needed to achieve a passing score.

Number of CEUs offered:

We offer courses from 1 to 21 contact hours. Each course will note the number of CEUs offered. Please note that 0.1 CEU = 1 contact hour = 1 CEE.

State licensing boards and online CEUs:

NSS is an ASHA CE Provider and most state licensing boards DO accept ASHA CEUs earned online (usually classified as home-study credits). Some boards do, however, place a limit to the number of CEUs that can be earned via home study/online courses. For the most current information, we suggest that you contact your licensing board or agency to verify acceptance policies and/or any CEU limits related to home-study courses prior to enrolling in an online course.

Course formats:

Our course formats include: text, audio, video, and PowerPoint with author narration. Each course will note the format on the course description page. Most courses include closed captioning.

Course handouts:

Most of our online courses provide a link to download the accompanying handout as a PDF file. 

Group discounts:

Groups of 3 or more are eligible for a 20% discount on each registration on most of our online courses. To receive this discount, registrations need to be processed together via the "Group Rates" tab on the Online Course of your choice.

Computer requirements:

For our online courses to function best, we recommend that you update your computer to include the newest version of your Internet browser (Safari, Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Internet Explorer, etc.) and newest version of your computer's operating system. Also a high-speed Internet connection is recommended (cable or DSL). Speakers or headphones will be required for many of our courses as many contain audio components.

Course Cancellation Policy:

A purchased online course can be exchanged, refunded, or transferred to another individual if contact is made with NSS (via phone or email) within 30 days of purchase and the course materials have not been viewed or downloaded. 

Special Needs:

Please click here for any special needs requests, and we will do our best to accommodate them. 

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